With the python posted below, I have it attached to a model
Which has a parameter
Which runs successfully. I'm also able to successfully publish it as a GP Service.
Here's my first problem: Despite having a "Parameter", none is available to the Widget?
Second problem. When I execute the tool, I get this hungous url. What'd I really like is just the file name as a hyperlink to the full URL. Out of the box, the export web map (print to PDF) GP Tool does this nicely, why can't I make this work with this?
try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET except: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import arcpy, sys, traceback from arcpy import env import time, os from subprocess import call unicode = str OutName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) fms = arcpy.FieldMappings() fms.addTable("\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\RESTON FISH.sde\\FISH.DBO.FISH_BARRIERS") FLD_STATION_NAME = arcpy.FieldMap() FLD_STREAMNAME = arcpy.FieldMap() FLD_EDITDATE = arcpy.FieldMap() FLD_STATION_NAME.addInputField("\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\RESTON FISH.sde\\FISH.DBO.FISH_BARRIERS", "STATION_NAME") STATION_NAME_MAP = FLD_STATION_NAME.outputField STATION_NAME_MAP.name = "Name" FLD_STATION_NAME.outputField = STATION_NAME_MAP fms.addFieldMap(FLD_STATION_NAME) FLD_STREAMNAME.addInputField("\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\RESTON FISH.sde\\FISH.DBO.FISH_BARRIERS", "STREAMNAME") STREAMNAME_MAP = FLD_STREAMNAME.outputField STREAMNAME_MAP.name = "Descript" FLD_STREAMNAME.outputField = STREAMNAME_MAP fms.addFieldMap(FLD_STREAMNAME) FLD_EDITDATE.addInputField("\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\RESTON FISH.sde\\FISH.DBO.FISH_BARRIERS", "EDITDATE") EDITDATE_MAP = FLD_EDITDATE.outputField EDITDATE_MAP.name = "DateTimeS" EDITDATE_MAP.type = "Text" FLD_EDITDATE.outputField = EDITDATE_MAP fms.addFieldMap(FLD_EDITDATE) arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion("\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\RESTON FISH.sde\\FISH.DBO.FISH_BARRIERS", "\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\", "FISH_BARRIERS.shp", "", fms) gpx = ET.Element("gpx", xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1", xalan="http://xml.apache.org/xalan", xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", creator="Esri", version="1.1") def prettify(elem): """Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element. """ from xml.dom import minidom rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ") def featuresToGPX(inputFC, outGPX, zerodate, pretty): ''' This is called by the __main__ if run from a tool or at the command line ''' descInput = arcpy.Describe(inputFC) if descInput.spatialReference.factoryCode != 4326: arcpy.AddWarning("Input data is not projected in WGS84," " features were reprojected on the fly to create the GPX.") generatePointsFromFeatures(inputFC , descInput, zerodate) # Write the output GPX file try: if pretty: gpxFile = open(outGPX, "w") gpxFile.write(prettify(gpx)) else: gpxFile = open(outGPX, "wb") ET.ElementTree(gpx).write(gpxFile, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) except TypeError as e: arcpy.AddError("Error serializing GPX into the file.") finally: gpxFile.close() def generatePointsFromFeatures(inputFC, descInput, zerodate=False): def attHelper(row): # helper function to get/set field attributes for output gpx file pnt = row[1].getPart() valuesDict["PNTX"] = str(pnt.X) valuesDict["PNTY"] = str(pnt.Y) Z = pnt.Z if descInput.hasZ else None if Z or ("ELEVATION" in cursorFields): valuesDict["ELEVATION"] = str(Z) if Z else str(row[fieldNameDict["ELEVATION"]]) else: valuesDict["ELEVATION"] = str(0) valuesDict["NAME"] = row[fieldNameDict["NAME"]] if "NAME" in fields else " " valuesDict["DESCRIPT"] = row[fieldNameDict["DESCRIPT"]] if "DESCRIPT" in fields else " " if "DATETIMES" in fields: row_time = row[fieldNameDict["DATETIMES"]] formatted_time = row_time if row_time else " " elif zerodate and "DATETIMES" not in fields: formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(0)) else: formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(0)) if zerodate else " " valuesDict["DATETIMES"] = formatted_time return #-------------end helper function----------------- def getValuesFromFC(inputFC, cursorFields ): previousPartNum = 0 startTrack = True # Loop through all features and parts with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inputFC, cursorFields, spatial_reference="4326", explode_to_points=True) as searchCur: for row in searchCur: if descInput.shapeType == "Polyline": for part in row: