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Tips and helpful links for adding a user control in a Silverlight Showcase application

10-01-2010 04:20 AM
by Anonymous User
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With the introduction of Web APIs and their rising popularity among the users, a number of template-based applications have been brought into our Code Gallery, namely the Sample Flex Viewer (for ArcGIS API for Flex), the Sample JavaScript Viewer, and the Silverlight Showcase application. These templates make it easy for users to extend the application and add new features in the form of plug-and-play tools. For the Sample Flex Viewer, we have widgets, and then there are dijits for Sample JavaScript Viewer. Similarly, we can bring tools into a Silverlight Showcase application as custom user controls. The Silverlight Showcase application is also available as a template in Visual Studio. Please see the following ArcGIS Web help topic for more information: Getting Started with Templates.

A new sample has been uploaded to the ArcGIS Web site that brings in the Driving Directions sample from our Resource Center into the Esri Showcase Map application. The following link describes how to integrate the Driving Directions sample into the Esri Showcase Map application: Adding Driving Directions samples to the Esri Showcase Map Application.

By using a similar workflow, you can integrate other samples into a Silverlight Showcase application that are also available with the ArcGIS Resource Center - ArcGIS API for Microsoft Silverlight/WPF.

I hope that the information and links provided above help you gain a better understanding of adding a user control in a Silverlight Showcase application and that you can seamlessly plug in other samples from the Resource Center into the template application.

- Kripa J., Esri Support Analyst - SDK group, Esri Support Services