I have a set of features that need to be defined by 4 attribute and each has 4 possible values. however this generates 256 possible options.
This will allow me to determine Site Not Started, Site in Progress, Site Complete, and Repeater only not started
This code works to give me all of the sites that are not started.
return not1 + not2 + not3 + not4 + not5 + not6 +not7
This code will result in all sites with only a repeater
VAR REPEATER = ($feature.ANTENNAREPLACED == 'NA' & $feature.BREAKERREPLACED == 'NA' & $feature.SNMPUPDATED == 'NA' & $feature.REPEATER == 'NS')
However, I need to figure out how to get it to create more than one symbol class
I tried
return with a semi colon in between the final variable
Solved! Go to Solution.
I got it to work using an array.
var MainFieldArray = [repeater, notall]
where repeater and notall are Variables that are defined
Setting symbology to an expression is similar to setting it to a field: the classes generatetd will be based on the existing values in the table. If the value "A" isn't present in the table, there's no reason to expect the program to intuit it as a potential symbol category.
The direct solution is tedious: create the other symbol categories manually.
As an alternative approach, I'm curious how the different attributes are being used in your symbology. Do you intend one field to define the color, another the shape, and so on? Could you have four separate layers to convey each attribute separately?
I need four symbol classes
Site Not Started, Site in Progress, Site Complete, and Repeater only not started
Before coming here I did generate all 256 combinations in symbology and then grouped them into 4 symbol classes. However, publishing them to a feature service did not work
Okay, I think I'm getting it. Still not totally sure I understand the expression itself, but I see what you're going for. You should take a look at the function When, which allows you to define complex conditions, then return specific values when they evaluate to "true".
return When(
$feature.ANTENNAREPLACED == 'NA' && $feature.BREAKERREPLACED == 'NA' && $feature.SNMPUPDATED == 'NA' && $feature.REPEATER == 'NS', 'REPEATER',
some other condition, 'some other value',
another condition, 'another value',
'default value'
I got it to work using an array.
var MainFieldArray = [repeater, notall]
where repeater and notall are Variables that are defined