I know its weekend, but any chance that you got a bit of time to enquire into this problem. Hi - I know Doug is away from work for a week or two, so I checked out this map - I can reproduce what you described. I opened the map in Explorer Online and in the web map viewer in ArcGIS Online, and there is one layer which doesnt display anything in either of these applications, but is shown in the TOC, called MyVisit. I'm not sure how this layer was created, but I think it's this which is giving problems in Operations Dashboard - I made a copy of this web map and removed that layer (which doesnt show anything anyway) and then I could load the map fine in Operations Dashboard, and I was able to use the other feature service layer (called Trackme - Location Tracking) as a data source OK. Perhaps you can try re-creating the MyVisits layer and see if it was just a temporary problem with that, or if the same happens again, maybe post more info on how you're creating that layer and perhaps that will help track down further problems. Hope this helps a little,
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06:35 AM
I know it can be done via but then the map cannot be opened in AEO because of the "Unsupported webapp version number" error. Thanks. Yes you can do this, first add the service as a service item in your content: And then create a new map using this service as the basemap: I know it can be done via but then the map cannot be opened in AEO because of the "Unsupported webapp version number" error. Thanks. and ArcGIS Explorer support the same version number of webmap - this error is because there is a cached version of the Explorer Online application (ExplorerOnline.xap) that's being loaded by the browser you're using. I know various people including yourself have had problems with the browser not getting hold of the current version from the server and using a cached version instead. However I'm afraid I dont know any other news ways to force the refresh appart from the ways already mentioned on the other thread. Personally, I've always had most luck with ensuring all IE processes are closed (even ensure any other programs that might host an Internet Explorer control are shut as well), then manually deleting the file from the cache.
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12:30 AM
Hi Sandy, Here's a link to the helpfile topic listing parameters that you can pass to Explorer Online: Threre's no Find parameter supported - I think perhaps you have found a parameter that the ArcGIS Online map viewer supports? I'm afraid that currently the list of supported parameters is not exactly the same, additional parameters are supported by the map viewer that are not yet supported by ArcGIS Explorer Online. So you can try using the Find parameter with a hyperlink to the map viewer instead perhaps?
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01:04 AM
Hi Ben, If you have ArcMap, I'd recommend creating a new map and add the Topographic basemap (File, Add Data, Add Basemap), and make sure the Coordinate System of the Data Frame is set to the same coordinate system as the basemap layer (WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere, WKID: 3857 in ArcMap 10.1). Add your data there, and try experimenting with the Transformations of the Data Frame until you are happy that the data is aligned as best it can be. Then export the features to a new layer that uses the Web Mercator Aux Sphere coordinate syste, making sure you use that transformation - see the ArcGIS Desktop help topic Exporting Features. Basically by doing this, you can control the datum transformation yourself, instead of leaving it to the default used by the importing process in ArcGIS Online. You might find this previous thread useful background: Hope this helps,
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12:57 AM
If you created a service from a file directly on your machine (like this) , Explorer Online would actually upload the original file to ArcGIS Online, so there's no problem with it being located on your machine. If you add a service and reference a KML file by URL at a network location, then the file is not uploaded bu just the URL is stored. However in both cases, if you then add that to a map, and share the map, you will need to share the service also if you want others to be able to access it - this could explain what you're seeing.
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12:32 AM
This help topic explains the problem you're seeing here: "This message may also be shown if the service is a WMS service which does not support an appropriate coordinate system to match that of the basemap. In this case, you may be able to create the map using the map viewer, and then open the map in Explorer Online." Note that the map created in the map viewer will be using the spatial reference of that WMS service, not the default Web Mercator, so this note in the basemaps help topic will be relevant at that point: "If the spatial reference of the map is not Web Mercator, the basemap gallery will be disabled."
