Hey, well I didn't really... Still on the todo list. I learned there's a new way to use PostGIS in esri world: since esri needed to be compatible with cloud offerings it's now possible to have a "pure" PostGIS geodatabase without even installing st_geom libraries ( On the other hand, the libs for PostgreSQL 15 are now available (included in the Pro 3.2 download), so the delay to the latest Pg version is not that big ("only" 1 major release). So I'm pondering... do I just keep st_geom or do I ditch it... As for how to migrate, my guess is copy/paste every single FC using a script. Which obviously forces a rebuild of all views that reference those FCs and that's why I haven't moved yet.
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10:50 AM
Hey. I am considering migrating our geodb from ST_Geom to PostGIS with sde schema (a "proper" geodatabase). My question is if there's any tool that simply converts a FC from ST_Geom to PostGIS type? It would really make a difference... If not, does anyone have a suggestion on how to proceed to avoid export/import or copy/paste every single FC? Thanks, Duarte
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03:27 AM
So, it's 2022, arcgis pro is on version 3.0, and esri still did not include basic mapping functionality available in arcmap for years... this is so hopeless. We can do multi-attribute symbology but it is so limited that it's useless. It's simply impossible to reproduce this in arcgis pro: A simple 2 attribute symbology, that is reflected in the layer legend, so you know, users know what's going on and you can reflect that on a layout. This is not possible with esri software any more! The workaround is to create a 2nd layer, keep it turned off, just to show users what the simbology is about. This does not create a usable legend in a layout of course, and is just a complete hack. I needed to get this off my chest. After so many years of arcgis pro development, and arcmap compulsory phasing out (you can no longer publish to server), we have to regress our professional work methods to hacking things together. This is simply sad...
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01:53 AM
So, it's 2022, arcgis pro is on version 3.0, and esri still did not include basic mapping functionality available in arcmap for years... this is so hopeless. We can do multi-attribute symbology but it is so limited that it's useless. It's simply impossible to reproduce this in arcgis pro: A simple 2 attribute symbology, that is reflected in the layer legend, so you know, users know what's going on and you can reflect that on a layout. This is not possible with esri software! I know that this site of "ideas" is useless too, but I needed to get this off my chest.
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01:46 AM
Not to start a "ours is better" sub-thread, but actually qgis competitor is arcgis pro, not arcmap. And for a fraction of computer resources. If you want to see multi-threaded gui well done try it out. Also saying it's an arcmap rip off is just not even close. If you'd say it's an arcview 3.x gui rip off it would be arguable. Also this whole thread illustrates the biased relationship between esri and its customers. People are desperate and keep hearing you should stand on your head to make it suck less... I think pro is a great idea. I want to be able to work with it. I paid for it after all. Am paying every year. Bad mouthing other products doesn't improve pro... Also, yes, qgis is very much rdbms capable. Much, much more capable than anything arc*. It's made to work with postgis though. Not with a proprietary data scheme (even though it can) slapped with an "enterprise" price hike. OTOH arcgis can make an enterprise gdb use native postgis format so it's compatible with all postgis clients, including qgis. What ever value esri offers I think it's mainly in the full stack they provide to customers. The new desktop component just happens to suck.
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05:31 AM
Didn't happen at 2.5. If you want to refresh layouts on a print service you have to recreate it...
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08:01 AM
So more info... a few months later with arcmap 10.7.1 and using Python this time. See solution below. I just noticed that shape_area is of type unicode... str(type([st_area(shape)])) shows <type 'unicode'>. Also since my locale uses "," for decimal places it complicates even more. For instance, multiplying st_area(shape) by 1 works fine, it returns "49698,074309". Now let's divide by 1: [st_area(shape)]/1
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'unicode' and 'int' Hmm, what's going on? Let's try to convert to float: float([st_area(shape)])
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 49698,074309 What? Ok, let's convert it to int: int([st_area(shape)]) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '49698,074309' What if the issue is the decimal separator? Let's replace "," with ".": int([st_area(shape)].replace(",","."))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '49698.074309' That's no it either... strange enough it works for float which is good enough for me: float([st_area(shape)].replace(",","."))
49698,074309 If you look carefully you'll see we've gone from "," to "." back to "," again... So in short we have to replace decimal separator with "." and then convert to float so we can finally convert m2 to hectares: str(float([st_area(shape)].replace(",","."))/10000) + " ha"
4.9698074309 ha Notice how again we are showing "."? Anyway, a bit convoluted but still better than using cursors!
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10:26 AM
Just for reference: Can't do it: Error: 499 Error occurred while processing request Can do it: WMS services—Documentation | ArcGIS Enterprise Anyway, using tokens you will have to get new tokens and give them to the users to include in the url, or use really long lived tokens, or use an authentication proxy like the one from esri (GitHub - Esri/resource-proxy: Proxy files for DotNet, Java and PHP. ).
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03:53 AM
This is an old post but someone may find this useful - wms is not available for token protected mapservices. It's in the fine print too. Some help page states it's the standard's fault even though the standard does not really support any kind of authentication. That's really out of scope of the wms standard. Go figure...
