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Using Public Domain Data to Benchmark an ArcGIS Enterprise Map Service (Intermediate)

06-29-2021 12:55 AM
Esri Contributor
2 9 2,693

Choosing a Capability of ArcGIS Enterprise to Benchmark

As the foundational software system for GIS, ArcGIS Enterprise performs many duties such mapping and visualization, analytics. From this wide range of capabilities and functions there is no single test that can represent all of its ability. 

However, if one function were to be used as a benchmark for testing an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, a strong case can be made for the map service export function. Export map can be called easily and programmatically in an Apache JMeter Test Plan by varying the spatial extents of the requests from CSV data files across several map scales. This translates to just one request for each map scale transaction which helps keep the test from become complicated and difficult to maintain. Coupled with the fact that the export function has been available since version 9.3 makes for a proven and reliable operation to benchmark. 

What is a Benchmark of a Map Service?

GIS testers and administrators are often tasked with understanding the differences in throughput between two systems or the same system after some form of environment modification. In such scenarios, a benchmark is the process of carrying out a load test to act as a standard for which multiple things can be compared to one another.

With respect to GIS, this load test would be an Apache JMeter Test Plan executing a step load test against an ArcGIS Enterprise map service to understand the highest rate of throughput (transactions/sec or requests/sec) that can be achieved from the deployment given a particular state or configuration. This rate is also known as the peak throughput. At peak throughput, understanding the performance (transaction or request response time) would also be critical to measure.

Benchmark Dataset

Any dataset can be used for a benchmark as long as it is kept constant where changes like feature class additions, updates, deletes and versions are not being made. This consistency helps create a dependable "standard" since it is a non-moving target. The test data can be private (e.g. proprietary) or public domain based.


What is Public Domain Data?

Generally speaking, public domain data would be any raster or vector datasets that are free to download and use. There are many public domain datasets out there (and potentially different licenses that define them). The data used in this Article is Made with Natural Earth and provided through the Creative Commons (CC0) license.


Why Use Public Domain Data?

One of the characteristics that make a good benchmark is constructing a test so that others are able repeat the same test that you did. Public domain data is a good choice in this regard as it promotes a testing standard and a dependable measuring stick for performance and scalability.

SampleWorldCities vs Natural Earth

While ArcGIS Server's inclusion of the SampleWorldCities through its installation helps make the dataset ubiquitous and good for test examples and walkthroughs, its extremely small size does not make it ideal to use for benchmarking a map service.

The Natural Earth datasets on the other hand, provides some decent map detail (at smaller scales) covering the whole world. Additionally, this can be achieved given an easily accommodating disk size foot print which help make it more practical to share, download and use.

The Benchmark Natural Earth Dataset

  • Download the benchmark dataset here 
    • The data is a subset of the and includes a modified MXD for ArcMap 10.8.1 and ArcGIS Pro 2.8 project.
      • Either can be used to publish a map service to ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • The Natural Earth subset of data should look similar to the following when opened in ArcGIS Pro (or ArcMap)


Deployment Architecture

Architecture is import detail of a benchmark. The following are all important components of benchmark architecture that have an impact on the test:

  • Does a Web Adaptor exist?
  • Was authentication involved or was the service made available to everyone
    • Portal for ArcGIS authentication
    • ArcGIS Server token authentication
    • Available to everyone
  • How many machines took part in the ArcGIS Site?
  • Processor details
    • Processor model and architecture
    • Number of CPU cores for each server (including the testing client workstation)
    • Physical, virtual or cloud
  • Physical Memory details
    • Total amount of system memory
  • Network speed
  • ArcGIS Enterprise version
  • Operating System Version

Note: It is recommended to take note of the deployment architecture details. Saving this information with the test results can help give proper context and meaning to the analysis or conclusions. 

The results listed in for this benchmark test were run against the follow environment architecture:

  • ArcGIS Server (10.9 Final)
  • ArcGIS Web Adaptor (10.9 Final)
    • Dell PowerEdge R440
    • Windows Server 2019
    • 10G network
  • Test Client
    • Apache JMeter 5.4.1
    • Dell PowerEdge R640
    • SPECint_rate_base2006 
      • 6 virtual CPUs
      • 16GB RAM
    • Windows Server 2019
    • 10G network

Data Source Type and Location

Using either a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase to store data in for benchmark test is fine. Regardless of which is used, the detail of the data source is an important property of the environment which should be noted.

Note: It is recommended to take note of the data source type. Saving this information with the test results can help give proper context and meaning to the analysis or conclusions. 

As for location, using a remote file geodatabase instead of a local file geodatabase might be necessary if the deployment has multiple servers that make up the ArcGIS Enterprise Site. In either case, remote or local, the data source location is also an important detail of the test environment that should be noted.

Note: It is recommended to take note of the data source location. Saving this information with the test results can help give proper context and meaning to the analysis or conclusions.

Service Type and Number of Instances

For the most widely used ArcGIS map services in a Site, it is recommended to publish the resource as a Dedicated instance instead of Shared. Although both types can scale to fully utilize the available hardware, a Dedicated service instance has resources behind the scenes that are devoted to it which make it an ideal choice for a benchmark test.

