万里长城版本发布 Great Wall Release (2.6)

01-23-2018 10:09 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
12 35 4,991

This update to Survey123 is in tribute to our Esri Beijing R&D Center, which leads the vision and development of the Survey123 website and Web Forms.

Survey123 for ArcGIS is developed by a small (but passionate ) team spreading over Redlands (USA), Melbourne (Australia) and Beijing (China). Coinciding with GIS Day, on November 15 2017, our Beijing friends put together a field exercise at the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall.  We headed up, capturing data with Survey123 all the way to Tower 26. It was an unforgettable experience!

The  Great Wall of China spans over more than 10,000里 (5,000km). It is  certainly one of the most impressive architectural feats in history.


Better Web Forms

The significance of this release is the introduction of a much improved support for Web Forms. Web Forms let you capture data with the surveys you design in Survey123, from web browsers. Web Forms are handy because they run well on desktop and mobile devices, not requiring the end user to download anything extra in order to capture data. Web Forms can also be easily shared through a simple link in an e-mail, they can be embedded within a web site or shared via social media.

We see more and more people authoring smart forms with Survey123 for use within a web browser.  Typical use cases include campaigns to gather data from the general public, citizen science projects but also forms for routine work within the enterprise.

You can open any survey you have published from a web browser by simply using the links provided in the Collaborate tab of the Survey123 web site.

The above will not take you by surprise, because we have supported Web Forms since June 2016. So what is new?

Web Forms authored from Survey123 web designer are faster: If you use the web designer to create your own surveys, you will find a noticeable boost in performance. This counts, because  particularly for public surveys people expect an instantaneous response when loading the survey.  We have reduced significantly the total size of the surveys. The  more lightweight your survey, the less time it takes to download into your web browser.  Most importantly, surveys have been improved so the browser can start rendering the questions before the full survey is downloaded.  This reduces the perceived startup time significantly. In our own testing, surveys with over 50 questions that used to take 11 seconds to load in the web browser, now only need 2.5 seconds.

This performance boost will only take effect with surveys that you publish with version 2.6. That is, starting today...  If you already have published your survey and you want to take advantage of the performance improvements in this release, simply go into the web designer and re-publish your survey.

If  you already have published surveys with web designer and want to take  advantage of the performance improvements in this release, simply go  into web designer and re-publish your survey.   


General release for Web Forms authored from Survey123 Connect: If you follow Survey123 development closely, you will know that until this release we supported surveys from Connect on the web as a Beta feature. As of this release, it is not Beta anymore!

A lot of work went into fixing critical issues and improving the user experience so you can author surveys in Connect, and then have people use them from a web browser. While there are still some known limitations, we feel confident that Web Forms now are solid to support the more common advanced features that Survey123 Connect offers.  This includes additional question types not currently available in web designer, as well as your own custom logic for user-input validation, conditional statements, repeats, groups etc

Not everything that is possible in Survey123 Connect will work in a Web Form, but most will. The following table provides a quick reference to help you identify which XLSForm features are not supported in Survey123 Web Forms.

XLSForm features not supported in Survey123 Web Forms
Question typesAll XLSForm question types supported in Connect are supported except barcode.
AppearancesAll appearances supported except spike and spike-full-measure supported (more on these appearances in a couple of weeks...)
Other XLSForm Columnsbody::esri:inputMask and bind::saveIncomplete are not supported.
XLSForm expressions
  • pulldata() function is not supported.
  • can't set the background image in questions of type image with the annotate appearance
  • property() function is not supported (although you can use the email and username question types to achieve the same)

Please also note that the look and feel of Web Forms may differ (although no drastically) from the way the survey is rendered in the Survey123 field app. Overall, the experience will be similar, but we have made conscious decisions to optimize data capture in the web versus the native app.

Web Forms in this release also come with refinements in the user experience of various question types, particularly questions to capture locations, images/photos and single and multiple choice questions as well as many, many software defects fixed.

The release of this new Web Form engine involved a pretty big undertaking so we are really excited about you finally having access to it.

Enhanced Report Print Templates (Beta)

As you may already know, Survey123 includes a handy built-in reporting engine that allows you to define the look and feel of reports using templates built with Microsoft Word.  Once the template is associated with your survey, you can easily create high quality printable documents using data submitted to Survey123. This work was first introduced through Tega's blog post Leveraging Custom Form Report Templates in Survey123.  The report service is at the moment exposed as a Beta feature and we continue evolving it with your feedback.

