Thanks for posting back - glad it's sorted out for you. If this happens again, then if you save a copy of the broken map off and share that, we can take a look and see if we can figure out why it happened.
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12:02 AM
I've not actually heard this problem before, so I dont have any specific suggestions, but if you find it keeps happening, can you share the map that is causing the problems and we'll take a look at it. (BTW, if you have a pop-up open and change the configuration, you'll have to close that pop-up and reopen it to see the changes, but that's the way it's always behaved so nothing changed there).
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11:45 PM
ArcGIS Explorer does support on the fly projections using the default transformation, for vector data or dynamic services where data can be requested in a specific coordinate system; however it cannot transform tiled data services. So if I start a new map, and load in a basemap (Bing Hybrid) does this basemap set the default coordinate system for the map ? Yes, picking the basemap sets the coordinate system of the map, which for the Esri basemaps is Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere - you might find the Map Projections and Coordinate Systems help topic useful. If you create a map using a specific service as a basemap (in the New Map -> Advanced options) then the map will use the coordinate system of that service, and therefore the coordinate system for that map might be different to the default Web Mercator (note that switching basemaps is no longer possible at this point). Are any subsequent layers automatically transformed to match this ? For dynamic map services, or for a feature service, where the service can return the map tiles in a specific coordinate system, yes the data will be reprojected. For a tiled map service the coodinate system of the data is predefined, and if it doesnt match that of the existing map, you will get a message indicating that you cannot add the layer to the map (see the Troubleshooting guide for this info, as there may be other reasons a map service cannot be added). Is this true if they are WMS layers ? WMS are tiled services, and can be published so that they support a range of coordinate systems, or just a single coordinate system. If the service supports a matching coordinate system to that of the map, then you'll be able to add it. Is this true if they are imported shapefiles ? Does this apply if they are different geographic coordinate systems ? Shapefiles are vector data so yes, we can reproject them to match the map, whether they are geographic or projected coordinate systems. However, note that the default transformaion is used, there's no facility to pick a specific geographic transformation to account for datum shifts, so if you want the most control and accuracy over importing your shapefiles, it would be best to make sure they're in the coordinate system you want to work in before you import them into a map. You might find that the accuracy is fine however, it just depends on the exact data and reprojection required. Hope this helps.
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12:31 AM
The most common problems are described in the help for editing pop-up windows here: "If you want to display an image in the pop-up window, specify the URL to the image you want to display in the Image URL box. You can use either .PNG or .JPG images. HTTPS URLs are not supported in Explorer Online." Does this explain the problems you're having, or is it something else?
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11:31 PM
Thanks for reporting this bug, we'll address this in the next release. From my testing, I found this only affects the sharing dialog when you have a scrollbar in the groups listbox, as there are too many groups to see initially. I also found that when you share with the last group in the list, although the checkbox for the first group in the list initially appears as checked, the item is not really shared with that first group - if you scroll up and down a bit, I find that the first box then gets cleared again (unless I do actually select it).
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11:12 PM
I would like to make my supervisor an owner as well so when my internship is up, she (or future interns) will be able to continue to add and edit content. Is there any way to do this? There's no way to have more than onw owner for a map I'm afriad. Two options are 1, create an Esri global account just for sharing this specific map, and share the login details with your supervisor, then make your own ESRI global account for your own continuing work. Or 2, your supervisor can make their own copy of your map when you are finished, and save that, then make edits to that as they wish (and then share the new map with any others who are viewing it).
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11:14 PM
If you go to the bottom right hand corner of Explorer Online and click 'Terms of use' you'll find the legal information. I imagine there's no 'click through' type license because Explorer Online doesnt install anything on your computer, but that's just a guess.