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12:23 AM
There's a few other things you can try if you're still having this problem: - Try another browser, if you have one - maybe use one that you have not used Explorer Online with before (so it definately wouldnt have a cached version of the app). - Try opening the map in the online map viewer ( - this wont be able to make dashboards or queries, but all your other content will be there I think. You can also share the map from here (I couldnt find that webmap ID, so I guess it's not shared publically - I cant open it unless it's shared).). - Try opening your map on a different machine. Hope one of these helps you,
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12:35 AM
Hi Daniel, Normally when you see this message, it's because the browser is using an old version of the Explorer Online application from the browser cache, instead of checking for and getting the new version. That looks like Internet Explorer you're using - so go to the Internet Options dialog -> General tab -> Browsing history section, click Delete, and choose to delete at least temporary internet files. I have had problems with IE, that even if I click the button to delete all browser cached files, it still hangs on to the old application. If you delete your browser cache and still get the same problem, my recommendation would be to go to the cache directly (Internet Options dialog -> General tab -> Browsing history section, click Settings, click View Files) and look for ExplorerOnline.xap and delete that file, then restart the browser. The latest copy of the application from the Esri website will then be downloaded. Hope this helps
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12:23 AM
Correct, there's no way to sort the results of a query using Explorer Online I'm afraid.
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01:03 AM
There's no multi-attribute renderer that will do this automatically for you in Explorer Online. The workaround I can think of would be to combine attributes into a single field before you import, and then render all the different variations based on that attribute - that's fine if you only have a few combinations, but not a good solution for many combinations I'm afraid (and from your description, I suspect that you're probably looking at a lot of combinations). Otherwise you're looking at setting up the data in web service (ArcGIS Server map or feature service, or a WMS service for example) and adding that service. Possibly there's a free tool or utility that would generate a KML file showing the symbols the way you want them, that might be worth looking into (although I'm afraid I dont have any specific advice there).
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12:29 AM
Hello Rob. I'm afraid I dont know of any way to force this to happen; by design, the user controls the state of various side panels either by directly collapsing or uncollapsing (like the Layers panel) or by indirect actions such as running a query (which shows the Query Results panel). To save the exact state of the panels when the map is saved could make life more difficult for map authors when maintaining existing maps that are shared with others. Perhaps if you have users who are more of a viewer role, with less Explorer Online experience, you could add a permanent layer which has a Filter Expression applied, so the query is permamently applied to the map contents? Shelly
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12:44 AM
I'm getting the same message, been trying for three days. This one has the same folder issue - you need to put the files into the root of a zipfile, not within a folder within the zipfile. After correcting that I tried to import, and got a message indicating there's no .shx file - this was a little confiusing until I spotted you have a naming error in the files - the .shx file has a different name (Nueces ISDs but it should be Nueces_ISDs to match the other files). I corrected that and imported again, and this time the import worked for me. However, again like the previous case on the thread, I'm not really sure this file has the correct prj file for the data that is in the shapefile, as after importing the data did not appear to be located correctly. So the advice about checking your data sources from the previous thread would apply here too. Hope this helps,
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12:21 AM
Does the layer still appear in the Layers panel when you and / or other users in the group open the map? Is it when the map is opened in ArcGIS Explorer Online that the layer cannot be seen, or is this when opened in the map viewer part of the website, or in another web mapping application maybe? Perhaps you can share the map publically, or if you invite me to your group (username sgill) I will open the map and see if I can find out the problem.
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12:26 AM
First, you need to know exactly what the coordinate system the coordinates in the shapefile are defined in. Where did you get the shapefile from in the first place? If the data doesnt already contain a .prj file, maybe you can find the name or WKID (Well Known Id) of the coordinate system of the data set. So now you can add the correct .prj file for that coordinate system. There is a very useful site which lists coordinate systems (or more specifically spatial references - you can find a good article on what all these things actually mean if you want to know more) by name and WKID, and also gives you the contents of a .prj file for that system, listed as 'Esri WKT'. So for example the system that many web mappping sites use is Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere, and if you find this on the site, it shows the Esri WKID is 102100, and the file contents is "PROJCS["WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",0.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",0.0],PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]". Now save this text to a file alongside the coordinate system with the same base name and the .prj projection. The important thing to note is that you cant just add any old .prj file - it has to match the data. Hope this helps,
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12:09 AM
Hi - I can open your public map id:98089c942bd547c98e0fd6f402730d44 OK - it's got quite a lot of features stored within the map, so it's a bit slow opening, but it opened OK for me. So I dont think there's anything funamentally corrupt about this map, maybe the retrieval of the map with all those features causes a problem in your case? I know that different browsers will have different abilities to display lots of features, so if you're having problems with the same map it may be worth experimenting with some different browsers (I used IE8, but I understand Chrome and Firefox may be more efficient for showing lots of features).
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05:02 AM
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