I have a conditional constraint that is not working. The constraint is on a decimal type field and the appearance for the field is "numbers", which is like the calculator option to enter the values. The field has a default value of 2.5. I'm trying to put a constraint on the field so the value entered into the field can't be smaller than 2.5 and if it is lower than 2.5 it's supposed to show a constraint message. The constraint itself looks as follows
. >= 2.5
Based on what I've read that should take the current value enter (.) and make sure that it's greater or equal to 2.5.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Solved! Go to Solution.
My eye roll emoji for my profile pic is there for a reason and it really didn't fail me this time. I really really over thought this one.
My problem was in understanding how the constraint was supposed to work. I thought it was supposed to throw the message immediately after a number less than 2.5 was entered. Now I know that’s not the case and you need to submit the form before the message is thrown. 🙄 🤣 UGGGGHHHH! So so silly!
If you want an immediate way you can try my trick with emojis.
Occasionally it confuses . >= with html. Just write out the full field name instead and it should to work.
${fieldname} >= 2.5
Hope that does it.
Still doesn't appear to be working. I had tried that before too because I thought there might be a problem with the . notation.
Ok my other guess is the bind. Try setting the bind::type column to decimal. If that does not work then something else is up so post the whole form.
I tried that and it didn't seem to help. I put in a ticket with ESRI. I'm not sure what the issue is. I suppose I could try creating a new sheet.
What app is this in? And what versions?
A quick test in Connect shows that this appears to be working (.>=2.5)
It's in Connect version 3.18.124.
Yea something else is up then. Maybe a reserved word or something. Post the form.
It seems to work fine for me. I am on 3.19 but should still work.