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11:28 PM
What I'd noticed when zooming in and out with these things, is that it tends to go in steps, and I'm wondering if that's what corresponds to the 'level' parameter. Yes - the 'level' is the level of detail that tiled map caches are built in - they're basically scales of pre-prepared map images that can be drawn in your maps, and you can see in the basemap you're using the levels that it has under the 'Tile Info' heading (in the map viewer, click the layer in the Contents, then choose Description): FWIW, here's the more complex map ... With volunteers and managers working together, we now have reasonable maps (always being improved upon), 88 posts with 239 directional signs, a dozen maps dispersed throughout the system, and about half done our trailhead signs. Great - looks like a nice place to be.
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12:28 AM
Hi Dot - that's funny, I was just replying when your second post popped up. Anyway, I thought I'd start with the extent parameters, and maybe try the zoom parameters, but was clueless to how to alter those. The map just needs to be zoomed out once, and there's space for it. Yes, I see the difference on your maps here - if it's more level of detail you want rather than a specific extent, I think you might be able to play with the parameters of the link and get what you want - try the 'level' parameter in conjunction with the 'center' parameter - see the Using URL Parameters section of the Developing with Web Maps help topic. The other thing that occurred to me is that .kmz file that wouldn't display in the more complex map had embedded images from my desktop. That could be an issue. BUT, what I can try is rather than loading the description (table from a .shp file but loaded via .kmz) is just using a .csv file with url's to the pics in the media part. That's how I did the simple map. I had used .kmz mainly because it was a byproduct of RoboGeo geotagging some images. But that may not be the best way to add images. (I'm also not convinced I really want to load all 239 images or if it's even useful to anyone but me, but wanted to see how to do it so we know what the capabilities are.) The simple map was just a .gpx file for the trail itself and .csv file with waypoint lat/long, text, urls to online photos (just happened to have a couple online already to test). Yes, I suspect that the only type of images that would be supported would be references to URLs, so if you can put URLs to the JPEGS on your web server as the content of the pop-up windows, instead of ending up with local file references, then I think that would work fine. Interesting map by the way - I know a few people who do Ultras, and it's always an amazing feat!
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12:05 AM
Just sent it. I wasn't sure if you were going to help or another staff person, that's why I didn't send the invite earlier. It's ready now. OK, a repaired version is now saved and shared with your group again. I'll stay in the group this time, if you like, so that if you have the problem again its a bit simpler for me to fix for you. The offending feature this time had an object ID of 59, and a the title 'Biking', with a TypeID of 1 - the geometry had two sets of coordinates but the lonitude value for both was being stored as NaN. Apologies for the continuing problems.
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07:59 AM
Hi Dot - glad you're finding a solution that works OK for you. A few comments/answers: While I was at it, I tried some kml/kmz files. They appear to have to come from an online source, so just uploaded a couple files from my desktop. Using my website as the source worked for the the online viewer, but needed to load it to MyContent (a service) for AG Online Explorer. (that actually partly answered another question I had about "services" since I wasn't sure what they were). Maybe I misunderstood your previous question about adding services? Basically when you add an ArcGIS map, feature, or image service, or a WMS service, or a KML from a URL to Your Content in ArcGIS Online as a 'service', you're adding something lik a 'favorite' link in your browser, that keeps a reference to the URL where the data is actually located, along with information like a description and tags. It's handy for you to add again, but also now you can share it with others within ArcGIS Online so they can find and easily add it too. There is another aspect of adding a service - if you add a KML/KMZ file from your local machine, then the file is uploaded onto ArcGIS Explorer Online and also referred to as a 'service'; if you could just add a local file on your machine directly to a map, then if you shared it, that same location would not work for others users. So that's why you cant add a KML file from your local machine in the Add Content panel, you have to make it into a service first. The ArcGIS for Organizations beta program also allows users to go a step further and create map and feature services where the data IS stored directly on ArcGIS Online, not on their own separate ArcGIS Server. Converting a shp layer to a kml using the conversion tool resulted in a layer with my trails color coded very nicely - except the legend had LineStyle009 (or whatever) instead the Trail Tread type it was supposed to be. I don't think there were any options to do any type of editting, which