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Pro "Arc Map" Equivalency Ideas You Should Vote On!

08-21-2019 09:42 AM

Pro "Arc Map" Equivalency Ideas You Should Vote On!

I've been tracking these in several different places, but I figure some folks might be helped if they're looking for Pro to something that they do in Arc, and stumble across this. Comments turned off, the best feedback you can provide in response to this is a good use case in any of the ideas below that you vote on. If you think an Arc Map Equivalency Idea should be on this list, PM me. Bookmark, as I'll update this pretty often. Some of these are in Product Plan, but you may have additional user requirements that are relevant to be added to the idea before they build it. 


Fit to margins in ArcGIS Pro 

Pro: Add the Profile Graph Tool as it works in ArcMap (Profile Graph for Non-Elevation Data: May be dispute that this is fully implemented....)

ArcGIS Pro: Support Metadata 

Pro: GP Inputs should display full path to sources (as does Arc) 

Pro: Add the Magnetic Calculator tool 

Pro: Arc Hydro Tools should be listed in logical order: Bring back the toolbar! 

Pro: Allow importing schema from non GDB items....Like Arc..... 

Pro: Add Calculate Cache Size to sharing dialogue 

Pro: Attachments should display in Pop Up as in Arc 

Fix this Pro Bug: Import XML is missing schema preview 

Pro: Arrange Tables Functionality (Like Arc) 

Pro: Create 3D points along a 3D line 

Pro: Change Data Source for XY Event Layer should present geometry options (Like Arc) 

Pro: Set Portal Search Results to show correct number of items, allow same sort options as Arc, and ... 

Show tiled service layer legend in Pro 

Please add the ability to adjust the pooling (number of instances) of a service shared from the shar... 

Add Mirror Tool in Pro 

Getting “clear” option of the coordinate system available in ArcGIS Pro, 

ArcGIS Pro: Allow connection to .sde files in folders 

Show printer margins in ArcGIS Pro map layout 

Scale Legend Contents Automatically with change in size 

ArcPro: export model as image 

Print Preview in Pro 

"Copy Map to Clipboard" in ArcGIS Pro? 

Print Preview in Pro 

Stop the ArcGIS Pro table view jumping around when I calculate attributes 

See Fields while Scrolling Through Attribute Table in ArcPro 

Microsoft Access (.accdb) Support in ArcGIS Pro 

Enable ArcGIS Pro to access ESRI Personal Geodatabases 

APRX Doctor 

Only Display These Scales - in ArcGIS Pro 

X-Ray for ArcGIS Pro 

Add 'Freeze attribute column' to ArcPro 

ArcGIS Pro - Export to Illustrator 

Auto hide attribute table in ArcGIS Pro 

ArcGIS Pro - Eye Dropper Tool 

Graphics and free text in ArcGIS-Pro maps! 

Enable ArcGIS Pro to Save Without Creating a File Geodatabase 

ArcGIS Pro - Creating Project Templates without Default File Geodatabase 

Add basic find functionality to ArcGIS Pro table view! 

Hyperlink Field / Support in ArcGIS Pro 

Stop having ArcGIS Pro automatically sort attribute domains when editing 

Ability to query text field in Pro as with ArcMap 

Be able to see an entire cell in Pro attribute tables. Equivalent to ArcMap. 

Cul-de-sac tool for ArcGIS Pro 

Need Ability to Replace Data Source for Multiple Layers 

ArcGIS Pro GPS Toolbar 

Bring to Front / Send to Back for Layouts in Pro 

Implement right-click menu single-key accelerators in ArcGIS Pro 

Add "Custom Overlay Grid" to the Layout options for Grids/Graticules in ArcGIS Pro 

Reclassify Rasters in ArcGIS Pro 

Cut Polygon Tool for Pro. Equivalent to ArcMap. 

Improve Profile Graph in ArcPro - flash point on line 

ArcGIS Pro: Add universal copy & paste like in ArcGIS Desktop Catalog & Map 

Catalog View in ArcGIS Pro Identify Tool 

Allow Layout Gallery of ArcGIS Pro to have custom page sizes added to it 

Resize scale bar in ArcGIS Pro 

Port "Identify Route Locations" and "Set From/To" Linear Referencing Tools from ArcGIS 10.x to ArcGI... 

Add the 'Move to end of table' button in Pro 

Validate Join in ArcGIS Pro 

In ArcGIS PRO allow formal edit sessions for unversioned data in an enterprise GDB 

ArcGIS Pro: Option to Enable Dockable Toolbars and Menus 

ArcGIS Pro: Save Project Copy 

Add Select by Attributes Tool to Attribute Table in ArcGIS Pro 

Find - Linear Referencing Tool for ArcGIS Pro 

Let us create an alias for connected folders in ArcGIS Pro 

Add full COGO functionality to ArcGIS Pro 

Sort / Order Datasets in ArcGIS Pro Catalog Pane 

Add Map to KML/KMZ in ArcGIS Pro 

ArcGIS Pro - Add support for geometric overrides 

ArcGIS Pro: symbology for selected polygons 

For ArcGIS Pro geodatabase topology: Please allow ability to "Validate" topology directly from Catal... 

Sort Parameters in Geodatabase Administration Screen in Pro 

Geodatabase Administration Window in Pro Should be an Independent/Dockable Window 

Having built-in polygon outline styles in ArcGIS Pro 

Enhanced Magnifier window for ArcGIS Pro 

ArcGIS Pro: Add Multi - field Batch Geoprocessing ability such as in ArcGIS Desktop 

Change datasource in Pro 

Allow ArcGIS Pro Catalog Panel to delete CSV/TXT/XML files 

Allow ArcGIS Pro Catalog Panel to delete MXD's 

Add a "Change Layout" Button for ArcGIS Pro 

Add 'Freeze attribute column' to ArcPro 


Added Aug 22, 2019:

Have ArcPro's Layer to KML behave like the ArcMap Layer to KML 

State Tree Diagram for ArcPro 


Aug 23, 2019

Pro: Holes in Polygons (like Arc) 

PDF to Tiff Tool In Pro 

Bring back ArcMap style Move and Rotate tools for annotation in Pro. 

Bring back full arcpy.GetMessages() messages in ArcGIS Pro! 

Toggle Draft Mode in ArcGIS Pro 

ArcGIS Pro Topology - Inspector fix multiple  

Edit vs. selection cursors in Pro 

Place Export to CAD outputs in ArcGIS Pro into a single group in the TOC  

Create Steepest Path tool missing in ArcGIS Pro 

Custom Dimension Feature Class Properties in ArcGIS Pro 

Bring Edit Button from Desktop to Pro 

Allow Attribute Table to be Docked with Other Windows in Pro 

The disappearance of the raster catalog in ArcGIS Pro 

Insert of Office Objects (word-documents, pdf, ...) in ArcGIS Pro 

Add decimal places to Degrees Minutes Seconds Display Units in ArcGIS Pro 

August 27, 2019

Keep Pro table view the same when selecting rows 

ArcGIS Pro support for importing and exporting traverse files 

Designating Items In Legend Columns 

Support for Geometric Networks in Pro 

Don't Add .z Automatically When Exporting an XML Workspace 

Folders in XY Coordinate System Favorites! 

Caching “Suggestion” option is not available in ArcPro 2.4.1 


September 8, 2019

Degrade ArcGIS Pro Annotation for ArcMap 

Add the ability to move multiple annotations in Pro without losing the anchor point for annotation l... 

Lock labels in ArcPro 


October 1, 2019

ArcGIS Pro: Show existing joins and relates in Joins and Relates Context Menu 


October 8, 2019

Need absolute path names in Pro 

Add "pan to the current feature and flash it" to ArcGIS Pro. 

ArcGIS PRO Cursor Identify tolerance 

Add Viewfield Angle parameter and View Settings window to ArcGIS Pro (ArcMap Equivalency) 

Graphic Element Edit Vertices Enhancement 

ArcGIS Pro Help should start showing version numbers (e.g. 1.0-2.1.2) 




Could be an Equivalency Idea? I throw a lot of ideas, would like to see other folks get some ideas going. I'll up vote them!