newPart = False if not row[0] == previousPartNum or startTrack is True: startTrack = False newPart = True previousPartNum = row[0] attHelper(row) yield "trk", newPart elif descInput.shapeType == "Multipoint" or descInput.shapeType == "Point": # check to see if data was original GPX with "Type" of "TRKPT" or "WPT" trkType = row[fieldNameDict["TYPE"]].upper() if "TYPE" in fields else None attHelper(row) if trkType == "TRKPT": newPart = False if previousPartNum == 0: newPart = True previousPartNum = 1 yield "trk", newPart else: yield "wpt", None # ---------end get values function------------- # Get list of available fields fields = [f.name.upper() for f in arcpy.ListFields(inputFC)] valuesDict = {"ELEVATION": 0, "NAME": "", "DESCRIPT": "", "DATETIMES": "", "TYPE": "", "PNTX": 0, "PNTY": 0} fieldNameDict = {"ELEVATION": 0, "NAME": 1, "DESCRIPT": 2, "DATETIMES": 3, "TYPE": 4, "PNTX": 5, "PNTY": 6} cursorFields = ["OID@", "SHAPE@"] for key, item in valuesDict.items(): if key in fields: fieldNameDict[key] = len(cursorFields) # assign current index cursorFields.append(key) # build up list of fields for cursor else: fieldNameDict[key] = None for index, gpxValues in enumerate(getValuesFromFC(inputFC, cursorFields)): if gpxValues[0] == "wpt": wpt = ET.SubElement(gpx, 'wpt', {'lon':valuesDict["PNTX"], 'lat':valuesDict["PNTY"]}) wptEle = ET.SubElement(wpt, "ele") wptEle.text = valuesDict["ELEVATION"] wptTime = ET.SubElement(wpt, "time") wptTime.text = valuesDict["DATETIMES"] wptName = ET.SubElement(wpt, "name") wptName.text = valuesDict["NAME"] wptDesc = ET.SubElement(wpt, "desc") wptDesc.text = valuesDict["DESCRIPT"] else: #TRKS if gpxValues[1]: # Elements for the start of a new track trk = ET.SubElement(gpx, "trk") trkName = ET.SubElement(trk, "name") trkName.text = valuesDict["NAME"] trkDesc = ET.SubElement(trk, "desc") trkDesc.text = valuesDict["DESCRIPT"] trkSeg = ET.SubElement(trk, "trkseg") trkPt = ET.SubElement(trkSeg, "trkpt", {'lon':valuesDict["PNTX"], 'lat':valuesDict["PNTY"]}) trkPtEle = ET.SubElement(trkPt, "ele") trkPtEle.text = valuesDict["ELEVATION"] trkPtTime = ET.SubElement(trkPt, "time") trkPtTime.text = valuesDict["DATETIMES"] if __name__ == "__main__": ''' Gather tool inputs and pass them to featuresToGPX ''' '''OutName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) ''' inputFC = "\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\FISH_BARRIERS.shp" outGPX = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, OutName) zerodate = "#" pretty = "#" featuresToGPX(inputFC, outGPX, zerodate, pretty) arcpy.Delete_management("\\\\someserver\DATASTORE\GP\\FISH_BARRIERS.shp")
Solved! Go to Solution.
Maybe I am missing something here but it looks like you only have a output parameter and no input parameters so what are you missing in the GP widget UI that you are expecting to see? The second part of the long url link this is the default behavior of the widget and to modify that you will have to scour the code and find where the html anchor element is created in the widgets results and assign a different string instead of the complete url.
Maybe I am missing something here but it looks like you only have a output parameter and no input parameters so what are you missing in the GP widget UI that you are expecting to see? The second part of the long url link this is the default behavior of the widget and to modify that you will have to scour the code and find where the html anchor element is created in the widgets results and assign a different string instead of the complete url.
Yup. That was the trick. By attaching this to a WAB GP Widget, and editing line 55 of resultRendererManger.js as such:
text = '<a target="_blank" href="' + value.value.url + '">Get My Data</a>';
I'm able to do this:
Hello everybody!
I don't know if I should post it here or open a new one, but my demand is similar, although I believe that what I'm wanting is what Thomas was getting in the beginning!
I created a python script in ArcGis Pro 3.1 where the final result is a Report from a Survey record.
In this script I programmed message sending at the beginning and end of processing.
I tested it on the desktop and it worked perfectly, I published it in Enterprise 10.9.1 and configured a geoprocess widget in an application with the web app builder and it also works, showing the processing start message in the "output" tab.
But, when finished, all information is erased and the screen is empty, not informing the user that processing has finished.
I was also unable to get a message with the name of the generated file and a link to it at the end of processing.
Where is the error? What to do?