There was an enhancement listed as a solution... but I have not seen any changes to ArcGIS Pro to allow us to change that symbology
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07:27 AM
Yes... here is what tech support is telling me. This was submitted on 5/28/24 Coordinate Conversion Widget , when configuring the widget, specifically the Address within Output settings. the widget doesn't give you the option to choose what field the Address should be based at and instead it chooses an address field the client didn't want and he wanted to replace the chosen field with another address field same as ArcGIS Pro locater settings Same behavior is occurring at Experience Builder Developer edition Resolution: ENH-000165819: Selectable Output address locator field for Reverse Geocoding in ArcGIS Experience Builder ENH-000159032: In Experience Builder, the Coordinate Conversion widget uses the World Geocoding Service as a point locator only, without being able to be used as an address locator. Clone of 03628282
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06:43 AM
Hi Shengdi, I thought I had checked there...but maybe I didn't. Who knows. I left out a key piece of information in that we were using the developers edition. The most current version of Developers Edition does have this setting as well. Thanks!
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03:57 AM
In the print widget for Experience Builder, please consider adding the width and height values as configurable settings that we can change. Currently, the default settings are Width = 800 and Height = 1100 for the MAP ONLY option. This makes sense that it produces a portrait printout...but the reality is if we want to print MAP ONLY then we probably want to see what's on our screen. Most people have their screen oriented in a landscape view not portrait. So, allowing us to change the default settings would be very helpful.
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05:00 AM
I think it is...but the results are the same with ESRI's world Geocoder also. Pick any roadway that has a long stretch with nothing on it. If you select that section of road you will get the road range for the odd or even side of the road depending on which side you click on. If you're close to a house then you get that address. Mine works like the ESRI world locator only I do not have address points in it... so I never get those results. I'm working through ESRI tech support to see if there is something I'm missing or if there is some missed functionality. I'll try try and update this post once I hear back from Tech Support
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09:51 AM
Hi Suba, I'm sorry I think I confused you here. Yes, if I use esri's address locator I do get a value similar to what you show. However, that's because esri locators must use address points as part of the geocoder. If you go to a roadway with few houses and if you get far enough away from those houses you will get the address range from the roadway. In the example I have, I was using our own address locator that is based off roads. I have no need to create an address locator from the address points... I already have them in the map The point I'm trying to make with this post is that tool should be used for people to find an address at any point along the roadway. Pro does this....that's what is displayed on the address field and not the match address. Hopefully that clarified things a little better.
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03:38 PM
I like many of the Enhancements that have come out in the last version of Experience Builder on AGOL. It's a bit overdue as I feel we're really behind the curve on getting this running considering WAB will be leaving soon. The one feature I liked was the Coordinate Conversion Tool... more specifically the Add Point. This allowed me to effectively do a reverse geocode... which was similar to Robert Scheitlin's enhanced locate widget. Unfortunately, I think this tool is off a little. Here is a picture of the WAB Reverse Geocoder - It shows the calculated address at the point where you click on the map. Here is a picture of the reverse geocoder in ArcGIS Pro - Notice the Match Address vs the Address field that is output from the Address Locator. Here is a picture of what the EXB Reverse Geocoder outputs - Notice on the right side under address it gives the Match Address and not the actual address. So, my idea or enhancement here is that there needs to be a configuration here to allow this tool to use the address field. If a configuration is not possible then this tool needs to be changed to read the Address field rather than the Match Address. If I wanted to find out the range of a road segment... either odd or even then I would create a popup to do this for me and have the use click on the street segment.
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04:49 AM
I see this question was answered... but at this time I have the same I'll ask the same question again. We're using ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and today we realized that the default symbology for our parcels layer in SDE is set to my configuration. This also includes my popup configuration as well. I see some advantages to this. It keeps everyone looking at the same layer the same way. It also helps the casual GIS user pull in the popup configuration without having to do much work. However, it has some serious problems. The field that we used to symbolize out parcel file is called PARCEL_TYPE. The field name is 11 characters long. So, when I export this layer as a shapefile it brings along the symbology and popup configuration only to have the PARCEL_TYPE field truncated to PARCEL_TYP in the shapefile. This causes the symbology to be broken as well as the popup information for that field to be broken. So, my questions is the same as the original. How do I change the default symbology of a layer in SDE with ArcGIS Pro 2.9?
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12:08 PM
Thanks for the response. I posted this 7 years ago when ArcGIS Pro was first coming out. I think this was actually a bug in the early releases of the software. I should have posted something confirming it was resolved, but I forgot I even posted this. Thank again! Nick
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04:15 AM
So the support worlds aligned. I picked up on something you wrote in this response... It appears that what I want to do can ONLY be done by making the layer a HOSTED Feature Layer. I'll go back to the idea and amend it to reference a Feature Layer coming from a service.
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06:42 AM
The big difference I see between what you suggested and what I'm suggesting is that you mentioned a Hosted Feature Service... where I was wanting to use a Feature Service from my rest end point.
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04:55 AM
ESRI Tech Support sent me this....Server configuration details—ArcGIS Hub | Documentation So I tested some things. The only way that I was able to activate the Download functionality was change the permission of the Feature Layer to Everyone. The problem is... even though the group I have it added to is restricted to certain users that layer was discover-able. What I was asking for in the ideas forum here was to be able to create a HUB site for proprietary / sensitive data. I feel like I'm missing something here. You're still telling me it can happen...but Tech Support seems to be telling me the opposite.
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04:49 AM
Ok... I still have a case open with them. I'll see what they have to say. The main difference is your referencing a Hosted Feature Service (i.e. data loaded directly into AGOL) vs a Feature Service from a rest end point.
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12:41 PM
Ok... so Graham. I'm open to whatever ideas you have to make this work. I've been on the phone with ESRI Tech Support for 4+ hours over several days and the ONLY way that I can have other people of a private group download a feature layer coming from a service is to set the Sharing to Everyone (Public). Regardless if this is in a Private Group. The instant I do that we are able to search for and find the layer. What I want to do is use a HUB site as a repository for select individuals to go and download the data. I feel like I've kicked this can down the Tech Support Road several times and I keep coming back to the same place.... it can't be done unless the data is publicly available. I really want this to work... It would simplify some of the things we do. Again, any detailed instructions or ideas that you have would be greatly appreciated.
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11:11 AM
So I was searching for the same solution knowing that I have done this in the past. After searching through my dashboard and the subsequent data / domains that I setup I found the solution to this question. It's not ideal but it works. We are in the process of doing a street inventory and grading the quality of the roadways. This chart comes in correctly every time (Best, Good, Fair, Poor, Worst - Second Image). We are also collecting drainage systems and signs. Those do not sort well (Fair, Good, Poor - First Image). The I set up the domains. In the Road Condition graph I set up the domain to be numbers (1-5) representing words (Best - Worst). This sorts correctly because they are in numeric order. For the Sign and Drainage Conditions I setup the domain to be alpha... (Good - Poor) with the description being the same. These sort alphabetically. So, I think the answer to this question is to create a field and give it numeric values that associate with the way you want it sorted, or set up domains as numbers. I'm guessing I could add a field to my Signs and Drainage named sort. Enter numeric... or alpha values in the order you want. When setting up the table you could sort the values by that field... see 3rd image.
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09:47 AM
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