In this release we have simplified and expanded the syntax used in Microsoft Word document templates as follows:

  • Images: Up until 2.6, you could include images in your Microsoft Word template using the keyword ${%image1}, where image1 would be the name of the question in your survey with the image.  As of this release, you no longer need to prefix the question name with the percent sign %. That is, ${image1} will do!  This makes things easier for all of us. Most importantly, you can also specify the exact size of the image in your document. For example, you can set the width of your image in the final report to 300 pixels by using ${image1 | size:300:0}.  You can specify both the width and the height, but if  you leave the height set to 0, we will ensure that the aspect ratio is preserved. That is, we will guarantee that the image in your document has the width you specify, and then we will set  the height  accordingly to preserve the aspect ratio of the original photo. You can also now retrieve metadata from your images and include it as part of your report. Here is the syntax:


  • ${image1 | getValue:"x"} and ${image1 | getValue:"y"} will give you the X,Y coordinates from which the photo was taken.
  • ${image1 | getValue:"date"} and ${image1 | getValue:"time"} will extract the date and time when the photo was taken.
  • ${image1 | getValue:"name"} returns the name of the file.

Many thanks to Peters, Amy‌ and all who voted for Include photo coordinates on reports from Survey123


  • Maps: Simplified grammar so you can simply say ${Location} instead of ${%Location}.  Many of you have requested the means to define not only the scale and size of the map, but also the Web Map to be used.  This now can be achieved through the mapSettings optional parameter as follows:  ${Location | mapSettings:webmapID:mapScale}. 

For example: ${Location | mapSettings:ffb2f300ceeb417e9b384f52b60ce4e4:10000 | size:600:400} will include in your report a map centered at the geometry found in the Location question (this is expected to be a geopoint question), using a Web Map with ID ffb2f300ceeb417e9b384f52b60ce4e4, at a scale of 10000 and with a size of 600 pixels in width and 400 pixels in height.  If you do not remember the name of the geopoint question in your survey, you can also use the keyword $shape.  For example: ${Location | mapSettings:ffb2f300ceeb417e9b384f52b60ce4e4:10000 | size:600:400} is equivalent to ${shape | mapSettings:ffb2f300ceeb417e9b384f52b60ce4e4:10000 | size:600:400}

  • Multiple choices: With this new release you can decide how to include in your report the information contained in multiple-choice questions. For example, if you use ${multichoice1}, your Word document will include all selected choices in a single-line and separated by commas. If you choose to use ${multichoice1 | appearance:"bullets"}, then your Microsoft Word document will output the user selection as a bulleted list.

All the above new grammar is in addition to everything supported so far and described in the Print Individual Responses help topic.  It is also in addition to the old-style grammar you used before, so if  you have already uploaded your own report templates, they will continue to work as usual.

We will continue listening to your feedback regarding this beta feature and evolve it accordingly.

Survey123 web site

The Survey123 website includes some additional fixes and enhancements. I want to highlight a number of them:

  • BUG-000109826 In Individual response window on Survey123 for ArcGIS website, leading zero is dropped for a selected record if the survey form contains values with leading zero in label column.
  • BUG-000109752 When using Survey123 for ArcGIS web app, users are unable to scroll through the 'Thank You' screen if the message after submitting a survey does not fit within the web browser display
  • BUG-000108470 Individual Response fields appear blank for a selected record in the Data tab of the Survey123 for ArcGIS (survey123.arcgis.com) website if the submission contains a leading zero
  • BUG-000107912 Survey results exported to PDF from survey123.arcgis.com show the tags if html was used to style the survey with multiple selections
  • ENH-000104866 Provide URL parameters to apply to fields for web surveys from Survey 123 online
  • BUG-000110685: Date values do not get submitted from Web Forms published from Connect in Safari and IE11 browser
  • BUG-000109871: HTML tags added to choices tab in XLSForm are displayed in Survey123 website

Survey123 Field App and Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS

The Survey123 field app and Connect have been updated to version 2.6. You can download the field app from the Apple, Google Play and Amazon app stores.  As usual, you can also download the desktop version of the app and Connect from our Downloads Page

This is a minor release including a few fixes and minor enhancements:

