I've been looking at pro for the last years. Always same conclusion: that it is too slow (mind-blowing slow). I remember going from arcview 3 to arcgis, and this is not the same user resistance issue. As an arcmap user I had the same wish list as everyone else: - multithread - to speed things up with my multi-core cpu Result: pro is unbearably slow - antialiasing - to see things as they print or make better presentations Result: it does anti-aliasing, but is so slow I can't use it - 64 bit - I want to use more memory to be faster! Result: pro is unbearably slow - several layouts in a project - I want to be more productive, have less projects for a single task Result: pro is unbearably slow - cartography/symbology - I want better/more rules so I am more productive and can avoid complex layer/scale range/symbology setups (same layer loaded multiple times, different query defs, scale ranges, symbols) Result: pro is unbearably slow So the result is - I can't get the good stuff that would make me abandon arcmap. As time passes and arcmap gets further behind I'll be looking at the competition for a new best-in-class GIS desktop product. I already found one that offers all of the above items (QGIS). If esri doesn't/can't make a good product I will move on. I'm a client, I am not a fan. I owe you money not loyalty. You owe me quality service.
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03:05 AM
Hi there. Bit late, but I use the truncate/append method a lot and it works fine. I also reindex every index on the Feature Class (there's a tool for that too). As long as this is a readonly mapservice this works fine with a small window of oportunity where a user may see an empty or incomplete dataset while the process is running. But I feel this does not answer the original question: schema locking does not block editing. It blocks adding/removing fields and deleting the feature class. Truncate+append allows to reload the entire feature class with data from scratch. The added benefit is that any views that depend on the feature class are kept safe and keep working fine. As opposed to deleting and recreating a feature class will delete all views that use that feature class.
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02:26 AM
I have now upgrade postgresql 9.5 + esri 10.5.1 to esri 10.6. st_raster type and functions in sde schema are not deleted. This means it is not possible to upgrade to postgresql 9.6.
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02:37 AM
I was trying to go from 9.3 to 9.6 and that's impossible without the dll for 9.6. So now I've done the upgrade from 9.3 to 9.5, keeping with geodatabase at 10.5.1. The next step is to try upgrade that geodatabase to 10.6 and see how that goes. Hopefully arcmap will automatically remove all traces of st_raster, and I'll be able to delete the dll. Only then will I be able to upgrade postgresql from 9.5 to 9.6. Note that arcgis 10.6 does not support postgresql 9.3 so I had to ugprade postgresql.
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01:24 AM
I'm sorry I must not have been clear from the start. The problem only appears when you have a geodatabase with st_raster installed. Which is my case. When I heard st_raster was to be discontinued I moved all raster out of the database. But the sde system types and functions, etc., still exist. Hence the difficulty to upgrade without i) removing them or ii) having a 10.6 dll. Thanks for your comments.
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10:22 AM
arcgis creates a series of objects in the sde schema that depend on that libst_raster_pg.dll, namely the st_raster type and a series of st_* functions. Once you delete the dll all of these will provoke errors in postgresql. Also, if you deleted the dll, in the future when you try to upgrade say to postgresql 9.6, the missing dll will prevent restoring of objects that depend on the missing dll. Also, you will not be able to use pg_upgrade - the preferred way to upgrade postgresql - since all binaries must be present in both versions - the old and the new. I hope the recommended way to upgrade a geodatabase is not to "brute force delete" a library in use by objects of the geodatabase.
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10:05 AM
I don't have any raster data and config word is not st_raster. My doubt is what to do with the libst_raster_pg.dll I have on the lib folder that's v 10.5.1. When upgrading we're told to replace esri's dll's with the new versions. so st_geometry will be replaced with the new 10.6. But what about libst_raster_pg.dll? Thanks
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08:05 AM
st_raster is no longer distributed with 10.6, so what happens when upgrading from 10.5? Obviously I can't copy the libst_raster_pg.dll to the database as I used to. So the question is: how to remove st_raster from our database? Database is postgresql 9.3, that we need to upgrade to 9.6 before upgrading the geodatabase, to have a supported postgresql. To upgrade we are going to use pg_upgrade which is the recommended approach instead of a backup/restore. Thanks. Duarte
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02:26 AM
So, it seems federated Server security is handled by Portal. So no, rest end points shouldn't be public. Should be protected by portal's security, IWA or otherwise. Couldn't find any reference to server REST api endpoints changing, other than the tokens url, which changes to portal. I figure public js api web apps to keep having access must use "the" proxy with included credentials. This bread and butter kind of stuff is really not clear or easy to find. I can get more info on high availability scenarios than on simpler things. Maybe it's just me, but I find docs very confusing, spread over many, many seemingly unrelated pages. I still can't figure a simple, to the point, conclusion of how IWA/security works... I can get a step-by-step to configure it but can't get a good picture of what it causes... So on to testing in a vm the whole thing... hours and hours of fun await.
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10:36 AM
I'm looking at security models in Portal + Server. I'm interested in keeping my server with integrated windows authentication (IWA). Instructions say to disable server webadaptor security before joining the portal: Use Integrated Windows Authentication with your portal—Portal for ArcGIS (10.5.x) | ArcGIS Enterprise My question is: in the end will access be open (anonymous) to server rest api endpoints? Thanks.
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02:34 AM
Sorry to only answer today... just noticed your reply now. I wouldn't consolidate 600 layers. But testing is always best. If you have 96GB ram and that's not a limitation yet, than don't consolidate into a single mxd. Maybe study what would be an intermediate consolidation plan. Hundreds of seldom used services sounds like a nightmare. Could they be put into a single or a few mapservices? I use MXDperfstat to see if performance issues exist with a single user. I don't have nearly the number of users you do. You can try to monitor mapservices statistics, like max wait time, # of failed requests, to see how things work under different configurations. /blogs/clarity/2015/09/14/tools-to-monitor-your-servers-and-services About server statistics—ArcGIS Server Administration (Windows) | ArcGIS Enterprise To simulate 10 simultaneous users you can use a web stress tool, and see how the server responds to increasing users. esri has one, I never tried it since it seems a bit overkill to me: There are lots out there... I've used JMeter in the past. As you test your mapservices keep an eye on the server's CPU, memory and bandwidth usage. You'll get an idea of what your bottleneck is/are. Also be aware that your testing PC should not saturate CPU or bandwidth. If it does, divide your testing into several PCs.
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10:11 AM
It would be reasonable to assume documentation about choosing arcgis server security model would advise on what does not work with each option: Configuring ArcGIS Server's authentication tier—ArcGIS Server Administration (Windows) | ArcGIS Enterprise I have been working up to having web tier with windows authentication only to find out later on in a totally unrelated documentation page that printing does not work and is not supported at all: Print maps that contain secured services—Documentation (10.5) | ArcGIS Enterprise It's on the very last paragraph... It's a discovery process with esri's "Enterprise" products. You may well find out that all your invested time was just wasted. At this point I don't know what else might not work with WIA...
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08:18 AM
Bug. Worse: regression bug on 10.5.1...
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08:01 AM
Ok, so it is solved! Weekends work wonders in our brains! It is not a bug. But a bit of quirkiness from the js api... So, you have to set = "with-credentials", or it won't work. Only then does this take effect:{host:"", withCredentials: true}); If you set, it breaks. If you set it to false, it works again. Go figure. It is what it is. Personally I would have done it simpler: If useCors=true, and then if corsEnabledServers have the option withCredentials set to true, just use it. I suppose it would break some apps, so a 3rd option was added to useCors. I guess... So, thanks again for your help. And I hope this will be useful to someone else.
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02:26 AM
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