Getting Started with Esri Community

06-09-2021 09:46 AM
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Getting Started with Esri Community

Welcome to Esri Community!
Learn about the features and layout of the new community in our video.

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This video covers:

  • Signing In
  • Navigation
  • Top Collaborators
  • Connecting with other Users
  • Profile Page
  • Finding Places (Product Example)
  • How to search within a place
  • How to ask a question
  • Accepted Solutions
  • Community Help
  • ArcGIS Ideas
  • Community Resources (formerly Community Basics)


Community Tips: If you see this icon on a page, a guided walk-through is available to help you. WM_HelpIcon.png

Sign In to Create Your Free Account

Create your Esri Community account by signing in with your ArcGIS account. Join our mailing list when you create your profile to receive tips and helpful information.

What can I do in Esri Community?

Build Your Network and Knowledge
In Esri Community, you can find solutions, share ideas, connect with other ArcGIS users, and collaborate with other community members.  Learn more about Esri Community


Gain recognition as a Top Collaborator or MVP

Esri Community members who provide Accepted Solutions or actively contribute to the community by sharing their best practices, tips, and workflows can be a rewarding experience! Not only will you earn higher ranks and badges, you can also be recognized as a top collaborator or be nominated as an MVP. Learn more about our community contest.


ArcGIS IdeasArcGIS IdeasContribute to Innovation at Esri

Visit ArcGIS Ideas to learn more about how you can submit enhancement ideas for Esri products. Browse current ideas that are submitted from users like you to vote, comment, and share your own use case for the idea or create your own. Learn more about ArcGIS Ideas


Community Feedback & Community Ideas

If you discover any issues while using the community, please comment about your experience in our Community Feedback section. If you have ideas on how we can improve the community, please share those in our Community Ideas exchange. 

For information on What’s New with Esri Community, follow our Community Blog.

What do I do next?

If it’s been a while since you last logged in and you want to understand some of the platform changes, see these documents for more information (Platform updated Nov. 2020):

Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

Hi All

I have a field called "Site ID". This field added to some graph types but not to some. What could be the reason? Thanks

New Contributor

How do I ask a question to the community?

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks for your question @RobertHoltom1. To help you ask a question I'd recommend this document  How to ask a question - Esri Community  .I also noticed that this document had a broken link for that under Next Steps so I fixed that here. Let us know if you need any further help. 

New Contributor


How can I put my own road network instead of this default road networkالمسار.png

Emerging Contributor

How do I ask a question about using the JavaScript API?

I navigate to ArcGIS JavaScript API Questions, but I only see a Subscribe button that is disabled.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

@IfThenTim I just Private Messaged you to help you with your question. 

New Explorer

Hello, I need help in converting an .XYZ file to a .TIF

Emerging Contributor
You can use the Spatial Analyst or 3D Analyst extensions to interpolate a raster surface.
Geoprocessing/Topo To Raster
Frequent Contributor

Used to be able to sort a community page by latest activity, now all I see are these:


Even though it says Sort/Filter, it is pretty much a filter (except for the Created option) and sort seems to be automatic by date.

Even the Created options appears to sort by creation date, not latest activity.

So, how do I sort to bring the posts with the latest replies to the top, answered or not?




MVP Notable Contributor

Please fix the sort on the communities.

I have since noticed the "Sort by Latest Post Date" under the options button, but, does absolutely nothing, at least in the way of sorting. 

So, even if you have the "Filter" set to "Created", it still only sorts by Topic Start Date, but never by Latest Post date.  At least, no way to sort by the latest replies to posts, which is the "standard" for most forums.

Not sure why the new Community would do away with this option (which, until now was ESRI's Default sort for forums), but it makes it pretty much impossible to actually follow the post activities.

Makes no sense to have to scroll through pages of post to find the one that was answered/replied to two minutes ago 50+ posts down in the list.............  If it was just responded to, move it to the top like the rest of the world.


Please FIX so users can actually follow the posts as there are replies.



If this option does exist, it is hidden very well.  please advise on how to access it.




Esri Community Manager

@rzufelt  thank you for your comment/feedback.  In regards to the filter/sort, that dropdown changes based on what page you are on but the title may not change, so you are correct sometimes it is just a filter depending on the page. Since the default for that type of page is already set to latest activity, and the created wort will maintain the default latest activity. Sorry if this is confusing. 



