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What’s new in 10: Integrating Military Analyst and MOLE extensions with ArcGIS

09-03-2010 04:20 AM
by Anonymous User
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With the release of ArcGIS 10, Military Analyst and MOLE extensions are now integrated with ArcGIS (i.e., most of the functionality is now native to ArcGIS). The following migration document provides information about accomplishing your tasks using this integration: Migrating from Military Analyst and MOLE.

One of the new functionalities is that military features can be added to your map using feature templates. Feature templates let you quickly add multiple similar features to a map one after another. You can also create your own feature templates. Feature templates let you focus on adding features, instead of concerning yourself with which layer is selected or which layer a feature must go in due to ArcGIS layer-type requirements. Feature templates are stored in map documents as layer packages. The following Web Help document provides you with further information about the above functionality: Adding military features to a map.

At ArcGIS 10, geodetic features that are spatially accurate can be created in any projection. You should use a geodetic feature if you are creating a feature that spans a large distance. The Web Help document, Creating geodetic features, can provide you with more information about this functionality.

At ArcGIS 10, there is now support for the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS), which is provided in the following three ways:

  1. Through the MGRS location installed in ArcGIS
  2. Through the Units button that exists on various tools
  3. In the data frame units display drop down list

The following Web help provides more detailed information about the provided support: Support for MGRS in ArcGIS.

At ArcGIS 10, additional geoprocessing tools are provided. These additional tools have a defense focus:

  • Bearing Distance to Line
  • Table to Ellipse
  • XY to Line
  • Convert Coordinate Notation
  • Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset

We hope these new features help you to be more efficient and successful in using ArcGIS 10.

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- Ajit M., Group Lead – Geodata Unit, Esri Support Services