Using ArcGIS Mobile 10

03-18-2011 01:33 PM
by Anonymous User
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My name is Chris O. with Esri Support Services, Redlands, CA. ArcGIS 10 introduced a new way to create Mobile projects and to be able to serve them out to the Web, as well as use them in a non-server environment. Today we’ll take a step by step approach in this purely Desktop approach.

  1. Prep your client
    • Open the ArcGIS Mobile client and click the menu button, choose Settings and Application Settings. This is where the default folder locations are located for your projects. Feel free to add folders you want to use to store your projects.
  2. Prep your geodatabase
    • There are two kinds of layers in Mobile- Operational layers and Basemap layers. If you are using Operational layers in the field, you can make edits to it as long as you have GlobalIDs set. This can be done by just clicking in ArcCatalog on the feature class and choosing Add Global ID.
  3. Build your map
    • Add your data in the map and modify the symbology to make it easier to use in the field.
    • You will need to set the extent of the map by going to the Data Frame Properties > Data Frame tab and choose ‘Other:’ in the Extent Used by Full Extent Command. You can pick the current visible extent, an outline of one of the features, or a custom extent you choose. This will set the boundary for your project.
    • Save the map.
  4. Create the Mobile Map
    • Open the geoprocessing tool in Mobile Tools > Create Mobile Map
    • Load the map and set the output folder where you want the mobile cache to be created. This folder can then be used or moved to the mobile device.
    • Choose the layers you want to include (by default if none are checked, all will be included).
    • Run the tool.
  5. (optional) Move the newly create project (.amp file and MobileCache folder) to the location on the device as set in step 1.
  6. Open your project in ArcGIS Mobile
    • You will see it available in your list of projects on the device.
    • Create, modify, or delete any of your operational layers.
    • Changes made are tracked through the Manage Edits area in Mobile.
  7. Check in your edits
    • When the desired changes are made, or when the field crew returns, copy the Mobile Cache folder back to the server.
    • Use the Synchronize Mobile Cache geoprocessing tool and choose the same original MXD that was used in Step 4. Browse to the updated cache folder and choose the layers you want to check in.
  8. Now the edits are back in the geodatabase and the map will be updated.