Esri Community Manager

@RhettZufelt  Thank you again for your feedback. we are continually working to fix and improve the sorts/filters options we will take your feedback under review.  An option to not miss any of the posts, you might choose to subscribe to a post or board and then take a look at your subscription notification options and change the setting to all posts. then you can track new replies through your notification feed:


 again thank you for the feedback. 

Frequent Contributor

@rzufelt  thank you for your comment/feedback.  In regards to the filter/sort, that dropdown changes based on what page you are on but the title may not change, so you are correct sometimes it is just a filter depending on the page. Since the default for that type of page is already set to latest activity, and the created wort will maintain the default latest activity. Sorry if this is confusing. 

@MichelleMathias  This is why I suggested to "fix" the sort feature, as the default sort is not the latest activity as one would expect, OR does not appear to be working correctly.

If it is working correctly,  why are the last updated times/days not in a sequential order?

Am I missing something here?

They are, however, in the order that the post was originally created.





Esri Contributor


I'm new to the Community and first of all, I wanted to subscribe to some products and topics. Problem is I can't subscribe to anything. When I click Subscribe, nothing happens. In the demo a new pop-up window opens (attached image), but in my case nothing opens.




Emerging Contributor

I joined one of the MOOC training, particularly on ArcGIS Roads and Highways. However, I needed to use a location referencing extension in the analysis but it is not available. I have a maintenance subscription, yet I still cannot use the extension. Pls, who can help me so that I can complete my course. Cheers

Emerging Contributor

Esri US doesn't offer a MOOC on Roads and Highways... 

Learning Plan"


Esri Roads and Highways product page with resources:

New Explorer

I made a map in ArcGIS Pro and published that to an online map on ArcGIS Online. Next, I made a Web App from this online map. I will share the URL for this Web App with my organization (it is set to "everyone"). We will receive new data on a regular basis however, so I will need to update these layers from time to time. Is there a way to update these layers in my Web App? Right now, all my layers appear to be in one feature layer on ArcGIS online. Perhaps these layers need to be stored here as individual feature layers? 

Occasional Contributor

I too would like to know how to keep the data and Web app updated.  Can this be updated using ArcPro.  If so, can it be automated?

Frequent Contributor

Hi @MatthewAllen and @MarloKapsa, I think what you are asking is about the truncate and append options.  Whenever the web map is updated, the same updates should be reflected in the web app if the app (WAB or Experience Builder) is linked to that map in the settings of the app. It's one of the first things you enable when creating the app. I say should because there's always the possibility that some additional configuration might be needed, i.e., pop-ups. Most of my experience is based on working with WAB. I have built databases with multiple feature layers in ArcPro, published to ArcGIS online as a hosted feature service. All layers are in one service and can be individually edited in ArcGIS online, i.e., add new fields, etc. To update this service, I would recommend reading through the community posts in this discussion. Because I have not had to update in a while, I have bookmarked this for when I will begin updating again but hopefully some of this information will fit your situation.  There used to be an overwrite option where you could select the layer to update right from ArcPro. I believe that's changed. But take a look at that forum for more information. Happy mapping! Kristal 

Regular Contributor

I did not participate in this MOOC but I have the link and the course of a
MOOC I attended on another platform and I think it corresponds to your
search, if you are interested I can send you a Zip file containing the
course and the link of this training is:
Good luck
New Explorer

Hello  I'm very new in GIS. I have a question about ArcgGIS pro ..


I'm trying to calculate/estimate the roughness or rockiness of an area using lidar data and eventually build a machine learning model to classify the roughness of the area. I'm wondering if there is any tool or any option in Arcgis pro that calculates roughness or rockiness of different areas? or any statistical calculations that can lead me to that either in python or anywhere??



Occasional Contributor

THere are several Topographic Roughness Indices ( , and simpler versions, including one demonstrated here: , ) that might be suitable, though I've only run it on a 30 m DEM, using the raster calculator.  They compare each cell to the Mean, or Max and Min. values of the surrounding neighborhood, high values = irregular terrain....

Whether or not it would be problematic with a very high resolution DEM derived from LIDAR data likely depends on the size of your study area.  There's no reason you couldn't do it in Python or within a model.

Version history
Last update:
‎04-18-2023 06:32 AM
Updated by: