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Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Resource List (updated 5/13/2018)

03-09-2016 11:11 AM
MVP Emeritus
106 80 124K

Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List

This blog...last update: 5/13/2018  

Sorry....a bit behind right now(May)....  WAB Dev 2.8 available

5/13/2018 new widgets.   (iPad not behaving for editing...look at link for three widgets) 

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers      interesting that the date says JUNE 2018 (??)

Just looking for the custom widget list? =>  /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2017/03/04/web-appbuilder-the-custom-widgets-list-332017 

The Resource list (this blog) will continue to be the main location for announcements, including any new widgets and updates, etc., as well as having direct links to the other topics.

Version 2.7 released   (January 2018)

-->  Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS v2.7 Developer Edition Now Available!! | ArcGIS Blog 

-->  Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers     included link for download

-->  What is Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS?—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | ArcGIS 

-->  What’s New in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (December 2017) | ArcGIS Blog 

-->  About release versions—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers 

-->  What's new in version 2.7—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers 

-->  New 1/22/18  Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Developer Edition v2.7 enhancements  

This blog...latest updates:    


Current version:

My other WAB related blog posts:

Table of Contents/Categories (sorry no hyperlinks)  ---- updating.....:

  • Quick links/Notes

    • Current Version info

  • Pinned pages
  • Latest News and updates
  • Creating your own customer widgets..... moved to new blog
  • Mix-ins..... moved to new blog
  • Custom widgets and tweaks    ...moved to new blog
  •    ....


Quick Links/Notes:   


      Current version of WAB (v2.6 - Q3 2017  )


      Pinned pages/links: 

      Latest Updates: (note: I try to list "What's New" here, so you know whether it is worth checking for changes.)

      CMV is built on top of the Esri JavaScript API so you can use your ArcGIS Server REST resources directly without using webmaps or portal. Services at ArcGIS Online and many other external services can be used as well.

      CMV includes numerous widgets available including a very robust layerControl (TOC) widget. If you prefer to use the WAB LayerList widget, you could do that too. With the upcoming version of CMV, you can use widgets created for the WebApp Builder without changing any code - either those that are included with WAB or those that developers have put together. I have created a github repo with a number of examples using WAB widgets here

      WAB items on the Ideas page ArcGIS distrintion between Online and Developer

      and implemented because of it )  ...Ideas implemented in the ArcGIS Online release (June 2016) | ArcGIS Blog

      filtered list of implemented items: ArcGIS Ideas

      Per Kelly Gerrow  ...

      The documentation has been updated to reflect the changes. In the blog, there are links to the ideas. On each idea, you will find a response that includes a link in the documentation that refers to the new functionality.


      Portal specific links and documents (testing Portal 10.5 now (March 2017)...these are older links for reference):  ...expect this to move to new blog

      Other discussions and widgets will be added as time allows.  Thanks to all that provide the widgets and coding tips.


      Please remember, custom widgets are created and provided by the generosity of the

      other users in the community, like you. Most have real jobs too. So, be patient and

      appreciative for the tools and advice they provide.



      MVP Emeritus

      Tthanks Cecilio. Glad it is helpful!​

      Regular Contributor

      Hello Rebecca,

      Thank you for your reply. I wanted to explore a little more before I wrote back.

      My map services are public and are viewable outside the Portal when encased in Portal for ArcGIS's Configurable Apps or WebApp Builder and shared, however viewing is limited to my organization's domain (i.e. not accessible by the general public).  Furthermore, I noticed that the Web AppBuilder Developer Edition 1.1. referenced all web maps that were solely made up of Map Notes (and the ESRI Basemap) but no map service.

      Rather than bog myself down trying to find out why this was happening, I decided to try the Local Layer Custom Widget as you suggested. I got it up an running using GitHub and your instructions. It worked like a charm! My map services were accepted and so far my WebApp is running smoothly. As soon as I am done customizing the WebApp, I will deploy it on our web server (following Tapas's instructions on deploying a WebApp on a webserver).

      Having said all that, I have a two questions. 1. How can I change symbology (size, color) of my layers in the WebApp? I can find no options to do this. 2. Must the command prompt startup always be running in the background for the Web AppBuilder Developer Edition 1.1. to work? Isn't there a way around this?


