The solution was to put the Zero part of the expression before the Odd/Even. Here are the final expressions: Left Parity TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: Parity_L ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: IIF([FromAddr_L] = 0 AND [ToAddr_L] = 0, "Z", IIF([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0 AND [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0, "E", IIF([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1 AND [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1, "O", "B"))) Right Parity TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: Parity_R ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo (expressions tried): IIF([FromAddr_R] = 0 AND [ToAddr_R] = 0, "Z", IIF([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0 AND [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0, "E", IIF([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1 AND [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1, "O", "B")))
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07:12 AM
Update to the original post The following expressions work for all cases except for zeros which results in (E)ven. The ValueInfo lines are 168 characters each. Left Parity TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: Parity_L ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: IIF([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0 AND [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0, "E", IIF([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1 AND [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1, "O", IIF([FromAddr_L] = 0 AND [ToAddr_L] = 0, "Z", "B"))) Right Parity TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: Parity_R ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo (expressions tried): IIF([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0 AND [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0, "E", IIF([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1 AND [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1, "O", IIF([FromAddr_R] = 0 AND [ToAddr_R] = 0, "Z", "B"))) I have tried a few variations to get the zeros to work but haven't found one yet that is less than 255 characters. The following two were tested but failed and each is 253 characters in length: IIF(([FromAddr_L] > 0 AND [FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0) AND ([ToAddr_L] > 0 AND [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0), "E", IIF([FromAddr_L] > 0 AND [FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1) AND ([ToAddr_L] > 0 AND [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1), "O", IIF([FromAddr_L] = 0 AND [ToAddr_L] = 0, "Z", "B") IIF(([FromAddr_R] > 0 AND [FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0) AND ([ToAddr_R] > 0 AND [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0), "E", IIF([FromAddr_R] > 0 AND [FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1) AND ([ToAddr_R] > 0 AND [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1), "O", IIF([FromAddr_R] = 0 AND [ToAddr_R] = 0, "Z", "B") Suggestions?
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01:03 PM
@JeffSilberberg, our organization is still using ArcMap with the Attribute Assistant add-in until we can convert to ArcGIS Pro. Until then, we are stuck with VBScript and unable to use Arcade. I'm familiar with the NENA best practices and just need help with the InStr operator for this function. Thanks.
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04:47 AM
@JoshSaad1 , we have to use ArcGIS Desktop's Attribute Assistant add-in for now and it does not use Arcade, it only uses VBScript. I will keep your solution in mind for when we switch to Pro.
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12:59 PM
I am trying to parse values for my NENA NextGen 9-1-1 street name fields by using the VBScript InStr operator. For example, if the original street name field contains a USPS Publication 28 Street Suffix the expression should be able to find that prefix/suffix in the name and put it in the Pre-Type or Post-Type field, find any pre- or post-separators, and then remove the suffix and separators from the Street Name field . Here's what I have so far, although I do not get results with the Pre-Type ValueInfo expressions I have listed. I'm unsure if this is a problem with the InStr operator itself because a similar expression using Left does work. Original Road Name Fields and Values ROADNAME: Old US Highway 41A NENA Road Name Fields and (Expected) Values St_PreMod : Old St_PreDir: <Null> St_PreTyp: United States Highway St_Name: 41 St_PosType: <Null> St_PosDir: <Null> St_PosMod: Alternate I will list the following lines in the Attribute Assistant in order of their Rule