  • BUG-000106527 / DE-000002011: Date & Time cannot take selected values. A usability fix for the Date and Time controls.
  • BUG-000103945 / DE-000001638: Android Photo Gallery. You can now browse for photos in Android devices using a nice photo gallery.
  • BUG-000109192: Save survey in Draft option is not working when the survey form is created with repeat_count value.
  • BUG-000107386: Hints cut off all text after a less than symbol '<' in Survey123 for ArcGIS field app.
  • BUG-000105455: Home button on the Inbox (and Drafts) map overview ignores the custom home location.
  • Eliminated conditions that caused the field app to occasionally crash after a new survey download.
  • Clearing the Inbox and Sent folders in one survey will no longer clear Inbox and Sent folders in other surveys downloaded in the device.
  • "time" type calculations not refreshing 
  • Improvements to the camera flash on Android devices.
  • Improved zoom capabilities in the barcode scanner.

For more details on What is New in this release as well as all previous updates, refer to our What's New Help Topic.

Tags (1)
Frequent Contributor

great work everyone!

a few more additional desired features would be allowing users to place a pre-made web map (with other non-survey related features) for reference in the gunpoint questions.

Also, the report templates I understand is still in beta however exporting individual reports is very tedious. A export all option or export highlighted submissions would be a great feature!

All the more great work!

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Joe, 

You should be able to specify a web map for the print templates with the 2.6 release; are you asking for support in the individual response?

We are planning to provide support for batch print template generation in a future release.

Frequent Contributor

Hi James,

I apologize I did not specify my request. In the geo-point question you can specify the "basemap" used when the user collects their location point. Would it be possible rather than just providing a basemap we can enter a webmap ID (thus providing other features for reference for the end user to see).

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the clarification - I've added this to our discussion on web map support

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Seems to be a problem printing in Survey123 for ArcGIS after this update. Getting various errors for the last two days.

Occasional Contributor

Does this mean that support for pulldata() has been dropped for all kinds of questions in web forms (not just geopoint)? I had some text questions working recently using pulldata() to auto-populate from a .csv, but now I get the error: "External instance "csv name" is empty." whenever I try to publish a survey using pulldata() for just a text field.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Robb,

We have just installed a hotfix for 2.6 release which fixed an issue causes reporting error due to multiline (text area) text question. Similar issue: https://community.esri.com/thread/208554-print-report-words-not-to-use-in-field-names  

Would you mind trying again on https://survey123.arcgis.com to see if the issue still exists?

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Still doesn’t work I get the error “A error occurred while generating report. Missing required params” This is using the Survey123 for ArcGIS generated default template with all references to “note and description” removed.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Caroline,

Support for pulldata has not been removed.  Is the pulldata function in a larger function?  There is an issue in form processing that leads us to recommend that a pulldata function populate a question only (no other function aside from pulldata in that question), and then later use that question in a calculation.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Robb, 

Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the "Missing required params" problem, can you please give another try after clearing the browser cache?

Occasional Contributor

Great Job Guys, 

I am doing a project with the CDC, and we have a question bank that we have entirely digitized in Survey 123 connect, Now we want to let users chose among these questions to deploy their customized survey.(showing only the selected items). What would be the best way to archive this?.

Thank you for your help! James Tedrick ichivite-esristaff

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the clarification. I was able to get pulldata() working again. The problem was the .csv file, and was resolved by creating a completely new .csv from scratch and pasting the rows from the old one into the new. I still don't know why the previous version of the csv created the the external instance error in the web form. They appear the same in a text editor.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Cesar,

Are you asking how it would be best to share a master template survey for use by other authors?  Hosting the XLSX file as an item in ArcGIS Online and sharing it out would work, as would other file sharing solutions.  We are working with the ArcGIS Online team to get an 'Open in Survey123 Connect' option added to form items in ArcGIS Online.

Regular Contributor

Hi James, any update on the status of on-premise use of survey123.com (within the firewall).  We are eagerly awaiting this capability.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Marc,

We had to take a couple of steps back after running into issues with original on premises design.  We are working on creating an installation guide that will allow customers to set up an on-premises version of the website.

Regular Contributor

Ok, thanks for the update.

Frequent Contributor

2.6 in Appstudio please.  Thanks!

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Tucker,

Thanks for the reminder!

Occasional Contributor

Hello James, Thank you for your answer, 

Basically, I am creating a solution for health agencies to apply the CASPER methodology. I have a Survey 123 excel file with all the questions (complex, more than 200 and rules). However, users do not need to use and publish all the questions. What I would like is that let the user (health agency gis guy) mark with a yes or no within the template to define which questions will be published and which will not. In this way simplify their process.