For predictable performance, it is recommended to set the Minimum and Maximum number of instances for the Dedicate instance type equal to the number of CPU Cores of the ArcGIS Server machine.

Note: It is recommended to take note of the service type and number of instances. Saving this information with the test results can help give proper context and meaning to the analysis or conclusions.

Do the Request Options in a Benchmark Test Matter?

Absolutely! Using a common dataset and the export map function is not enough to establish a dependable benchmark. The export operation is extremely versatile but through this flexibility an image can be generated through in a variety of different input options.

A load test that is sending in the requests to the map service consistently is an important for establishing a reliable benchmark. Can the test request a BMP image format instead of a PNG or ask for data to be in a different spatial reference other than the default of 4326? Yes, but changing such options may impact the performance and scalability of the test so it is recommended to leave this Test Plan settings as is.

The Map Service Benchmark Test Plan 

  • To download the Apache JMeter Test Plan used in this Article see:  
    • This Test Plan is largely based on the SampleWorldCities test project from a previous Article
  • Downloading and opening the Test Plan in Apache JMeter should look similar to the following:
    • Adjusted the User Defined Variables to fit your environment


  •   The request composition (one for each of the 5 tested map scales) should look similar to the following:


The Thread Group Configuration

The Thread Group defines the step load characteristics of the test and plays an important role. For an export map, the maximum Number of Threads for the test has a close relationship with maximum number ArcGIS Server CPU cores (and similarly, the maximum number of service instances). Configuring the test threads to exceed the number of cores helps ensure enough pressure is applied to fully utilize the server CPU resources. From there, peak throughput should observed which is a primary goal of a benchmark test.

Note: Not all tested datasets may show the respective service fully utilizing the CPU of the ArcGIS Server tier. In such cases, additional troubleshooting is needed to understand where the bottleneck exists that is limiting the scalability of the given workflow.

  • As a general rule of thumb, configure the maximum step load to be 25% -- 60% higher than number of server CPU cores
    • As seen below, the Test Plan is configured to run for 1 hour and reach a maximum step load of 40 concurrent test threads
      • This would start the benchmark at 1 test thread and add an additional thread every 90 seconds
      • This benchmark was designed to test an ArcGIS Server deployment running on 24 physical CPU cores 
      • Adjust accordingly, not every ArcGIS Server will run on 24 physical cores and the maximum step values may be too high for your deployment


Note: It is recommended to take note of the step load configuration details. Saving this information with the test results can help give proper context and meaning to the analysis or conclusions.

Benchmark Test Execution

The benchmark should be run in the same manner as a typical JMeter Test Plan.

See the runMe.bat script included with the project for an example on how to run a test recommended by the Apache JMeter team.

Note: It is always recommended to coordinate the load test start time and duration with the appropriate personnel. This ensures minimal impact to users and other colleagues that may also need to use the ArcGIS Enterprise Site. Additionally, this helps prevent system noise from other activity and use which may "pollute" the test results.

Results and Analysis

Once the load test has completed, the runME.bat instructs Apache JMeter to automatically generated a report to assist with the analysis of the results.

There can be entire Articles and internet resources devoted exclusively to analyzing the components of the results from a load test. So, in the interest of keeping things simple, our focus will be looking at request throughput (requests/sec) and request performance (seconds) metrics from the report.

The diagrams below illustrates the ideal trends of these two items in the test over time.

The Ideal Throughput Curve



Ideally, the throughput curve will have the form of the orange line above. The point where the curve
peaks and begins to flatten is an indication that the system has reached its highest level of throughput (due to a hardware or software bottleneck). This area of the graph where the curve bends is referred to
as the knee and the value for maximum throughput is at this point.

The blue line represents the increasing step load of the test.

The Ideal Performance Curve


Ideally, the response time curve will have the form of the green line above. It is taken at this same point in the test as maximum throughput.

The blue line represents the increasing step load of the test.

JMeter Report

Included with the project is a Apache JMeter report called naturalearth1_run1 within the reports folder.

  • Opening the index.html will reveal multiple charts and table to assist with the analysis


 Actual Throughput Curve

  • From the report:
    • Under Charts-->Throughput, the Hits Per Second chart can be found where the request throughput from the test is plotted
      • Since the test was constructed with each transaction containing only one request, "hits per second" is equivalent to both transactions/sec and requests/sec
      • The system achieved a maximum throughput of about 80 transactions/sec (or 80 requests/sec)


Actual Performance Curve

  • From the report:
    • Under Charts-->Response Times, the Time Vs Threads chart can be found where the request performance from the test is plotted
      • All items except "/pvtserver/rest/services/NaturalEarth/MapServer/export" are filtered out (by clicking on them within the legend)
      • Since the test was constructed with each transaction containing only one request, the "export request" is also representing the average transaction performance
      • At the point of maximum throughput, the system deliver a transaction performance of about 314ms or 0.3 seconds



 Note: A different approach to the analysis will need to be taken for load test containing transactions with more than one request

Comparing the Results

After you have completed the test of your system with the provided data and Test Plan you can compare the results with the those listed in this Article. This can provide an approximate measuring stick for equating two systems.




