ArcGIS Pro 3.2 - Drawing Alerts - Returning STATE_ID Error when editing Polylines

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11-15-2023 12:31 PM
Frequent Contributor

  I've upgraded to ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and found when editing a Versioned Geodatabase located within SDE that I'm now getting this error now:


  Seems researching it, I'm just finding some information that it could be linked to a corruption of the database somehow or at least something with the linking of the table via SDE.

  We've run some maintenance scripts as well as I've relinked the entire table as I have noticed that in 3.2 the New Database Connection has  changed it's look a little from 2.9.

  I'm notcing this is happening with several different tools, not just one.  Such as creating a new feature, reshapping, etc.  So I'm not thinking it's directly related to Editing of the Versioned Geodatabase on SDE.

  Any suggestions that I or the database side GIS guys can look at to try and resolve this issue?

  I'm assuming it's from 3.2, but not 100% sure as I haven't worked in this database for a little over 2 weeks, but I did notice it after updating to 3.2 at least...


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Occasional Contributor

We also exp. same things with ArcGIS Pro SDK, randomly showing errors , worked fine ArcGIS Pro 3.1 , broken in 3.2

For that reason we rollback to ArcGIS 3.1 ; we have geodatabase / sql server that compatible so we shoulnd't mess with it.





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Esri Regular Contributor

hello all,

I just wanted to add a note here.

Drawing Alert is a new feature for ArcGIS Pro 3.2. Drawing alerts—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

The purpose of this feature is to bring up any issue that Pro internally runs into while drawing layers in the current map extent. Prior to 3.2, these alerts (warnings or errors) were getting ignored and never made the users be aware of these.

With this new feature, now you can be aware of any potential issues in your map's current extent... which used to get unnoticed in previous release.

Therefore, going back to 3.1 or previous releases is not really solving any problems except that they get hidden away.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Occasional Contributor

 @TanuHoque  In our case, once we got "Drawing error" , geometry was disappearing. now we do believe we have compatible  geodatabase and versioned table that worked for decades

-so what is the "hidden away" issue ?

-was there mandatory geodatabase upgrade to 11.2 ?      

- it's simple ,  it worked fine 2.x, 3.1  and suddenly broken in 3.2.  without clear reason 

- i will create support ticket but we need clear guideline on this , as i suspect other will experience same issues




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Occasional Contributor

Same in my case, the geometry completely disappears after the error. Although these drawing errors being displayed are supposed to be a feature of 3.2, I find it fishy that this specific error is happening to others all while nothing appears to be wrong with our databases according to ESRIs own diagnostic tools (diagnose version metadata and diagnose version tables). ArcGIS Pro 3.2 introduced discarding and undoing edits on non-versioned data which makes me wonder if there was a bug introduced. Currently, this issue isn't documented as a bug, and when we opened up a support ticket, support seems hesitant to do so because they can't recreate the issue. Altogether, I think either there is truly something wrong with our databases that the diagnostic tools currently don't catch and we have been fortunate enough to not to receive this error in every previous version of ArcGIS Pro or there is some issue with ArcGIS pro 3.2, which seems more likely to me. As of now, I will probably just revert back to ArcGIS pro 3.1.

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Occasional Contributor

I was having this same issue using 3.2 with the drawing errors and the geometry disappearing.  Everything would be normal until I started editing and split a line feature but discarded the edit.  At that point I would start seeing the notices and the geometry would stop drawing.

I discovered that there is a new option introduced in 3.2 to "Enable and disable editing from the Edit tab" in either a single or multiple (the default) workspace edit session.  If I set this to single, hit the Edit button, and select my editing workspace, as soon as I panned and zoomed around I would start seeing the drawing alerts even though everything was still drawing and I had not made any edits yet.  These alerts would continuously open and close as I panned around, but the geometry for all of my layers continued to draw.  Even if I split a feature and hit the Discard button the geometry did not disappear as it did before.  As soon as uncheck the Edit button the drawing errors would stop.  However, if I set the editing option to "Multiple workspace edit session", then split and discard the edit, the geometry would again disappear and the notifications would begin to pop up again.

TLDR: Enabling the Editing option "Enable and disable editing from the Edit tab" with single workspace edit session should keep the geometry from disappearing.

