ExcelToSQLite64 won't die (it's back)

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06-29-2022 07:31 AM
New Contributor III

I noticed my computer's fan is running nearly all the time after running ArcGIS Pro 3.0. After investigating, I found that ExcelToSQLite64 keeps running even after closing ArgGIS Pro. When it does, it uses one of my virtual processors at 100% utilization until I kill the process in Task Manager. This is what is making the fan turn on.

While trying to figure out what was going on, I found that this was also a problem with 2.6.

Since this has been a bug acknowledged by ESRI for over two years and three releases, I am wondering if staff know what I can do about it beyond just killing the process whenever I hear my fan turn on.

Also, is this something you guys might fix some day?

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47 Replies
New Contributor III

I've just discovered the same problem. ExcelToSQLite automatically launches on reboot. If I kill it with Task Manager, it's back within a minute. I can't see where it is loaded. The program is taking 12% of my CPU and turning my Xeon machine into a dog. A three-legged dog at that.

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New Contributor III

Glad to know about it. If you tell the ESRI support people in this forum, as you can see they will  tell you they can't reproduce it so it must be your problem. The best option is to skip Pro 3.0 and check again to see if it is fixed when 3.1 comes out.

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New Contributor III

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately, I am but a simple minion and at the mercy of my corporation's IT group. My issue has been reported to our section but I'll just have to live with it until 3.1 comes out or someone hopefully fixes it. Searching through the posts, some users have reported similar issues for the past several years on previous versions and while there may not be a lot of people with this issue, apparently I am not the only one. I just noticed this issue in the last week but have been using 3.0 for a little while.

I can't figure out where ExcelToSQLite is launched on boot as I only have local Admin rights but killing it doesn't help as it immediately restarts within a minute and rebooting the system doesn't make a difference.

New Contributor III

So far I've discovered that ExcelToSQLite gets loaded when you add a layer from our server onto a local project. It could also be when you export a layer to a shape file. I forgot to check between the two steps but will see if I can isolate which one triggered it. 

P.S. I just updated to 3.0.1 and that seems to have killed ExcelToSQLite. Possibly the update fixes the problem.

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New Contributor III

After updating to 3.0.1, the problem still exists.

New Contributor II

I had this problem today and the worse thing is that I did NOT use ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1 at all today!

I was wondering why my fan was running at max speed for a while when I wasn't doing anything and Task Explorer showed me the culprit: ExcelToSQLite64.exe!

See image.

NOTE: I'm on a laptop and this seem to have started when I plugged in my laptop but can't confirm it was exactly at that moment that it started.

ExcelToSQLite64.exe using 46% of my CPU without using ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1ExcelToSQLite64.exe using 46% of my CPU without using ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1

New Contributor II

I confirm: After working on battery power, when I plug in my laptop, for no reason whatsoever ExcelToSQLite64.exe starts running like crazy.

NOTE: I am not even running nor started ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1 during the day and my computer was completely off when I turned it on this morning. This process should not start at all.


New Contributor

Same issue for me. I can't use Excel conversion tools at all, as my machine just locks up. I've been using 3.0 and can't go back to 2.9x. Can't find a way to export the projects as older versions.

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New Contributor III

Unfortunately, support says they can't duplicate the problem so I assume are not working on the issue. If I could just figure out how to kill ExcelToSQLite after using ArcGIS, I'd be happy. If you kill the process, it automatically starts up almost immediately. I have a halfway decent Xeon machine and it takes 12% of my CPU time slices. What's strange is I'm not doing anything with Excel and ArcGIS Pro together so don't understand why it fires up. I'm assuming from the file name that the routine converts Excel spreadsheets to SQLlite databases and if I'm not doing that, why is the app loading?

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New Contributor II

They should try on a laptop. Going from Battery power to Plugged-in power is what starts ExcelToSQLite for me. What bugs me the most is that these days I'm not even opening ArcGIS at all and yet, this process is automatically starting.

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