Your Ideas in the December 2021 ArcGIS Online Update

01-05-2022 11:59 AM
by Anonymous User
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With the ArcGIS Online update on December 8, the team incorporated a number of ArcGIS Ideas. Check out the list below for the details.


Map Viewer

The updates to Map Viewer incorporated a lot of customer ideas - from new functionality such as Arcade expressions for cluster pop-ups and dynamic GeoJSON layers to features such as HTML in pop-ups and zoom to selected features that bring Map Viewer even closer to parity with Map Viewer Classic. Below is the full list of Map Viewer ideas at this update.


Adding GeoJSON layers from a URL to Map Viewer

You can now add GeoJSON layers from a URL to Map Viewer. This means that any updates made to the GeoJSON layer will appear in the web map. This has been a highly requested feature and has a couple of associated ideas. 




Attribute table enhancements

You can now zoom to features that are selected in the attribute table. This is an improved implementation of the same functionality in Map Viewer Classic. 





At the December '21 update, you can now edit the source HTML in pop-ups and leverage an expanded array of supported tags and attributes.




You can also return rich text, charts, and lists of fields directly from an Arcade expression. When you add an Arcade element, the Arcade editor provides templates of the three different outputs that you can return for direct use in the pop-up. 




Lastly, you can now utilize Arcade expressions in cluster pop-ups. The below image showcases the new global, $aggregatedFeatures, used to access the features in the cluster, and the function Expects, which enables requesting only fields that are needed in the expression. 




Hosted Feature Layers

At the December '21 update there is improved credit estimation, warning, and prevention (if amount of credits consumed will exceed budget) for geocoding jobs when publishing hosted feature layers from within ArcGIS Online. Creating hosted feature layers in ArcGIS Online has also been improved to reflect the most common types of layers created, allow for more flexibility for sublayers, and provide a prompt to finish setting up the layer's schema.



ArcGIS Dashboards

The highlight for the ArcGIS Dashboards update is a new table element. This has been a top-requested feature and there are several different ideas that are implemented with this addition. 




For a comprehensive look at the December 2021 ArcGIS Online update, check out the What's New blog, video, and documentation. Thanks for submitting your ideas, and be sure to continue submitting your feature requests in line with the Submission Guidelines to ArcGIS Ideas