Switch to Classic Snapping. also you may have issues if you are working with polygons that are in a topology. Are you finishing the auto complete by hitting the F2 button? I just digitized a parcel and i either hit F2 or double click on the last point. I am digitising a map in ArcMap 10.0 SP 2 with a few hundred polygons. I use auto complete polygons to avoid drawing all the lines twice. I use it using both straight segment and trace (along another layer) to draw the lines. Most polygons end up right, but some aren't created when I finish drawing. Also when trying again and making sure to go from existing polygons' vertices or crossing polygons' boundaries the polygon won't draw. A workaround I found is drawing the polygon in parts. But still, one part may draw and the other may not. I then draw even smaller parts and smaller parts until it works. Eventually I fill the polygon with smaller parts (sometimes 2, sometimes 20) and merge them, but it is costing me a lot of time circumventing around unwanted and strange ArcMap behaviour. I looked up various other posts and errors about auto-complete. The main one if found was about the polygon drawn not being complete visible, but I tried zooming out until I saw the polygon drawn and all the adjacent polygons in full and it still wouldn't draw. Also some polygons will draw regardless of zoomlevel. Anyone encounter this before and found a (better) way to deal with it?
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12:18 PM
Unfortunately lots of things change between shapefiles and geodatabases. Like brackets and quotation marks. Kind of late but you best best with custom symbols is to stick with using Fonts then they will work with shapefiles, geodatabases, sde (yea things change again when going to sde) and ArcGIS online. I write a custom symbol component like logomarker symbol ,but i use agg instead of gdi. When I open shape files in arcmap and use my custom symbol to render the data, It is successful. However , when I open geodatabase files,as the same as shape files, It will be fail. It render blank. When I load this data again. It will render with the default symbol correct. Why? I use aggplus which is encapsulated like GDI+. the main code is follow(full code about main class in attachment): Aggplus::Graphics *m_pGraphics; STDMETHODIMP CCartoSymbolMarker::SetupDC(OLE_HANDLE hDC, ITransformation *Transformation) { m_ipTrans = Transformation; m_pGraphics = Graphics::FromHDC((HDC)hDC); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CCartoSymbolMarker::Draw(IGeometry *Geometry) { if (!Geometry) return E_POINTER; IPointPtr spPoint(Geometry); if (spPoint == NULL) return E_FAIL; double x=0, y=0; FromMapPoint((IDisplayTransformation*)m_ipTrans, spPoint, &x, &y); Pen myPen(Color(255,0,0,255), 1); m_pGraphics->DrawRectangle(&myPen, x, y, 10, 20); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CCartoSymbolMarker::ResetDC() { delete m_pGraphics; m_pGraphics = NULL; return S_OK; } Aggplus Graphics class: Graphics *Graphics::FromHDC(HDC hdc) { return(new Graphics(hdc)); } Graphics::Graphics(HDC hdc) : m_dwConfigFlags(0) { RECT clipBox; ::GetClipBox(hdc, &clipBox); int nW=clipBox.right-clipBox.left; int; ASSERT(nW>0 && nH>0); z_Create(nW, nH, -4*nW, NULL); m_dwConfigFlags|=def_flag_G_FromHDC; m_fromhdc_HDC=hdc; m_fromhdc_X=clipBox.left;; } Graphics::~Graphics() { #ifdef def_AP_Update_Dc_at_End if(m_dwConfigFlags & def_flag_G_FromHDC) { BITMAPINFO hDib; memset(&hDib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO)); hDib.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); hDib.bmiHeader.biWidth = m_dwWidth; hDib.bmiHeader.biHeight = m_dwHeight; hDib.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; hDib.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; hDib.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; hDib.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = m_dwWidth * m_dwHeight * 4; #ifndef _X_NODCAlpha_ LPVOID pBits; HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(m_fromhdc_HDC, &hDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0); if(!hBitmap) ASSERT(FALSE); else { memcpy(pBits, buffer, m_dwWidth * m_dwHeight * 4); HDC mdc=CreateCompatibleDC( m_fromhdc_HDC ); if(!mdc) ASSERT(FALSE); else { HBITMAP hbmOld=(HBITMAP)::SelectObject(mdc, hBitmap); BLENDFUNCTION bln; bln.BlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER; bln.BlendFlags=0; bln.SourceConstantAlpha=255; bln.AlphaFormat=AC_SRC_ALPHA; AlphaBlend(m_fromhdc_HDC, m_fromhdc_X, m_fromhdc_Y, m_dwWidth, m_dwHeight, mdc, 0, 0, m_dwWidth, m_dwHeight, bln); //BitBlt(m_fromhdc_HDC, m_fromhdc_X, m_fromhdc_Y, m_dwWidth, m_dwHeight, mdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(mdc, hbmOld); //::GdiFlush(); DeleteDC(mdc); } ::DeleteObject(hBitmap); } #else SetDIBitsToDevice(m_fromhdc_HDC, m_fromhdc_X, m_fromhdc_Y, m_dwWidth, m_dwHeight, 0, 0, 0, m_dwHeight, buffer, &hDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS); #endif //_X_NODCAlpha_ } #endif //def_AP_Update_Dc_at_End delete(m_agg_pREN); delete(m_agg_ppixf); if(!(m_dwConfigFlags&def_flag_G_ExtBuffer)) { delete(buffer); } } result: custom symbol in arcmap symbol selector [ATTACH=CONFIG]23246[/ATTACH] shape file use my custom symbol, correct [ATTACH=CONFIG]23243[/ATTACH] geodatabase use my custom symbol. fail and blank [ATTACH=CONFIG]23244[/ATTACH] load the data again , it render correct with defalut symbol, but data is twice [ATTACH=CONFIG]23245[/ATTACH]