Weights so they go in order: Street Name (This works) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_Name ValueMethod: FIELD ValueInfo: ROADNAME RuleWeight: 985 Comments: Copies the ROADNAME to NENA St_Name Street Post-Modifier (This works) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_PosMod ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: IIF(InStr([St_Name], "41A"), "Alternate", [St_PosMod]) RuleWeight: 984 Comments: If the St_Name contains 41A, set the St_PosMod to Alternate Street Pre-Modifier (This works) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_PreMod ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: IIF(Left([St_Name], 4) = "Old ", "Old", "<Null>") RuleWeight: 983 Comments: If the St_Name starts with Old + a space, set the St_PreMod to Old Street Pre-Type (Neither method works) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_PreTyp ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: IIF(InStr([St_Name], "US Highway "), "United States Highway", "") IIF(InStr([St_Name], "US Highway "), "United States Highway", [St_PreTyp]) RuleWeight: 983 Comments: If the St_Name starts with the NENA type, set the St_PreTyp to that value Street Name (This works) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_Name ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: TRIM(Replace([St_Name], "Old ", "")) RuleWeight: 982 Comments: Replace the equivalent NENA pre- or post-type in the St_Name with nothing Street Name (This works) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_Name ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: TRIM(Replace([St_Name], "US Highway ", "")) RuleWeight: 982 Comments: Replace the equivalent NENA pre- or post-type in the St_Name with nothing Street Name (This works) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_Name ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: TRIM(Replace([St_Name], "41A", "41")) RuleWeight: 981 Comments: Replace 41A with 41. NENA Road Name Fields and (Resultant) Values St_PreMod : Old St_PreDir: <Null> St_PreTyp: <Null> St_Name: 41 St_PosType: <Null> St_PosDir: <Null> St_PosMod: Alternate It looks like the InStr operator fails. This is not the only situation I have this problem. We have Spanish streets names that need their pre-types and separators parsed as well. What is odd is that I have two identical expressions that have different results: Street Pre-Type (Different Results) TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: St_PreTyp ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo: IIF([St_Name] = "Via Del Mar", "del", "<NULL>") Does not work IIF([St_Name] = "Vista Del Rio", "del", "<NULL>") This works RuleWeight: 983 Comments: If the St_Name starts with the NENA type, set the St_PreTyp to that value The InStr operator is inconsistent buts tends to not work the way I have them coded. Any help is welcome. Thank you.
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12:56 PM
I am trying to calculate values for my NENA NextGen 9-1-1 parity fields by using the VBScript MOD operator. The results should be (E)ven, (O)dd, (Z)ero, or (B)oth. Here's what I have so far, although I do not get results with the ValueInfo expressions I have listed. I'm unsure if this is a problem with the parentheses or the MOD operator itself. Left Parity TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: Parity_L ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo (expressions tried): IIF([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0 and [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0, "E", IIF([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1 and [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1, "O", IIF([FromAddr_L] = 0 and [ToAddr_L] = 0, "Z", "B"))) IIF(([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0 and [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 0), "E", IIF(([FromAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1 and [ToAddr_L] MOD 2 = 1), "O", IIF(([FromAddr_L] = 0 and [ToAddr_L] = 0), "Z", "B"))) Right Parity TableName: MasterStreetName FieldName: Parity_R ValueMethod: EXPRESSION ValueInfo (expressions tried): IIF([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0 and [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0, "E", IIF([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1 and [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1, "O", IIF([FromAddr_R] = 0 and ToAddr_R] = 0, "Z", "B"))) IIF(([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0 and [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 0), "E", IIF(([FromAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1 and [ToAddr_R] MOD 2 = 1), "O", IIF(([FromAddr_R] = 0 and ToAddr_R] = 0), "Z", "B"))) Any help is welcome. Thank you.
