Hi I have been trying to connect to ArcGIS Enterprise in ArcGIS Maps for Power BI, but I am always getting a message that is an invalid url. I am using the format: as specified in the documentation but not success. Is there additional configuration needed to link ArcGIS Enterprise with Power BI?. I am running ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 with SAML. Thanks, Andres
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02:29 PM
I have the same problem, and it seems to be a problem with ArcGIS PRO 2.7. I'm using 2.7.1. I also have another machine with 2.6.3 and the WFS displays without any problems there. If I bring the project to ArcGIS PRO 2.7 the WFS is not shown in the map. If I try to add it, only can get a stand-alone table. It does not happen with all WFS though, only some of them. Is there any solution for this problem?.
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07:12 PM
Hi @NicolasKLEIN and @FinnianO_Connor Were you able to fix that problem?. I am experiencing the same issue. Thanks, Andres
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05:06 PM
Hi @KevinProst1 Don't know if you have come across with this video, but here you can see how to link a polygon from Collector with the form in Survey123 (approx. time 29:30) Andres
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09:46 PM
They never worked for me when working with ArcGIS PRO templates. I'm still using ArcMap templates because I did not have that problem with them. I had also a support case and the ESRI Consultant sent me the link to use python to solve the problem which I had already tested without success. The links below: Print secure web services using Arcpy Web AppBuilder Printing with Secured Map Service
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04:05 PM
Thanks Tanu for the update. It seems we can upgrade now to 10.8.1. Andres
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06:39 PM
Hi Christoforos Katsaounis Is there any light about fixing the bug?. We were going to upgrade from 10.7 to 10.8.1, but an ESRI Consultant informed us about the bug, so we stopped the upgrade until knowing if there is a solution in the short term. Thanks for any info about this topic. Andres
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05:45 PM
Thanks Jonathan. Finally, we solved the problem rebuilding the Index following this Technical Article suggested by ESRI Suport How To: Rebuild the index for Portal for ArcGIS 10.6.1 . We are running Portal 10.7. After rebuilding the Index, the numbers matched, and all the web services that were created and were available in ArcGIS Server showed up in Portal. Regards, Andres
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10:44 PM
Hi All Could you fix the problem?. We have a similar issue after IT applied a security patch for Windows. The Portal is not updating or showing up new created web services (I can see them in ArcGIS Server) or updating Users or Groups. Users still can see the items, web maps and apps. We are getting the same messages: The index service seems to be unavaliable. Please check the index service. The portal has been initialized and configured but is not accessible. The internal portal database does not appear to be running or accepting connections. Restart the portal machine or machines and if the problem persists, contact Esri technical support (U.S.) or your distributor (customers outside the U.S.). We run the Reindex in the Portal Admin Directory but didn't fix the problem after checking that the numbers were not matching. The numbers are not matching after running ReIndex. We haven't rebuild the Index replacing the Folders waiting for ESRI Support answers. Not sure is this will create further issues. We also have the same errors with Postgres and Portal in the Windows Event Logger as described by Mwalimu Karanja. Is there any solution found for this issue?. Regards, Andres
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08:29 PM
Arcade allows you to use FutureSets and Filter function to match data from a Feature Layer and a related table with a common field, and use the results to populate a pop-up. Several examples of these functionality have been posted, like this one done by Xander Bakker: Using FeatureSetBy functions in Arcade to drill-down to other layers and tables. In the previous example, the result is a list of values that are used to populate the pop-up. In this other example, Pump up Your Pop-ups With Arcade FeatureSets and the Living Atlas by Lisa Berry, the result of an Arcade expression is used to create a diagram in the pop-up. However, in that example the result is a single number. Although is possible to get an array or FeatureSet using Arcade expressions, when the result is a FeatureSet or an Array is not possible to use them in the pop-up media to create a Chart (such a Bar chart, Line chart, etc.) because they do not become available in the inputs for building the chart (as an expression) when adding a pop-up media. Would be nice to have this possibility, because will leverage far more options to display data in pop-ups.
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05:15 PM
Arcade allows you to use FutureSets and Filter function to match data from a Feature Layer and a related table with a common field, and use the results to populate a pop-up. Several examples of these functionality have been posted, like this one done by Xander Bakker: Using FeatureSetBy functions in Arcade to drill-down to other layers and tables. In the previous example, the result is a list of values that are used to populate the pop-up. In this other example, Pump up Your Pop-ups With Arcade FeatureSets and the Living Atlas by Lisa Berry, the result of an Arcade expression is used to create a diagram in the pop-up. However, in that example the result is a single number. Although is possible to get an array or FeatureSet using Arcade expressions, when the result is a FeatureSet or an Array is not possible to use them in the pop-up media to create a Chart (such a Bar chart, Line chart, etc.) because they do not become available in the inputs for building the chart (as an expression) when adding a pop-up media. Would be nice to have this possibility, because will leverage far more options to display data in pop-ups.
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05:15 PM
Thanks for you answer Xander Bakker. Would be nice to have that functionality in the future!!.
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04:42 PM
Hi All I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I am trying to use a similar approach that have been suggested by Xander Bakker to use the Filter function to get an array to use later in a chart. I have a hosted Feature Layer (Points) with the location of some wells. And I have an additional Table which has the "well" field (string field) in common with the hosted feature layer. From this table I was looking to pull out a couple of fields (oil production and date) to produce a Chart and add this chart to the Pop-up. The code in Arcade that I have is this one (from one previous post): // first read out the well field of the Well layer
var well_name = $feature.well;
// access the table Monthly Production
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($map,"FL_SA_PEPS_DATA - MonthlyProduction");
// create a sql expression to query on well
var sql = "well = '" + well_name + "'";
// filter the table using the sql expression
var related_data = Filter(tbl, sql);
// count the resulting records
var cnt = Count(related_data);
// initiate a variable to hold the result
var result = "Related records: " + cnt;;
// check if there are related records found for the current ID
if (cnt > 0) {
// loop through related records
for (var row in related_data) {
// read some data and create the line you want
//add the line to the result
result += TextFormatting.NewLine + row.oil__m3_;
// return the result
return result; With that code, I am able to get the list of dates or oil production and display those in the pop-up as text. Is it possible to use this as an array or sort of field to use them for the chart creation?. I can't see the result as an input for the chart. I tried with this variant from other post: // initiate a variable to hold the result
var result = 0;
// check if there are related records found for the current ID
if (cnt > 0) {
// loop through related records
for (var row in related_data) {
//add the line to the result
result += row.oil__m3_;
In this case, I got a single number, which then I can see as an input to create the chart, but is only a single number and not an array or table. Not sure what approach should I do?. Is something possible to do?. I am working in Portal for ArcGIS 10.7. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Andres
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04:42 PM
Hi Jonathan I solved the problem calculating a new field with the categories I wanted to use, but using code blocks within the Python Script.
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04:25 PM
Hi All I have a feature class that I have symbolized using Arcade combining two fields to create different symbols; something like this: var code = $feature.FIELD1 var state = $feature.FIELD2 if (code == '0' && state == 'Unknown' || code == '1' && state == 'State 1' || code == '1' && state == 'State 2') { return 'Symbol 1'; } else if (code == '2' && state == 'Unknown' || code == '2' && state == 'State 2' || code == '2' && state == 'State 3') { return 'Symbol 2'; } else { return 'Symbol 3'; } This works fine, I have done it for 20 categories. When I publish this layer as a Web Layer using "Sharing\Share as a Web Layer" in ArcGIS PRO the service is published keeping the symbology (the ARCADE expression is kept and transferred into the Portal). The service definition file (.sd) is also created without any problem and published into the Portal. If I want to do the same using a python script to automate the process the python shell gives me some warnings: WARNING 002893: Analyzer warnings were encountered ([{"code":"24041","message":"Layer does not have a feature template set","object":"MY LAYER"}]. It publishes the web service, but I only get an unique point symbol (the Arcade symbology get lost in the process). If I define the symbology, in Portal using Arcade, when I try to overwrite the web services, also using a python script the symbology change to an unique symbol (as I was expecting, because it seems the service definition file is not recognizing the Arcade expression when using python). The code that I am using is something like this: import arcpy import os from arcgis.gis import GIS arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # Sign in to portal arcpy.SignInToPortal('My portal', 'MyUserName', 'MyPassword') # Set output file names outdir = "My folder" service = "Service_name" sddraft_filename = service + ".sddraft" sddraft_output_filename = os.path.join(outdir, sddraft_filename) print (sddraft_output_filename) # Reference map to publish aprx ="path with my project.aprx") print (aprx) for maps in aprx.listMaps("My map"): print (," map read from my project") for lyr in maps.listLayers("MY LAYER"): print (," layer read from my project") # Create FeatureSharingDraft and set service properties print ("Creating Sharing Draft...") sharing_draft = maps.getWebLayerSharingDraft("HOSTING_SERVER", "FEATURE", service) sharing_draft.summary = "My summary" sharing_draft.tags = "My tags" sharing_draft.description = "My description" sharing_draft.credits = "My credits" sharing_draft.useLimitations = "My use limitations" sharing_draft.portalFolder = "The Portal folder name" # Create Service Definition Draft file print ("Exporting Service Definition Draft File...") sharing_draft.exportToSDDraft(sddraft_output_filename) # Stage Service print ("Staging service...") sd_filename = service + ".sd" sd_output_filename = os.path.join(outdir, sd_filename) print (sd_output_filename) print("Creating ",sd_filename), arcpy.StageService_server(sddraft_output_filename, sd_output_filename) print (arcpy.GetMessages()) # Publish to server print("Uploading Service Definition...") # Set local variables inServer = "HOSTING_SERVER" # Execute UploadServiceDefinition arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server(in_sd_file=sd_output_filename, in_server=inServer, in_service_name=service, in_cluster="default", in_folder_type="EXISTING", in_folder="The Portal folder name", in_startupType="STARTED", in_override="OVERRIDE_DEFINITION", in_my_contents="SHARE_ONLINE", in_public="PRIVATE", in_organization="NO_SHARE_ORGANIZATION", in_groups="Groups that I want to share with") print("Successfully Uploaded service.") Is there a limitation for the function to transfer the Arcade expression when using arcpy?. Or Am I missing something in the process?. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Andres
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07:24 PM
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