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12:13 PM
Have you tried adjusting the visibility scale. You can adjust it so they don't turn on until you get to within a set scale. Unfortunately not a lot of great options in ArcGIS online for displaying as you would on desktop. I am tackling a project that contains several new elements for me since I am a high school social studies teacher and not a full-time GIS professional. For this particular project I am trying to show the various US interventions during the Cold War around the world. I have created individual points for each intervention. These points are in a shapefile that contains a list of 49 different interventions. The fields include the country of the intervention, the year, a short description and whether or not a certain type of action occurred. Example: Guatemala, 1954, (description) and the following values for the six types of action possible: Command=1, Troops=0, Bombing=1, Naval=0, Nuke=1, Jets=0. What this means is that in 1954 we used Command Operations, Bombing and Nuclear Threats to intervene in Guatemalan affairs. On this particular point then I would like to see the three distinct symbols for those types of action. Currently I can achieve this by creating 6 layers but the symbols are all stacked on top of each other. Here is the link to my first attempt at a map service: This has all been done in Desktop 10.1 Advanced. I plan to create a feature service on our AGOL account once I have solved this problem. Thanks for any advice.
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12:06 PM
You can disable editing when you share your service. It will automatically disable editing for every layer. I just wanted to suggest to whomever controls the Content Menu creation of ArcGIS online that it would be a great idea if I didn't have to go into every feature service for one map and disable them one by one. If you created an enable/disable editing column in the content menu, that would be awesome. I have a map with several feature services in it and I have to go into every one to disable editing for publishing. Pain. I'm just throwing it out there. What do you think?
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12:02 PM
You make the feature in your ArcGIS and then you share it to your ArcGIS Online account. By default it should go to your My Content tab. When sharing it you should adjust the setting so users can edit. Then you have to make a Map with it and share it. I'm new to ArcGIS web applications and server. I want to build webapplication for a webbrowser where users could add new features in my polyline feature layer. New added features should be saved in the layer and later I want to use the layer to make analysis with ArcGIS Desktop. I wonder where I need to store that feature layer to access it in my webapp? I analyzed some ArcGIS API for JavaScript samples and see there links to layers e.g. var rivers = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer("" Can I store my feature layer in ArcGIS Online, get similar link and put it to my javascript? The main goal that features added by users would be saved in the layer. How can I achieve this? Thank you, Andrzej
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11:56 AM
Unfortunately there do not seem to be a lot of good ways to work with ASCII text files. I have never tried TransCAD. I typically duke it out with MS Word and Excel Fortunately I have not had to deal with ASCII for a number of years. I've downloaded an ASCII text file from US Census Bureau website and now need to bring this file into ArcMap but cannot. I can open it in TransCAD save it as an ESRI SHP and then open it in ArcMap. Is there a way to eliminate using TransCAD?
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11:53 AM
To see the attributes of a feature you either need to use the info tool or be in an edit session and look at the attributes in the attributes window or you can open the table and see only selected features when you select them. You can also symbolize the features based on a specific attribute. For example A phase conductor is all red. You can create symbols based on up to 3 attributes. You can also create labels. For example the A phase conductor. I also want to know what kind of wire it is and the kV going through it. So I label it with Wiretype and kV. Thanks for quick reply What i mean is i have 100 linear features in my shape file and all are having different attributes. Instead of opening attribute table everytime to see attributes of selected feature, can see attributes of selected feature in window.