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03:10 AM
Sooo... it works for lines and polygons, not points. For lines, the field st_length(shape) appears in the fields list. So this works (vbscript): round([st_length(shape)],1) & "m" For polygons, the field st_area(shape) appears in the field list. So this works (vbscript): round([st_area(shape)]/10000,1) & "ha" For points, there's no access to the shape field nor any derivation. There is a workaround, that's a bit complex, and may suffer low performance with many points. But for a few points it works, it's just incredibly convoluted to do such a simple task (python): def FindLabel ( [objectid] ):
lr="layer name"
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lr, 'Shape@',r'"objectid"='+str( [objectid] )) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
x = str(round(a[0].X,1))
y = str(round(a[0].Y,1))
return x + ";" + y
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04:42 AM
I'm just looking for confirmation from fellow arcmap users. Is this true? Can anyone have a simple X,Y label for points in arcmap? Or a "XXX m2" label for polygons? Just with a label expression? For feature classes in enterprise geodatabases? Without creating fields that need to be updated manually or in some convoluted automated way? I am an old arcmap user, and I know this was bread&butter... did we lose this basic gis ability? If not, please, please let me know how to do it. Best, Duarte
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03:23 AM
As a workaround I used ArcGIS Online Assistant to edit the webmap json manually, replacing all "offending" characters. That got the webmaps working again. Now I need to know how to solve the issue...
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02:05 AM
So I've been really baffled by this problem: portal and agol mapviewer stop working when I remove some layers from an arcgis server map service. After digging around, I saw that the error only happens when the layers have international characters, like ã, á, etc. Looking at chrome console I cought an example of an offending request, with error 500. Very simple request: https ://server/instance/rest/path_to_service/MapServer/export?
&f=image This gives a 500 error. Just replacing the name of the dynamiclayer marked in bold above to something with ansi characters it works fine. So I'm justing asking if someone has seen this? Is there a feasible workaround? Versions details: AGS 10.7.0, windows 2008 r2 x64.
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10:10 AM
So I forgot to close this with the final answer. I started with tech support on July 7th. On 2018/08/31: BUG-000107835 : Upgrading PostgreSQL from 9.4.5 to 9.5.3 using the pg_upgrade command fails when ST_Geometry is configured. On 2018/11/07: The status of Esri BUG-000116414 - Unable to upgrade or restore ArcGIS 10.5.1 geodatabase/PostgreSQL 9.5 to ArcGIS 10.6/PostgreSQL 9.6 when ST_Raster is installed. - that you have been associated with has been changed to Implemented. Public Explanation: Case Number: 02147567 Version Fixed: 10.7.0 2 months to get an actionable answer. Which was: don't use the latest release that you payed for. No hot-fix made no work-around. Still waiting for 10.7 to see with my own eyes if I'll be able to upgrade. Fingers crossed. Not a happy camper. UPDATE Nov-2020 I found a tech article with a script to remove st_raster objects: Bug: Cannot upgrade/restore ArcGIS 10.5.1 geodatabase/PostgreSQL 9.5 to ArcGIS 10.6/PostgreSQL 9.6 when ST_RASTER is ins… No one notified me of this, so I'm putting this here for any one in the same boat.
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07:11 AM
Ezi Molley I completely agree with you. And I'm going to vent a bit more now... This is not a very specific case scenario where we have to help debugging the situation and provide as much reproduceable data as we can to tech support. arcgis pro does not fit in that situation. We are not talking about exotic setups or workflows. Everyone knows pro runs badly always. This is basic QC responsibilities and someone is knowingly let the product get out to the public like this. Any guy/girl at esri with a common PC will encounter the same issues we are all facing easily. Please don't tell me you don't know about network performance or you didn't detect the glaring rendering and geoprocessing issues. Don't tell me you don't make performance baseline testing. I know you do. Just look at the excellent System Design Strategies site. It's all there. So to me this is a question of honesty and transparency. So my message to esri is this... own it. In truth, arcgis pro is free of charge. So there's a tolerance for a slow, informed, programmed switch from arcmap. Key is informed... Stop avoiding the real situation and start showing good leadership. Tell us what you intend to do about it, even if it's nothing at all. You could tell us that it's an intrinsic characteristic of the new software, and it will be slower than arcmap for some hardware generations to come, that eventually will catch up. Just like going from av3 to arcgis 8 back in 1999 (it was staggering slower). Tell us to buy real top-end machines, with raid nvme disks, cgi pro video cards, max frequency 2 slots cpus with 20 cores, and min 128gb ram. At least we wouldn't be surprised that pro doesn't budge on our measly i7 sata sdd 32gb rigs. We wouldn't waste our money like this anymore. And/Or you can tell us that you have an optimization plan going on and will include performance improvements in each iteration of the following releases. And, please, in either case, create a knowledge base document on how to mitigate the existing performance issues. That would be helpful. You can start by acknowledging the problem and point to the road ahead to solve it. Be a leader. That would win over *all of us* instead of alienating most of us.
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11:26 AM
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