08:00 AM
Hi Michael, BUG-000150723 was resolved for the case where features were disappearing after split in a named branch version. Here is the repro case for this bug which I am no longer able to reproduce in 3.0.6, 3.1.3, 3.2: Polygon Branch Versioned Feature Layer (Version must be the non default version) Load in the a Branch Versioned Polygon Feature Class into Pro Select a feature on the map and run the split tool from the editing tool bar to split the polygon Reselect the polygon and run another split on it. Notice in the attribute table that it will say 3 features are selected, but only two are visible in the attribute table. We did work in 3.2 to resolve this issue and installed those same fixes in the 3.0.6 and 3.1.3 updates. I am no longer able to reproduce the behavior as described in the repro case. Likewise, in my testing I could not reproduce BUG-000151169 when testing with 3.0.6, 3.1.3, or 3.2. Here is the repro case I received for BUG-000151169: In the editing menu, select the "Split" tool Select the polygon, perform a split operation. This is successful. We'll call the created features polygon #1 and polygon #2. Without de-selecting anything, perform a 2nd split operation on polygon #2. This fails with an error message: "Splitting features failed. ERROR: Unable to complete operation. Unable to perform applyEdits operation. Error: A polygon cut operation could not classify all parts of the polygon as left or right of the cutting line." Press escape, discard edits, clear all selections. In the editing menu, select the "Split" tool. Select polygon #2 and attempt the "Split" operation. This succeeds, but not in the way intended. BUG: The result "cuts" or "removes" part of the polygon (it disappears) instead of performing a split. I recently marked this issue as non-reproducible because I could not reproduce with any of our supported/patched software. Can you please work with Technical Support to get a bug logged with the behavior you are seeing as it appears to be slightly different than these two bugs? This will be the easiest way for my team to get the appropriate repro case for this. Unfortunately the error message "Error: A polygon cut operation could not classify all parts of the polygon as left or right of the cutting line" can arise in many scenarios and seems to be causing multiple issues to be convolved.
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07:26 AM
@MichaelJimenez you need to escape the quotes. I came across this looking for answers when I ran into the same issue so I assume you have moved on. Since the outstatistics parameter is JSON not just a simple string you need to escape the quotes in the outstatistics JSON that is passed in. This is the code I wrote for my case. # Set variables before execution
lName = "TestLayer" #layer name from contents pane
statField = 'TextField255' #field to get statistics from
whereClause = '1=1' #optional where clause
import arcpy
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer
gis = GIS("home")
url = arcpy.Describe(lName).catalogPath
layer = FeatureLayer(url)
hClause = "Count({}) > 1".format(statField)
queryResult = layer.query(where=whereClause, groupByFieldsForStatistics=statField, havingClause=hClause, outStatistics="[{\"statisticType\":\"count\",\"onStatisticField\":\"%s\",\"outStatisticFieldName\":\"NonUniqueCount\"}]" % (statField))
queryResult.sdf[['TextField255', 'NonUniqueCount']] Note that I was using this inside of Pro so I have a mix of arcpy and arcgis api for python in my example. Hope this helps you or someone else reading this later.
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05:02 AM
@LindsayRaabe_FPCWAHave you seen this doc: My understanding is that you cannot set this property, rather it will be true if the following conditions are met. 1. you need to be running Truncate as owner (publisher) of the feature layer or a portal administrator to be able to truncate 2. the layer cannot have sync or change tracking enabled. 3. the layer cannot have relationships with other layers 4. the layer cannot be a view layer or be a hosted layer that other view layers are created off of. I am trying to get confirmation on my statements above to make sure I am correct.
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01:21 PM
@LindsayRaabe_FPCWA I am happy to report that this should be a lot faster in Pro 3.1. We are now grouping edits into fewer round trips to the feature service so it should work a lot faster especially in cases where you are deleting a lot of data. This is for both Delete Rows and Delete Features tools. We have also made some server side changes that allow us to put more edits into each ApplyEdits request we send to the feature service (Asynchronous ApplyEdits and ApplyEdits with UploadID) . Look for these server side changes in Enterprise 11.1 and the next (summer update) to ArcGIS Online.
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12:48 PM
This error maps to one of the following: FDO_E_DATASET_CANNOT_RENAME "Cannot rename the dataset with objects already open." CADASTRAL_E_CONTAINS_COMPRESSEDDATA "No license available." WMSCONN_E_MISSING_URL "URL is missing." NETWORKLOADER_E_INVALID_FIELD_NAME "An invalid field name was specified." E_TEMPMETAFILE "Cannot create temporary metafile." Hope this helps.
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10:29 AM
Hi David, As you state the behavior you are describing is expected. The intention of using the source spatial reference in Pro is to avoid adding overhead (aka reprojection) to query requests by default. We report the actual (source) spatial reference of the data which means users are more informed when reprojection is occurring. This is especially informative when multiple layers are published from different spatial references. You are correct that this is a difference in the way Pro handles the spatial reference when compared to ArcMap. Pro will treat feature layers (from feature or map services) as individual datasets rather than as maps. This means that the published map spatial reference is not used by default instead we use the source spatial reference as you describe. Are you able to set the spatial reference of the published map after adding these layers? If you do this, you can set the Pro map's spatial reference to your desired GDA2020 and the transformations you authored should be used. You can do this after adding the data to the map or you can set your Map and Scene properties such that GDA2020 is the default rather than using the 'first operational layer'.
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06:54 AM
Hi Molly, Can you try setting the spatial reference of the map in Pro to a few different options (Web Mercator for example) to see if any other spatial references will allow the the layers display?
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09:41 AM
Hi @AndersVolue do you have any code I could use to try to reproduce this error message with my own data?
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09:05 AM
Hi @MichaelSnook Are you looking for geo-database replication or standard database replication? It would be helpful for us to make sure we are understanding what you are looking for. Would you be able to contact me via PM? I have some more follow up questions about your workflows that I would like to ask you in order to get a better understanding of your constraints.
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05:09 PM
Hello, Multi-column unique value renderers are not supported in ArcGIS Online, I suspect that this may be the crux of the problem. If you publish with a single unique value renderer from Pro do you get the expected results? Perhaps an Arcade expression for symbolizing your data may work instead of the multi-column renderer?
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06:01 AM
Hi Bart, Can you explain a bit more about what you would like to do with this API. I don't think we have anything at the moment but would like to understand your use case a bit better. Thanks, Russell
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11:56 AM
@LindsayRaabe_FPCWA The Truncate tool operates at the data source level (geodatabase feature class or feature service layer) not at the layer level such as feature layers created in Pro maps or geoprocessing workflows. As such it will delete all rows not just a subset defined by a feature layer.
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06:15 AM
Hi @LindsayRaabe_FPCWA At the next (Autumn/Winter 2021) release of Pro the Truncate tool will be available to you when working with AGOL hosted services AND you are connected as a portal admin or service owner. We are also looking to make the improvements you request for deleting features/rows in upcoming releases but this likely will not make it into the software until the release after next (approx. Spring/Summer 2022 at the earliest). As a sort of 'hack/workaround' you can use the button to enable undo on the Delete Rows tool. This should execute very quickly because it is first done on the client (Pro). When you then you click save, this is when we will send edits to the server. Doing it this way will result in fewer edit requests to the server which should speed up the deletion. We have some doc on this delayed editing behavior here: but you would sort of have to read between the lines to figure this out on your and how it might benefit in these sorts of situations. Hope this helps. Russell
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12:44 PM
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