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11:26 AM
Disable the extension Delete it from the Add-In Manager Close ArcCatalog Download and install the new add-in version Open ArcCatalog Enable the extension
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06:21 AM
Thank you for the dictionary solution to this common issue, Xander Bakker. I have a similar question for parsing road names along with their suffixes and translating them to MSAG values. Interstates, County Roads, and State Roads follow a different pattern to our normal street names: def translateNAME(streetName, dirSuf):
dctSTREETNAME = {"Interstate ": "I", "US Highway": "", " US Highway": "", "Martin Luther King Jr": "Dr King", "Saint": "St", "County Road ": "", "State Road ": ""}
for findSTREETNAME, replaceMSAGNAME in dctSTREETNAME.items():
if 'Interstate' in streetName and 'N' in dirSuf:
streetName = streetName.replace(findSTREETNAME, replaceMSAGNAME) + ' Northbound'
elif 'Interstate' in streetName and 'S' in dirSuf:
streetName = streetName.replace(findSTREETNAME, replaceMSAGNAME) + ' Southbound'
elif 'Interstate' in streetName and 'E' in dirSuf:
streetName = streetName.replace(findSTREETNAME, replaceMSAGNAME) + ' Eastbound'
elif 'Interstate' in streetName and 'W' in dirSuf:
streetName = streetName.replace(findSTREETNAME, replaceMSAGNAME) + ' Westbound'
elif 'County Road' in streetName or 'State Road' in streetName:
streetName = streetName.replace(findSTREETNAME, replaceMSAGNAME) + ' Hw'
streetName = streetName.replace(findSTREETNAME, replaceMSAGNAME)
return streetName.strip() When I run this script the normal streets are correct, but I get repeating concatenations for the others. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
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11:21 AM
Problem: The current version (2018.1.17) of the Attribute Assistant's Create Linked Record value method does not allow the field being monitored for changes to only trigger on a specific value, instead any change to that field creates a new record. Solution: Allow the trigger field being monitored for changes to look for a specific value, such as the capability in the Copy Features value method. Michael Miller attribute assistant
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06:38 AM
Two years later and this is not a reality. My staff cannot migrate platforms until ALL the tools they currently use with Attribute Assistant and Address Management work perfectly in Pro. Attribute Manager was supposed to be a Phase 1 solution when I saw it on a slide in Palm Springs in 2016...
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04:32 AM
I know this is an old thread, but the other option is to set the default value in the Create Features template for the RoadCenterline (MUNILEFT = "Douglas County" and MUNIRIGHT = "Douglas County") and for the SiteAddressPoint (MUNICIPALITY = "Douglas County"). Any street centerline or address point falling outside of the municipal boundary will get the assigned default values instead.
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06:51 AM
Michael Miller Mike, The validation windows can still be confusing if they don't inform the user about which fields are the source and which are the destination, in fact they may look identical in some instances. Even as the DynamicValue table editor, I get confused when I have to validate values on Road Centerlines for the new segment's information, the "from" street info, and the "to' street info. In all three cases the validation window (with your new addition) would show: Select a valid value to store for RoadCenterline: FULLNAME,MUNICIPALITY,STCODE Ideally, the validation window would tell you which table's fields are being updated and what the source table and fields are as well. Template - Fields from DynamicValue table in <> Validating <TABLENAME> (<FIELDNAME>), select valid value(s) from <VALUEINFO> Example 1 - New road segment with "from" and "to" street validations Validating RoadCenterline (FULLNAME,MUNI1,STCODE), select valid value(s) from MasterStreetName|FULLNAME,MUNICIPALITY,STCODE Validating RoadCenterline (FRSTNM,MUNI2,FRSTNBR), select valid value(s) from MasterStreetName|FULLNAME,MUNICIPALITY,STCODE Validating RoadCenterline (TOSTNM,MUNI3,TOSTNBR), select valid value(s) from MasterStreetName|FULLNAME,MUNICIPALITY,STCODE Example 2 - Creating or updating Nodes on street intersections Validating Nodes (FULLNAME1,MUNI1,STCODE1), select valid value(s) from MasterStreetName|FULLNAME,MUNICIPALITY,STCODE Validating Nodes (FULLNAME2,MUNI2,STCODE2), select valid value(s) from MasterStreetName|FULLNAME,MUNICIPALITY,STCODE I hope I'm making sense.
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10:55 AM
I like it. That will help clarify what table the verification is for. Thanks!
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08:19 AM
Joe Borgione, thanks for the help. Organization 1 will house the parent and Organization 2 will replicate from it. We will increase the GenerateID numbers on one side to so that duplication does not occur.
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04:46 AM
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