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Esri Startup Program Orientation: Program Benefits

11-11-2015 10:02 AM
Esri Contributor
3 0 13.8K
This is the first blog in the Orientation Series, the next blog is Acceptance & Onboarding.

Esri Startup Program Benefits

The Esri Startup Program provides no-cost, up-to three-years software, training, technical support, event passes, and other partnership opportunities for startups to build location and mapping into their product.

Benefits are outlined in the, Startup Standard Software Partner Package and EPN Program Policies & Supplemental Startup Policies tailored to enable your company to learn how to cost-effectively integrate ArcGIS technology for enterprise product offering to fulfill your company mission. Upon completion of an Esri-integrated minimum viable product (MVP) a variety of partner co-marketing and sales enablement opportunities become available. Esri does not support the co-development of your application. These self-help resources empower your company to lead development, go-to-market efforts, and maintain your solution, either on your own or via consultancy support.

Learn more about the startup benefits package below!

What You Get - Esri Startup Program

Software & Online Services:

In order to support rapid design, development, testing, and commercialization of your application startup partners are provided with a robust benefits package which grants access to various no-cost software licenses and subscriptions.

As of February 2019 - Current Startup Benefits Package Includes: 

Startup Software Partner Package grants access to various software licenses and subscriptions. Highlighted foundational software includes: 

  •  Development & Testing / Commercial Use - Approval Required Commercial Use Deployment:
  • Demonstration and Marketing Use:
    • A variety of licenses are included to support demo, marketing, training, or evaluation of Esri software. Referenced 'Upon Request' software may be requested through customer support using your customer number. 

Technical Support, Training, & Professional Services:

We enable you with an entire suite of training and support options, giving you access to our detailed knowledge base, documentation, blogs, forums, and more. Our ArcGIS experts can answer your questions and provide assistance to help you build your apps.


  • Standard Esri Technical Support: Granted with the software and services in the program to assist with licensing and registration, bugs, login/permissions, and other questions. Take advantage of our knowledge base on the latest releases, whitepapers, and more. Visit, for contact details, support analysts are available to help you. If international, please contact your local distributor support. 
  • Esri Partner Community: Access exclusive self-help resources and webinars covering technical integration and licensing patterns along with co-marketing opportunities in our partner-only portal.
  • Partner Manager, Startup Team, or Local Esri Distributor: While we cannot commit to helping you with your development efforts if you gather very specific requirements surrounding your development and go-to-marketing needs we may be able to provide some technical and sales enablement guidance. Please inquire with your partner manager or  


Training is essential for you to jump-start your productivity. As part of the program, you are provided with unlimited free E-learning courses giving you the flexibility to learn when you want, from where you want. In addition, Esri provides a variety of in-depth documentation, active technical forums, useful videos, informative blogs, and more. Discounted opportunities may be outlined in the EPN Program Policies.

Consulting Services:

Esri Professional Services and Esri partner consulting businesses support both customers and partners in effectively implementing and applying ArcGIS software. A range of consulting is available to assist in designing inventive enterprise GIS solutions to meet your business goals.

Community & Co-Marketing:

We support you with a variety of opportunities to help you grow. Leverage and participate in an extensive community of experienced entrepreneurs, partners, developers, and GIS thought leaders. As part of the program, you get access to the following benefits:

  • Inclusion in the Esri Partner Network as a Startup Partner.
    • Access to exclusive partner resources in the Partner Community.
    • Exclusive use of the official custom emblem for EPN Startup Partners.
    • Company listing in Esri's global Find a Partner Directory search.
    • Sell your offering through Esri's global app store ArcGIS Marketplace as a partner with a qualified listing.
  • Events:
    • Two complimentary registration passes to each of the following premier Esri Events (See blog for details & how to register, Event Benefits for Esri Startup Program Partners):
      • Esri Federal GIS Conference (FedGIS), over 4,000 federal, state, county, and local government leaders gathering in Washington, D.C. for inspirational sessions, training, and networking.
      • Esri Developer Summit (DevSummit), 3,000+ GIS enthusiasts, over 300 technical sessions covering the latest for building applications for web, desktop, and native environments.
      • Esri Partner Conference (EPC), the exclusive annual meeting only for Esri's global partners and distributors who are reshaping the world through the application of geospatial technology.
      • Esri User Conference (Esri UC), the world’s biggest GIS event, over 18,000 GIS professionals and developers, covering content on how to implement and use the technology across hundreds of thousands of organizations.
    • Esri event low-cost “Startup Zone” exhibitor spaces may be available to showcase your product.
  • Upon completion of an Esri integrated MVP gain opportunities to co-market with Esri sector teams and developer evangelists via case studies, newsletters, website promotion, and more.

Become Part of Our Community

Apply Now:


Blog Return: Orientation Series. Next: Acceptance & Onboarding.

About the Author
Marketing and technology entrepreneur for the Esri Startup Program. A global program that helps software startups succeed by giving them free three year access to Esri's ArcGIS online services, software development tools, ready-to-use content, training, technical support, global partnership opportunities, and co-marketing to help entrepreneurs starting technology product businesses with a mapping and location component. I build relationships and business with startups, Esri Partners, customers, accelerators and incubators to help them grow, thrive, and leverage the Esri ArcGIS Platform.