Make Feature Layer ArcGIS Pro - change field names 

Added Aug 22, 2019

Manage Sql Server Express 


November 27, 2019

Highly Noticeable Flash 

ArcGIS Pro: 2.4.2: “add user” tool is not available when right clicking the database connection, 

ArcPro 2.4.2: The “enable geodatabase” tool is not available on the right click of the geodatabase, 

ArcPro 2.4.1: “Delete” tool when right clicking a service is not available, 

Support for Neatlines in Pro 


December 10, 2019

Pro: Ctrl+Click/drag to duplicate text/object  


December 16, 2019

ArcGIS Pro : Apply Color scheme on selected symbols 

Make Measure Tool Dialog Box Movable 

ArcGIS Pro Text Edit & Alt Codes  


January 7, 2020

For ArcGIS Pro Raster Symbology enable "lock" statistics from custom view extend to apply for the wh... 

OSM-Extension for ArcGIS Pro 


January 9, 2020

Access All Editing Tabs When Editing Multiple Symbols 


January 10, 2020

Increase scroll bar width in ArcGIS Pro 

Improving Attribute Table Manipulation in PRO 

PRO Save Function Equivalency with ArcMap (not sure this is a clear equivalency issue....)

Add Zoom to XY & Allow Re-positioning to be Saved 

ArcGIS Pro needs Match Symbols to Style 

Add back to ArcPro the ability to step through vertices when editing 

Enable full ArcMap-style multi-part annotation editing capability in ArcGIS Pro 


January 24, 2020

Pro Catalog: Sort by Feature Geometry (e.g. Point, Line, Poly, Table) 

Add Additional Details in Catalog View in ArcGIS PRO Looks like this one's not going to be implemented)


January 28, 2020

ArcGIS Pro Overwrite Vector and Map Image Services 

Multi-attribute symbology in Pro 


February 6, 2020

ArcGIS Pro copy symbology from layer 


February 20, 2020

Allow ArcGIS Pro Catalog pane/view to cut/copy/paste whole folders 

ArcGIS Pro: 2.4.2: Why the aprx file doesn’t appear in the catalog, 


February 24, 2020

How to remove GP History 

Middle mouse button should always have same functionality (panning) 

Overwrite ArcGIS Server Print Geoprocessing Service from Pro 

ArcGIS Pro - Enable time on WMS Layer 

Drawing Tablet toolbar and compatibility in Arcgis Pro 

ArcGIS Pro Pop Up column width not adjustable 


May 11, 2020

Bring back "Intermediate Data" Option on Modelbuilder 


July 10, 2020

Improve what ArcGIS Pro Catalog View shows 

March 10 2021

Catalog File Type Options in Pro

Add Overview Map to ArcGIS Pro like ArcMap has. ArcMap Equivalence

Add Page Up/Page Down/Page Left/Page Right navigation commands

Find and replace with nothing in Pro attribute table

ArcGIS Pro Topology Editing tool names and workflow are confusing in ArcGIS Pro compared to ArcMap.

Recreate Click-to-Label Function in Pro Which Exists in ArcMap

Provide a way to disconnect database connections from ArcGIS Pro

Buffer Wizard Equivalency in ArcGIS Pro

Show count of "all other values" in Symbology Pane but do not show in legend

Compare Replica Schema Geoprocessing Tool In ArcGIS Pro

Map Series view tab in Map View

Icons for custom geoprocessing tools - ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro License Error Handling

Classic Traverse Grid Option in Pro

Pause Auto-Commit During Traverse in Pro





Or, Enhancements you can attach your organization to: 

  • ENH-000111322 [Enhancement] Pro should all users to sort items in browse dialogs and content panes by file size.
  • ENH-000109735 [Enhancement] Column "Date" of ArcGIS Pro, does not show information for the enterprise geodatabase.
  • ENH-000105378 [Enhancement] Add Adobe Illustrator (AI) format for layout exports in ArcGIS Pro
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Eye Dropper is in 2.7


Create an eye Dropper tool in >ArcGIS Pro

Occasional Contributor II

I totally love this, a ton of those links have become hidden/archived; I think it may be time for a spring cleaning as it were.

Esri Community Moderator

Yeah, most ideas that are hidden/archived are because they were marked Implemented before the migration to the new Esri Community platform. We didn't feel they needed to stay open since they served their purpose - they were submitted, voted on, prioritized and included in ArcGIS Pro. 

Version history
Last update:
‎03-10-2021 06:26 AM
Updated by: