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(383 Posts)
New Contributor III

When I create new case of Technical support in My Esri, an e-mail comes with informations about my case number (and other informations). Unfortunately, there is only a name of technical support local company and case number in subject of e-mail instead of the subject I wrote in My Esri. So, with more technical suport cases opened at one time, I get very quickly lost in my e-mail message box.

Please, write the subject of case in subject of automaticaly generated technical support e-mails.

Thank you

(Ps: Maybe this happens only in case of the first automaticaly sent e-mail message, informing about case number and what's the toppic.)

1 1 1,249
New Contributor III

When I get e-mail notification / reply from technical support, there is no information about communication history. Would it be possible to attach thread history into e-mail body?

It's difficult to remember all the history of the thread. Login to My Esri needed and much of clicing to get all the information to understand and reply back. (Even if there are no pictures saved in My Esri TS thread, which were sent in e-mail body previously. => It's needed to keep all single e-mail messages one-by-one in Outlook history to get all informations which were sent during history, searching them, go through, ...)

Thank you



1 1 1,064
New Contributor III

It would be easier to communicate with technical support when possible to insert pictures directly in the message window - like in e-mail. (It is difficult to prepare pictures, numbers in their names, write references to attachements and so on.)

History of my e-mail communication with technical support is written in My Esri TS case history, but there are no pictures from these e-mails neither. Would it be possible to get them into the text, like they came to technical support in the e-mail message?

Thank you

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