Without analyzing your system I would say to much data. Look at your individual feature services in your my content folder. If you have anything over 3 mb it could be an issue. Remember it is trying stuff all that data thought the 4G. Determine if any layers are useless and try to remove them. remove as many joins or relationships as possible, if not completely. strip it down to as bare bones as possible. I have several silverlight applications that open up very reasonably on the desktop. We have some people who access them from the field, however, and it may take 10 minutes or more for it to initialize when they open it the first time. I understand that of course we are subject to connectivity (accessing using verizon hotspots) but even in metro areas of 4G coverage, where it should be fantastic coverage, they are getting 10 minute times or longer just to open the application. Is there anything I can try on my end to speed this up? I have set scale dependencies on all layers, so they don't turn on until you are extremely close in, etc. I am using Bing Roads (not imagery) as a basemap using their token, so I don't know if that also slows it down, vs the default ESRI basemap. Any ideas would be really, really appreciated. Thanks!
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07:54 AM
If nothing shows up there are a couple possible explanations. 1 There is a huge phantom feature that you cannot see that is zooming you way out. Add the dwg right click on the polyline later and open the Table. Select a bunch of features and zoom to them. Do you zoom to some polylines. Start zooming out from there and do you see your data? 2 the DWG does not have anything in it. Did you export it first as a shape file or simply open it as a DWG in arcmap Even when I start a blank map and add the dwg data it doesn't show up. It must be that the drawing isn't georeferenced? How can I fix that? Thanks!
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07:31 AM
Do you mean the path to where the MXD is or a path to where the data associated with the MXD is. If you mean where the data associated with the MXD is. Start ArcCatalog. Navigate to where your MXD is. Right Click on it and select Set Data Sources. Or inside or an ArcGIS session In the table of contents there should be a button to list by source. And it will show you all the sources. Hy Guys, I'm new in python and I would like to know if there is a way to read the MXD path (e.g C:\temp\arquivo.mxd) ? I have to create a MXD, then open it and add some layers, I tried this:
import arcpy, os
mxd = file("template1.mxd", "a")
mxd1 = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxd)
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd1, "Dados")[0]
addLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(r"D:\Eduardo\Dados_teste\Temp\sanepar\TemplateFlags.lyr")
arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, addLayer, "BOTTOM")
del mxd1, addLayer
It works if the MXD is previously created but I'd like to create a blank MXD. I don't know how to pass the mxd full path to arcpy.mapping.MapDocument. Thanks, Eduardo
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07:25 AM
What steps are you taking to add the DWG file? You should be able to simply add the dwg to an ArcMap session simply by using the Add Data Button. When you add the DWG do you already have other features open in your session. IF you do and you don't see your DWG try this. Hit the Full Extent Button. If it zooms way out you have an unreferenced drawing. If you go to full extent and it does not zoom way out... Start a brand new ArcMap session. Add the DWG all by itself. Do you see it now? Chances are your DWG is simply NOT georeferenced or not georeferenced properly. Meaning that it is not situated in the real world. That and it might not be to proper scale. I once converted a DWG for a client to ArcGIS. Turned out the DWG was scaled so small that the entire system which should have been 30 miles across was about an inch in the real world. It only appeared as a little dot. Hi all, I'm trying to import a CAD dwg file into ArcMap but when I do I don't see anything appear in the display. Also, the attribute tables for each layer (point, polyline, etc.) don't have any entries in them. Why is this happening??
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07:19 AM
You may need to use arc catalog and for each feature set the default value for each attribute to nothing. Essentially you are creating a new feature when you cut and it is making those values the default value. I use a graphical query to select polygons, cut the polygons with a border polyline and then remove "cut" polgyons outside the border polyline. Now, I need the attributes on the final result. Any simple ways to do this? Or, do I need another relation? private function showSoils(event:MouseEvent):void
var cutPolyInside:Polygon = new Polygon;
var cutPline:Polyline = new Polyline;
geomArr = [];
geomArr2 = [];
var iPoly:Polygon = hostComponent.graphic.geometry as Polygon;
// convert the polygon into polyline for cutting
cutPline = polygonToPolyline(iPoly);
cutPline.spatialReference = new SpatialReference(102003);
catch (error:Error)
msgVisible = false;;
function queryFeaturesGraphical(geom:Geometry):void
var queryParams:Query = new Query();
queryParams.returnGeometry = true;
var queryFields:String = "*";
queryParams.outFields = queryFields.split(",");
queryParams.outSpatialReference =;
queryParams.geometry = geom;
queryParams.spatialRelationship = "esriSpatialRelIntersects";
var url:String = "";
var queryTask:QueryTask = new QueryTask(url);
queryTask.execute(queryParams, new AsyncResponder(onResult, onFault));
function onResult(featureSet:FeatureSet, token:XMLList = null):void
for each (var graphic:Graphic in featureSet.features)
catch (error:Error)
msgVisible = false;;
function onFault(info:Object, token:Object = null):void
msgVisible = false;;
function beginCutting():void
myGeometryService2.addEventListener(GeometryServiceEvent.CUT_COMPLETE, cutCompleteHandler);
function cutCompleteHandler(event:GeometryServiceEvent):void
myGeometryService2.removeEventListener(GeometryServiceEvent.CUT_COMPLETE, cutCompleteHandler);
msgVisible = false;
var relationParameters:RelationParameters = new RelationParameters();
relationParameters.geometries1 = myGeometryService2.cutLastResult.geometries;
relationParameters.geometries2 = geomArr;
relationParameters.spatialRelationship = RelationParameters.SPATIAL_REL_WITHIN;
myGeometryService2.addEventListener(GeometryServiceEvent.RELATION_COMPLETE, relationCompleteHandler);
function relationCompleteHandler(event:GeometryServiceEvent):void
myGeometryService2.removeEventListener(GeometryServiceEvent.RELATION_COMPLETE, relationCompleteHandler);
var result:Array = event.result as Array;
// highlight the geometries within the polygon.
