ArcGIS Ideas

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Welcome to ArcGIS Ideas

Thank you for visiting ArcGIS Ideas on Esri Community. With ArcGIS Ideas, you can help shape the future of the Esri products you use. Whether you’re giving kudos to other community members’ ideas, adding your use case in the comments, or submitting original ideas, we value your contributions!  

Your feedback is important to us and we take it seriously. Product team members are subscribed to idea exchanges and labels so that they can keep a finger on the pulse of what you are requesting and build software and services that best meet your needs. 

How it works
  1. Search

    There are a number of Idea Exchanges representing different products and capabilities. Save time by searching the community to see if your idea already exists.
  2. Participate

    If you find an existing idea, vote by giving kudos and add your use case to the comments!
  3. Create

    If you can’t find an existing idea, create your own. Follow these Submission Guidelines to submit your idea for the community to vote on! 
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