Your Ideas in the September 2021 ArcGIS Online Update

10-06-2021 06:32 PM
by Anonymous User
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With the ArcGIS Online update on September 21, the team incorporated a number of ArcGIS Ideas. Check out the list below for the details. 

ArcGIS Dashboards

For dashboard elements with export-enabled ArcGIS Online hosted feature layers as their data source, you can now enable signed-in users to download a CSV of the source data. If the element is filtered, for example by a category selector, the filter is respected when downloading the source data. For elements that summarize the source data (e.g. a pie chart), the end user is given an option to download the source or summarized data. 




ArcGIS Experience Builder 

At the September 2021 update, ArcGIS Experience Builder enabled zooming the map to filtered results through a configured action, and added Edit (beta) and Search widgets. These three new features were requested in ArcGIS Ideas and are demonstrated in the GIF below. For everything else added to Experience Builder at the update, be sure to check out the What's New documentation




Scene Viewer

One of the features added to Scene Viewer at the September update is the capability to add OGC WFS layers. Add the WFS layer to ArcGIS Online via the Add Item workflow, and then you'll be able to add the item in Scene Viewer. The other new features in Scene Viewer are described in the What's New documentation





Map Viewer

At the September 2021 update, it is now possible to configure pop-ups, labels, and styles on OGC WFS, WMS, and WMTS layers. The What's New in Map Viewer blog provides a complete rundown of new features in Map Viewer at the September update, including Effects




Groups and Home Page

Groups have been enhanced to enable configuring featured content. This content will display in the Overview tab instead of recently added content. When you add the group to your Home Page as a content block, there is now a setting to only show the featured content. 




For a comprehensive look at the September 2021 ArcGIS Online update, check out the What's New Blog, Video, and Documentation. Thanks for submitting your ideas, and be sure to continue submitting your feature requests in line with the Submission Guidelines to ArcGIS Ideas