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09:30 AM
Do you have to do it with a script? Just click on the new column and use the field calculator. Take a few seconds. Also depending on your environment it may not update them outside of an edit session. Hi, I've written a script that narrows down a selection of points (cities) and then adds a field called CITYNAME to the feature class. I need to update the new CITYNAME field with the same values as the NAME field in the same feature class but it doesn't update them although it shows as having run successfully. I need to do this so that I can spatially join this points (cities) dataset to polygons (counties) and lines (roads) because all three of them have the same fieldname called NAME. I'm using ArcGIS v10.0 and any help would be appreciated as I've tried various methods like CalculateField and UpdateCursor to no avail. Thanks, Scotaidh
# Description: Extract features to a new feature class based on a Location and an attribute query
# then add field called CITYNAME and update it with the NAME field from the cities layer
# import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import os
# set overwrite option
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Put in error trapping in case an error occurs when running tool
# Make a layer from the cities feature class
# Select all cities that are within 30km of an interstate
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("citiesL", "WITHIN_A_DISTANCE", "H:/working/Findsites.gdb/interstates", "30 KILOMETERS", "NEW_SELECTION")
# Within the selection (done above) further select only those cities that have a university and low crime rate
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("citiesL", "SUBSET_SELECTION", "UNIVERSITY = 1 AND CRIME_INDE <= 0.02")
# Make a layer from the counties feature class
# From the counties layer select only those counties with a large enough workforce and number of farms
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("countiesL", "NEW_SELECTION", "AGE_18_64 >= 25000 AND NO_FARMS87 >= 500")
# Select all cities that intersect counties that meet work force and number of farms criteria
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("citiesL", "INTERSECT", "countiesL", "", "SUBSET_SELECTION")
# Write the selected features to a new featureclass
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("citiesL", "H:/working/Findsites.gdb/CityList")
# create a new field called CITYNAME to replace NAME because other datasets have a NAME field
arcpy.AddField_management("H:/working/Findsites.gdb/CityList", "CITYNAME", "TEXT", "", "", "25")
expression1 = '!MP_VAL!'
arcpy.CalculateField_management(CityList, CITYNAME, expression1, "PYTHON", "")
#Calculate Field - update new CITYNAME field with NAME field
# arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Updated Field...")
# Expression = "'{0}'".format(arcpy.GetValue(NAME))
# single quoted string literal
# arcpy.CalculateField_management(CityList, CITYNAME, Expression, "PYTHON")
# If an error occurred print the message to the screen
print arcpy.GetMessages()
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09:23 AM
I don't think you can print from the Info Window, though I agree it could be handy. However you can select all in the info window and right click and select copy. Then paste the copy into an Excel document and print it from there. What's the easiest way to print the contents of an InfoWindow or Popup? I would think that ESRI would add a "print" link as an option (similar to the "Zoom to" link that's provided in the Popup). Am I missing something easy or do I have to code this myself somehow? Thanks!
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08:58 AM
Can you be more specific of what you are looking to do? If you select an feature in an edit session you can see the attributes in the attributes window. If your no in an edit session you an use the Info tool. You can also open the attribute table and from there on the bottom choose the Show Selected Records button and it will only show those that you have selected. Hi. I need to show attributes or records of selected feature using C# code. Can any one help Please?
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08:48 AM
Click on the Groups tab and then on the name of the Group that has the person you want to remove in it. It will open up that group and show you all the maps in the gallery and the users. If the users do not have a red X next to it then you are not an administrator you will need to contact the administrator to remove them. I am trying to remove a user for the first time. The help pages tell me there should be a red cross next to the users name on my organization page....but I don't see one! ??? Tim
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08:41 AM
Hit the Full Extent button in the Tools Toolbar. It looks like a little globe. If that is taking you out to far you can right click on your most extensive feature and click zoom to layer. You can manually adjust it to where you want to be. Right click on the Data Frame header. Defaults to Layers. Open the Data Frame Tab and click on the Other and Specify Extent button. Then choose Current Visible Extent. Save your MXD. Then every time you click on the Full Extent Button it will take you to the same spot. I want to zoom to the full extent of all the layers that I have currently loaded.
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08:35 AM
Unfortunately it is the nature of shapefiles to only show 10 characters. The only way to have more than 10 characters is to use a goedatabase. As a workaround what you can do is populate the alias field with the title you want. You can even take out the underscores to make it look better. Hi Matthias, The Object Attributes info panel only shows the first 10 characters of an attribute field name. Can this be changed in the next version of CE so that the complete field names will display? This is an small but important feature since the abbreviated names are transferred to the web scene info panel and our users have been confused by the shortened field names. Also, we noticed that the field names are sorted alphabetically but in an descending order which is opposite of what we would expect to see. Thanks, Scott
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08:08 AM
ESRI Time. -1 Anchorage time. Alaska Standard Time. I don't know why. I would think for an international user forum it would be GMT or at least the same time as Redlands.
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05:50 AM
I did it thirty seconds before I responded on a some of my content to make sure it worked before writing the idea. Mr. Borchert, Thanks for responding. Unfortunately, the door is closed. Policy change. No new secure maps can be added to an existing group and no new group members either. New groups are public. New maps are either Not shared or Shared with everyone. How long ago was it you were able to change your share setting from "not shared" to your secure group? Jim
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11:56 AM
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