I *think* is a kml limitation. The legend captions are taken from the Style id attribute within the KML file, so if you can edit the KML before you upload, you can change the legend captions that way. E.g. from <Style id="LineStyle009"> to <Style id="TrailTread"> - However, as it's just a KML attribute, then it cant have spaces or punctuation in it, and of the items that draw with this symbol refer to it by id, so you have to make sure the rest of the file has the Style id changed as well e.g. <styleUrl>#LineStyle009</styleUrl> to <styleUrl>#TrailTread</styleUrl>. I also tried using a small .kmz file with embedded pictures - 3 at each of about 6 waypoints - generated by RoboGeo. The file seemed to load ok, and I saw the camera icon at the waypoints, but no pics in either the online viewer or AG Online Explorer ... These files do work in ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, as well as GE - just not online. Have you got an example of this sort of file? ArcGIS Online only supports some of the full range of what could possibly be in a KML file (see the Troubleshooting help topic) so maybe there's something in your file that's not supported? One other question - is there some way to set the view on the embedded map so the trail is centered and not a lot of extra space. For instance, the single-trail map has a window large enough to display it with the topo lines showing, but it seems to load zoomed out so the trail is only occupying a bit over half the window. The topo is really blocky when zoomed out that far. The other one seems to be ok and opens zoomed in enough that it has the higher quality imagery and not lower resolution stuff. When you save a map, it should open at the same extent it was last saved at. But if you consider that the map might be opened with the browser window being a different size or aspect ratio, or on a different machine with a different screen resolution, by a different user, you may not always find the map contains exactly the same image. If you open a map from a Shared link, then you should be able to see that the extent is encoded into that link - that's the minimum extent that will be shown, although you might find the actual extent is slightly larger if the aspect ratio doesnt match that of the map. Possibly the difference you see can be explained by these factors?
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01:09 AM
The problem is back again. The new document number is 9eb26ae91f3946528569ddd31561d330. I will add the support person to the group. Is there anything we can do to prevent this from recurring? I'm afraid we've not been able to gather any good information about how the failing features get created, so unfortunately cant offer any advice on avoiding this bug entirely. We do have a fix we believe will prevent the map from saving with bad data in future, so after the next update of the website, I would not expect to see this happen again. FYI - I didnt get any invitations to the group so cant fix the map yet.
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12:14 AM
I simply removed the 's' from the https and reloaded the Topographic basemap and for most images this solution seems the way... But I don't know why I was in HTTPS mode... The topographic basemap itself does not have any images in it, it's just a map service, and would be accessed over HTTP if you used the default Esri basemap. If you had images somewhere in your map that were being accessed over HTTPS (for example they could be images in popups, but could also be tiles that are part of a map service), then I guess that either yourself or whoever created the map must have used HTTPS URLs to add the data / images that you were having problems with. Maybe you had a reference to an image or a service and pasted that in, and that began with HTTPS? what are therefore the advantages of working in HTTPS mode when just creating an online map in Explorer Online? HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP, but we dont support using the standard Explorer Online in this way, so you shouldnt add any data that's HTTPS, as it may not be displayed correctly. (If you are part of the ArcGIS 10.1 beta program, using ArcGIS for Organizations, then HTTPS access can be turned on for an organization, in which case all images must be accessed over HTTPS. This is not available outside of the beta program).
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04:46 AM
And we have SSL. The Silverlight runtime does not support mixed-mode content (e.g. mixing HTTP and HTTPS content), so Explorer Online cant show images accessed over HTTPS - could that be your issue? (doesn't really explain why they worked initially, unless your server was serving the images over HTTP previously, and then that changed). (Let me know if you're using Explorer Online as part of the beta program for ArcGIS for Organizations, as the situation may be slightly different depending on what options your organisation has set).
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12:18 AM
I have a similar problem: when adding an url of an image, say from Wikimedia, the image doesn't show up. I think a common problem displaying images is that unsupported image types are included - Explorer Online supports JPEG and PNG images - are all your images in these formats?
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12:06 AM
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