      Frequent Contributor

      Just a quick comment - when working with the Local Layer widget in the 1.2 developer edition, you'll want to modify the PDF to read this for the file location to modify the config file for it to recognize in the WAB:





      MVP Emeritus

      Thanks Daniel.  I'll make a note to update it tonight.  I appreciate any corrections or tips other have to offer, since I obviously can't catch them all....or at least not right away. 

      New Contributor

      Anyone have any experience with using "the Intern" testing tool to unit test custom web app builder widgets? Or other tools they recommend for unit testing that have been implemented successfully?


      MVP Emeritus

      Hi Jeremy, I'm not familiar with "the Intern" testing tool, but you might want to post as a question in Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets​ to get a larger audience response.  If you find out something, I'll add a link on this list, but questions in this comment area don't usually get responses (unless it is a request to me specifically).

      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Rebecca,

      Just wanted to thank you for the awesome job you are doing by maintaining your Customization Resource List Blog.

      I read your blog every morning to see what is new for the Web AppBuilder. This has become an invaluable resource for the Web AppBuilder Community.

      Derek Law presented a Web AppBuilder Technical Session at the ESRI Southwest User Conference last week in Phoenix.


      He pointed out the growing popularity of the Web AppBuilder. There are over 81,000 web apps built using this tool.


      Derek acknowledged your hard work and presented a slide with a link to your Customization Resource List. You have made this the Central Clearing House for everything related to the Web AppBuilder!


      Derek showed a slide stating that WAB version 2.0 (Beta) with 3D capabilities will be released in a few weeks.


      Hope to catch up with you at the ESRI Dev Summit in March.

      MVP Emeritus

      Hi Tapas, thanks for the info and sharing the slides. It's nice to know the post is getting used.      You've been quiet on geonet lately. Hopefully you will update your detailed docs (with graphics) if necessary for the new release. 

      See you at the Dev Summit!

      Deactivated User

      About widget ("i" icon) :  I want to click on "i" icon picture so that automatically get the pdf file. I don't have any examples.  I don't know how to create that using javascript or jquery. Please help me to solve the problem.

      MVP Emeritus

      Srisubrahmanya ,

      I suggest posting your question to the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS​   and tagging the Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets​  site (in the body of your question).  You will get more views and responses in those places then here. 

      [I would have "branched" your question, but not sure how I can do that from this page]

      Frequent Contributor

      Is anyone working on getting their widgets to work with the new 4.0 API (which in my understanding would work with the 3D functionality)?

      MVP Emeritus

      Not that I am aware of, (or that I have seen...but bit behind in my geonet inbox) since the 2D is still using the older JS API.  I don't think Robert Scheitlin, GISP​  is working with 3D, since like me, it's flashy, but not necessary for work purposes at this time. I'm paraphrasing, so please correctly me if I am wrong Robert.

      MVP Emeritus


        Is correct. I am not currently working on any 3D additions to my widgets. But when WAB 2D starts using JS API 4.0 then all my code will be ported over to JS API 4.0.

      Frequent Contributor


      You are amongst the top 3 GeoNet MVP Award Recipients of 2016.

      GeoNet MVPs 2.JPG

      Your hard work and dedication in maintaining the Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List was mentioned by Derek, Moxie, and Julie in every Web AppBuilder session at UC 2016.

      Your blog is the first thing I read every morning to find what is new with the Web AppBuilder.

      Thanks a million for your continuous contributions. I would not be able to do my job without your Master List.

      Hope to see you again at the ESRI Dev Summit in March!

      MVP Emeritus

      Thanks Tapas.  It was go is to see you and be at the UC fir a couple days.

      fyi for you and anyone else reading this....I'm  hoping to work on cleaning up the formatting on the list since its getting rather long and looking unmanaged.  Much of the editing is done on the iPad (like this note) which works, but not ideal.  Just a heads up. I  will continue to update here...or post/forward to new URL if I need to change format to a geonet "document" instead if the blog post.  More editing/updating options in a document v's a blog post I believe.

      Frequent Contributor

      I just wanted to point out that for Larry Stout widgets, you stated above that "Some of these were uploaded #WebAppBuilder for #ArcGIS - Custom widgets directory    and those download links still work."  Actually, none of them can be downloaded since they are all point to the same location that is no longer available.