Apache JMeter released under the Apache License 2.0. Apache, Apache JMeter, JMeter, the Apache feather, and the Apache JMeter logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.

Esri Contributor

Actual Performance Curve chart adjusted to show the response time point that corresponds more accurately to the maximum throughput.

Occasional Contributor

hello sir @AaronLopez

i had a problem running this test.

i published the natural earth map as service, name it as NaturalEarth_MIL1.

change the parameter accordingly in jmeter

the result tree showed me this 


any help regarding this?


Esri Contributor

Hi @ChiefKeefSosa300 (tq),

Would you be able to delete one of the "image/png Validation" elements and try playing the test again?

These validations items are looking to see if the content returned from ArcGIS Server looks like a png image (this is the default image format this test requests). If it does not match a png signature, it fails the request. Failing a request whose response is not expected is a common strategy when you want to know if your test encounters an error. 


Occasional Contributor

hi sir @AaronLopez,

per your suggestion i disabled the image/png validation and results go green again.

i just wanna ask about this statement:

"A load test that is sending in the requests to the map service consistently is an important for establishing a reliable benchmark. Can the test request a BMP image format instead of a PNG or ask for data to be in a different spatial reference other than the default of 4326? Yes, but changing such options may impact the performance and scalability of the test so it is recommended to leave this Test Plan settings as is."

does this mean my test failed wholly? or my arcgis server doesnt meet the benchmark requirement?

please enlighten me good sir.

thanks again.

Esri Contributor

Hi @ChiefKeefSosa300 (tq),

These are really thoughtful questions, thank for asking them!

The statements about changing the output format to BMP or utilizing another the spatial reference are mentioned with respect to the that specific test. But they need more context...

I favor PNGs over BMPs as the former (Portable Network Graphics) is generally much faster to generate than the latter (Bitmap Image). For example, an export map request that creates a PNG is about 87KB. Using a BMP for the same area, the resulting image is around 15MB. The drastic difference in size  would impact scalability (as more network bandwidth is required per request). That said, if your application or workflow requires BMP, then that is the way to go and your benchmark should reflect that. There is nothing wrong with using BMP as an image format for a vector data benchmark, but you should get more throughput by using PNG.

As for the spatial reference, this test used bounding boxes in a geographic coordinate system of "WGS 1984" (WKID 4326) because that is what the data (and published service) was originally in. Of course, there are many different spatial references. The goal when possible, is to try to avoid projecting-on-the-fly. In other words, if the data (and service) are in "WGS 1984" and you ask for "NAD27" (using the appropriate NAD27 bounding box), ArcGIS Server should appropriately fulfil the request. However, while very convenient, this transformation between coordinate systems comes at a performance cost. If you use this test and data as a benchmark,  "WGS 1984" (WKID 4326) are an optimal choice. But, if you are wanting to build a benchmark test against your data that is in another coordinate system, I would use bounding boxes in that coordinate system to ensure you can get the best performance.

So to conclude, does using BMP or another coordinate system fail the test, not at all. Performance would be impacted, but you still have a good "measuring stick". As long as the test parameters are known and kept constant between runs over time, you'll have a reliable benchmark regardless of the options used.

Hope this helps.

Occasional Contributor

Hi @AaronLopez , thanks for lengthy explanation regarding the test. However, 

Im using your test plan to test my arcgis portal but using different map service, the result of the graph is like this (100 users for 5 minutes), is this acceptable result? seems weird and different from yours.


Hits per secHits per sec

time vs threadstime vs threads

Esri Contributor

Hi @ChiefKeefSosa300,
It depends. You stated you tested a different map service. Does that mean different data than natural
If yes, each dataset will have its own profile for performance and scalability because the geometry density and complexity can vary. Your data may have more (or less) layers and each layer may have more (or less) attributes.
If no, and you also tested natural earth, then there is a greater chance of seeing a similar profile for performance/scalability, but there are still other variables which can impact response time and throughput like the system architecture (number of machines) and hardware (number of CPUs, CPU speed and memory).

Hope this helps.

Occasional Contributor

Hi sir @AaronLopez,

I think i made wrong kind of test because i use the same datasets (project folder) for natural earth but the service name and webserver name is different.

I checked the csv file for each datasets and the home column said "eistsrv05.esri.com_443__Natural_Earth_quick_start_for_ArcMap" so yeah i guess the test result is invalid. But can it be done like this? Use the same datasets for natural earth but different map service? if not how can one acquire its own datasets. Thank you

Occasional Contributor

Hi @AaronLopez ,

i overlooked ur writing about benchmark datasets "Any dataset can be used for a benchmark as long as it is kept constant where changes like feature class additions, updates, deletes and versions are not being made. This consistency helps create a dependable "standard" since it is a non-moving target. The test data can be private (e.g. proprietary) or public domain based." 

So I guess my results are real and ok. 

Thanks btw