for each (var obj:Object in result)
var resultGraphic:Graphic = new Graphic(obj.geometry1);
resultGraphic.symbol = graphicSymbol2;
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06:23 AM
When you published the data did you enable editing? Also do you have permissions to edit the data. I have published a Feature Service, however am unable to edit it. I try editing in ArcMap and receive two messages: "No editable layers" and "The workspace containing this data cannot be edited." I have registered the data source and versioned the geodatabase. What else may be the issue?
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07:08 AM
Where are you trying to create the new folder? I am using 10.1 and Windows 7 and it works just fine. Make sure you are not trying to create the new folder in a connected database. We've noticed a "feature" in ArcCatalog 10.1 on Windows 7 where if we select File-> Connect to folder from the main toolbar, then click New Folder button, change the "New Folder" name to one we want and hit ok, we get an error message: the path you entered is an invalid or non-existent directory. Verified ArcCatalog 10.1 on XP behaves correctly and connects the new folder. One possible workaround: after "creating" the new folder name, cancel out of the Connect to Folder dialog, then bring it back up and you can then select the newly created folder. Rather klunky. Just wondering if there may be an update coming soon that corrects this "feature" or how do I add this to the list of things to fix in a future update? Thanks
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07:06 AM
Does your text file contain the same column headings? If it does it will rename them that way. Why do it with code. Simply perform a join manually. it will probably not happen. After the following code is run the attribute table on the shape file to which a comma delimited text file was joined contains the field names as listed on the first line of the text file. In the exported shape file of the joined feature class and table, the field names from the joined text file now appear as qryResults,qryResul_1, qryResul_2, qryResul_3, qryResul_4 instead of the field names in the table of ACTNUM, MA_,SA_,NH_, and PIN. This worked fine in 10.0 and now in 10.1 the next function following the export that uses the field names fails. Is this the result that should be expected from this join in 101? Thanks........Scott Dim bolJoin As Boolean bolJoin = JoinTableToLayer(pGFLayer, pRTable, "PIN", "PIN") pFClass = pGFLayer.DisplayFeatureClass exportFC(pFClass, "taxlots_2") 'pFLayer = New FeatureLayer 'pFClass = pFWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("taxlots_2") 'pFLayer.FeatureClass = pFClass 'pFLayer.Name = "taxlots_2" 'pMap.AddLayer(pFLayer) 'pMxDoc.UpdateContents() '**************************** End Sub Public Function JoinTableToLayer(ByVal pFeatureLayer As IGeoFeatureLayer, _ ByVal pTable As ITable, _ ByVal sLayerField As String, _ ByVal sTableField As String) As Boolean Dim pMemoryRelationshipClassFactory As IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory Dim pRelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass Dim pDisplayRelationshipClass As IDisplayRelationshipClass 'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 'pMemoryRelationshipClassFactory = New MemoryRelationshipClassFactory pMemoryRelationshipClassFactory = New MemoryRelationshipClassFactoryClass() pRelationshipClass = pMemoryRelationshipClassFactory.Open("Join", pFeatureLayer.DisplayFeatureClass, sLayerField, pTable, sTableField, "forward", "backward", esriRelCardinality.esriRelCardinalityOneToOne) pDisplayRelationshipClass = pFeatureLayer On Error GoTo ErrorHandler pDisplayRelationshipClass.DisplayRelationshipClass(pRelationshipClass, esriJoinType.esriLeftOuterJoin) JoinTableToLayer = True Exit Function ErrorHandler: 'ErrorMessage "modGlobals:JoinTableToLayer()" End Function
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06:48 AM
Yes you can. Add the tabular data to your MXD Right click on the feature layer and select Join under joins and relates. In the Join Data dialog choose Join Attributes from a Table and fill in the rest of the fields to join you tabular data. However, it will not do your current extent. It will join to all the features in the feature layer. Hello, I have a service with a feature layer (A) and a tabular data (B). In my Air app, I have a AttributeTable with property "featureLayer" set as my feature layer (A), so when I change my map extent, the contents of my attributeTable also changes. So my question is: Is it possible to make JOIN between my tabular data (B) and my attributeTable? I just want tabular data for those features which are within my current map extent. Thanks.