      Thank you for all your hard work to keep us all informed.

      MVP Emeritus

      Thanks for letting me know that Lefteris.  I thought I could get them last time I tried.  If I ever get permission to repost/upload them, I will.  I downloaded them way back, but do not think any of us should post them without permission.  I will see if I can contact Larry direct (I don't think he is on geonet as much for his new job).

      MVP Regular Contributor

      He does still have a github account. 

      I am not sure the one you are looking for is here 

      LarryStout / Repositories · GitHub 

      MVP Emeritus

      Thanks.  I added the link to the list.

      Frequent Contributor

      Thanks. Unfortunately, the WelWhatDisHelpAbout widget is not in github.

      MVP Emeritus

      I heard back from Larry and will try to get what I have organized and loaded.  It may be this weekend before I can get to that point, and I may check with timothy_hales-esristaff‌ to see if replacing the links on Larry's pages with an uploaded .zip is an option. (may need Timothy's admin rights)

      Frequent Contributor

      Throwing my hat into the ring here, I altered the Google Analytics web app builder widget for more granular control of map events, and layer-level logging based on visibility changes via the LayerList widget (essentially tracking how users interact with individual map layers....

      GitHub - crackernutter/esri-wab-widget-google-analytics: A google analytics widget & template for us... 

      MVP Emeritus

      Thanks Jay.  I've added it to the resource list.

      For you and anyone else that is interested, I've created another new blog   (name may change...suggestions?)


      and copied the links to the widgets from the bottom of this blog over to the new page.  I've already been trying to separate out the training resources and the tips for customizing from this list into separate blogs, thinking that would make it a little easier to find the actual widgets...but I have too many announcements, including new and updates widgets.  So, even thought I haven't removed the yet, I most likely will at some point.

      This blog, i.e. the /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2016/03/09/web-appbuilder-developer-edition-customization-resource-list?sr=search...‌ will continue to be the main landing page with the latest info re: updates, etc.

      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Rebecca Strauch, GISP‌,

      I have an old version of the WAB and want to install the newest version. I unzipped the folder and ran the startup batch file. Then, I entered the portal URL as requested but I am getting a 400 error message. Is there any documentation on how to make a successful install? After I am able to install it, I will upgrade the apps. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

      Deactivated User

      I must be doing something very "DUH". I can not get the LocalLayer 2.5 widget to show up in WAB 2.5!! I have been using the WAB and the great and fantastic LocalLayer Widget for may past versions and have not had any real problems. I put everything where it says it needs to be in the installation document and still cant get it to show up. I started from scratch multiple time and even re-downloaded the install files. All of Roberts uprgaded toe 2.5 widgets work great!! Any suggestions?

      MVP Emeritus

      I'm actually starting fresh with 2.5 and started looking at the new local layer widget again myself.  I see your other thread 

      and will be interested too.  That is probably a better place to follow up on it.

      MVP Emeritus

      EcarrerasCOH   Sorry, I just noticed your post in the blog comments.  Hopefully you were able to resolve the issues, but just to let you know, I posted a suggestion yesterday (10/10/2017 see blog above) for an issue I was having.  It was actually a security setting (allowed domains) in ArcGIS Online that was causing my issue.

      Deactivated User

      So Far its a no go. I am stumped..... Guess its back to ver 2.3

      Deactivated User

      I still haven't found a solution. Trying a new install on a different PC.

      by Anonymous User
      Not applicable

      Rebecca Strauch, GISP‌ I added the Help document Read Me for my site here Kevin's Custom WAB Widgets 

      I cover many of the out of the box widgets, in both Launchpad and Foldable theme. The interfaces have not changed much in the past year so I hope this might be helpful for others here.  You can download my manual in Word doc format and modify it and hopefully it will save people some time writing up the basic out of the box widgets. I also created YouTube videos. Many of them are for out of the box widgets and may be helpful or serve as a basis videos you want to create. Free to download and modify.  Looking forward to seeing everyone again this year!

      I also added a file on my WebApp Builder 2.12 repo documenting the customization I have added like moving popups, custom CSS and icons, layer list mods, etc. I will continue to organize and improve this guide (and put in references to relevant threads here)

      About the Author
      Worked with GIS for 30+ years for the Alaska Dept of Fish and Game.