If existed an interactive way or by code in which the user only needs to select the questions he wants to see in his survey would be great.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Tucker,

You should find the updated template in AppStudio now.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Cesar,

Currently, what you describe can only be done via manually editing the Excel file at the time of publishing.  We can look into a system like you describe, though it would probably take a set of templates requiring this in several different areas to help us develop a solution (as opposed to a one-off prototype for a specific form)

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the help James, I am willing to use code or several templates to make life easier for the user.

The problem is that if I only give the template in excel for him to eliminate questions, I think it would be risky, as you know he could eliminate a wrong row and when he tries to publish he would get an error.

In the worst case, what would be a way to tell him which rows should not be deleted?

If you want I can share with you the excel file. 

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Cesar,

Sharing the form may be helpful, though I think that I have a clear enough description from your second comment to create a feature request.  

You might want to lock at locking areas of the Excel sheet- that would help preserve the 'never delete' rows.  See Lock or unlock specific areas of a protected worksheet - Excel  for more information.

Frequent Contributor

I have some IIF calculations that will populate note fields depending on the result of a previous question. It displays in the app but not in the web form. Is this a limitation? Will be resolved in a future release?

In app:

notes in app

In web:

notes in web

Esri Esteemed Contributor

if calculations should be working in the web form - can you provide an XLSForm example?

Frequent Contributor

Yes. How do I share the file? Do I upload it to the documents area in Survey123 and then insert a link to it from here?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

If the advanced editor isn't coming up, just email it to jtedrick AT Esri.com

New Member

Hi all,

Liking the updates coming to Survey123.

I noticed an interesting change to the Geopoint questions in new surveys and existing ones my organisation has created.
It seems like the user defined feature collection is no longer working, and there is only the option to use the user's location as the geopoint. Is this intentional, or am I missing something in the configuration?

In the past, I thought there was a point located in the center of the map and the user could pan to locate the feature of interest.

Any help or information you could give would be welcomed!

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Following up offline with Mike, we've identified an issue where notes cannot use calculations with other field values. It has been added to the internal issues list for the web form to address.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Zhifang WangJTedrick-esristaff

Quick Question on the "basemap" being used within the Custom Printing Template - I have been able to specify the webmap and scale that I would like for my map to be printed to within the custom template. However, for some reason the basemap is defaulting to the "street based" basemap (see first screenshot below).

Is this due to My AGOL Organization default being set to the road basemap? If so, then when I go into our Organization settings, then click on the "Map" tab, there is no way to change the "Default Basemap"; as the only option is "ESRI Default" (see second screenshot).

Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Occasional Contributor

Hello James,  I am still working on our survey for the CDC's CASPER methodology. Now I am facing a problem that I think you could help me to solve. 

The first one is the following:

As part of the last process in CASPER, the end user will need to add 1 field in the feature service used by survey123. Since CASPER is aimed to extrapolate the results of the surveyed area to the whole community, they need to calculate the weighting of each surveyed unit and then extrapolate the result for the whole community. I am attaching a couple of pictures that will let you understand cleaarly what they need to obtain. 

Right now I have created a python tool(ArcGIS Pro) that automate that process, adding the field and calculating the weighing and finally exporting the result as an excel file to calculate the frequency ( This is a tool in a software called Epi Info (A software made by the CDC). (Frequency | Analysis Gadgets | Visual Dashboard | User Guide | Support | Epi Info™ | CDC )

However, when I export the feature serves as an excel file I observe that each option "other" was store as an independent field. That is very problematic since I need to calculate the frequency of every value per field. (I am attaching an image) 

Is there any way to integrate the "other" options to each field that they belong originally?

I would really appreciate your help guys!

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Kieran. This is not expected. We have not intentionally changed the behavior of the map.  A bluemarker at the center of the map should still display.  Can you share the URL of your survey so we can have a look? Also, do you observe this in a particular web browser, or across all browsers?

Occasional Contributor
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Cesar,

You will need to have an additional field that combines the result from the select_one question and it's corresponding other question into a final, unified field.  https://community.esri.com/groups/survey123/blog/2017/12/11/making-other-work-harder-in-survey123-re... describes this process.

Occasional Contributor

Thank you, James !

It works!