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06:46 AM
I believe in order to change these values you must delete the geometric network. Make your changes and then rebuild the network with the new weights. Of course always practice on a copy first when dealing with the deletion of GMN's. Always compress your database BEFORE deleting a network. I do it 2 or 3 times just to make sure. Compress it again after deleting. Hey all, I'm just learning how to make edits on network datasets. We have a third-party data provider but when I find errors, instead of waiting n months for it to be fixed I'd like to fix it on my own. What I'm having problems with is changing the ONEWAY from "FT" to "TF" - when I make that modification the network does not rebuild because it does not know any changes have been made. Can someone explain why this happens and how I can fix this?
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06:40 AM
Which version are you using? From a blank mxd session. meaning you have nothing loaded. Right click on the toolbar area. When the drop down opens go to the bottom and click customize. One the customize window that pops up select the options tab. There a number of choices there. If you select Save all customizations to document it will only save them to the MXD you are using. Unchecked it will save it the Normal. So what ever you do that change will be there. Not to be used if multiple people use your license. Click Back on the Toolbar Tab Select New The New Toolbar window should pop up. The name should be Custom 1 (or similar) give it a name. Myself I call it Roberts Toolbar. When you hit Ok it should appear in your toolbars. Now click on the Commands tab. Find the individual commands you wan to have in your toolbar. You can find commands using the search box. For example type in Edit On the left it will show all the categories containing a command that contains the word edit. Go down to the Editor category. There should be 7 commands there (depending on ArcGIS version) If you want the Save Edits command simply single click on it and drag it to your new toolbar. Personally I keep 6 customized toolbars depending on what I am doing. Hello, here is what I am trying to do. I want to make my own edit bar. As far as I could go: There is an Start Edit Button, when it clicked Editor is started plus I list all visible layers and under each layer I place IFeatureTemplate control. The only problem now is that FeatureTempale controls look disabled, even thought Editing is on. How can I activate them? Thank you in advance.
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05:50 AM
No filtering with ArcGIS online. However, if you open the map in ArcGIS Explorer Online you can create queries. Also, if you use the option to Open with ArcGIS Desktop 10 it will create a feature package which can be opened on your desktop and used just like ArcGIS Good morning I am using my trial account of ArcGIS online - and have added the following layer to a map: However, I cannot seem to be able to do a filter or query. Under content, Filter does not appear. Any ideas? Eric Walters
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11:57 AM
Have you tried saving it as a layer file and then using the symbology from the layer file in the new viewer Hello All, Does anybody know if you can pass symbology that is set in you GP Service to your viewer? Eric
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11:47 AM
Your client cannot view the 10.1 because they only have 10.0 What I would suggest is either upgrading your client to 10.1 (which they have already paid for if they have a current license) or acquire a 10.0 database and doing their work in there and do not upgrade the database to 10.1 I had this issue with 3 of my clients. One of them simply refused to upgrade and I had to work in a 9.3 database for quite some time for them. I have a raster in a geodb. It's just a raster in ArcGIS's native format, not a mosaic dataset. I am working in ArcGIS 10.1, but the client has Arc 10.0. We found that the raster is not recognized in 10.0. The only way to make it viewable in 10.0 is to delete the colormap. But the colormap is actually quite important. Is there a way to have a colormap in 10.0? I could not find any info on this backward incompatability problem in the ArcDoc.
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11:29 AM
Nate, Personal Geodatabase or SDE or Shapefiles. Are you features Joined to another feature or a table? If so that could be causing issues. If in a Geodatabase, or SDE have you compressed it lately? For the FID compressing your database may take care of that. Especially in SDE. When you create and or delete features it creates a delta table where the edit is saved. You cannot see it but it is there. and it will consider the FID as being used. when you compress your system it should free that up. Hello, I am currently working on ArcGIS 10.1 SP1, every once in a while, when I am editing and click "save edits" the attributes for the last point that I had created disappears. The point itself is still visible but to get the attribute table back to normal I have to close and reopen ArcMap. I have noticed that after point creation, the FID will not be sequential. The problem will occur the next time that I save my edits. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. Nate
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11:14 AM
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