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Occasional Contributor


Based on feedback on Drawing Error newly introduced  issues in this forum is that this issue started happen in a newer version  ArcGIS Pro 3.2 that was not present in previous releases, and it necessitates a workaround, it can indeed be classified as a bug.   Users can workaround it , but if we need supports hundreds of users, then this will be raised as lots of supports. Result of this issues is to rollback to ArcGIS Pro 3.1  at this moment

What i am hoping is that this being replicated properly by ESRI and have Patch on this .   We were looking forward to have 3.2 with some other bug fixes and enhancement


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New Contributor

Thanks for this work around.  It keeps our geometry from disappearing during an edit session. Reminds me of how we used to start an Edit session in ArcMap. Kind of annoying that we have to do this work around just to keep our data on the screen during an edit session.  One of the things that I liked about Pro vs ArcMap was not having to start an edit session and being able to edit from multiple workspaces at once.  3.2 went backwards with this bug.


UPDATE:  Decided to uninstall 3.2 and go back to 3.1  Our organization will wait until this bug is fixed before trying 3.2 again.

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Esri Regular Contributor


yes, of course. I agree. If the solution is upgrade your database or something; and the meanwhile the best option is to roll back - that is the right thing to do.

My point was (aside for cases like your) that roll back will only hide those errors as Pro had no such options to bring up error messages/alerts to the users in previous releases.

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Esri Regular Contributor


Thanks for opening a support ticket. I hope they will provide you a resolution soon. The goal of this new Drawing Alerts capability is to surface up any warning/error that a layer throws while drawing. In previous releases, that was getting eaten away -- we never made the user be aware of that. Now Pro does bubble it up if something goes wrong. 

This tool is not meant for you to help you investigate and finally resolve this issue. It is only to show a notification.

Imagine we didn't have this Drawing Alerts option in 3.2, and due to upgrade or version incompatibility etc., geometries were not drawing... and imagine you have a lot of layers and features drawn in your map... it was very likely 'missing geometries' might have gone unnoticed. Now with this Drawing Alerts, Pro tells you that there were some issues it ran into while drawing those layers/features.

Hope this helps.

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I went ahead and started a ticket on this as well, to make someone look at this on screen share. I am using enterprise databases on SQL Server 2016, geodatabase version 10.5.1 (to keep them open for ArcMap until some time next year). I only noticed drawing alerts in Arc Pro 3.2, with the same error text “Target state not found in the States table (STATE_ID = 0),” and with this error, geometry (but not labels?) disappears for all features in that geodatabase. I am using multiversioned editing mode, because I am cutting features from a file geodatabase and pasting to an enterprise geodatabase. The error stream and disappearance seem to happen when there are other users connected to the EGDB, so there are multiple states in the SDE_states table. Looking at the SDE_states table in SQL Server Manager, there is definitely a State_ID value of 0 along with other values in the State_ID field.

I have done this kind of editing through the earliest versions of Arc Pro 2 (roughly in 2018 or 19), and earlier in Arc Map 10.5 and 10.7, with very few errors in the editing process, drawing or otherwise. This is buggy behavior and not brought about by "corruption in the database", so let's hope it gets looked at as such.

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New Contributor

Has anybody noticed that besides the map view not regenerating, the attribute tables also do not work? The table(s) greys out. The only solution is to close the project and reopen it.

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Occasional Contributor

This is extremely exciting news! Sadly I will not be able to update my ArcPro due to other dependencies within my organization. However, I am wondering if those who have updated to 3.3.1 can report if it has truly fixed this vexing issue?

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Occasional Contributor

Hello everyone,

I installed the 3.3.1 update yesterday and have been testing it since and so far so good. I haven't seen any further issues related to this BUG. If I see something I will let you know.

Thank you!

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Everyone,  

I have also just upgraded 3.3 to 3.3.1 and have finished editing the data I have been working on for the last couple of day and so far the patch seems to have worked and I have splits that work, data being deleted and screens updating showing the correct data. No drawing errors reported in 10 split and delete operations.

Cautiously optimistic.


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New Contributor


I upgraded to 3.3.1 about 3 weeks ago and have been working with it. There's no more State_ID error, but there IS still one annoying bug. When I've made an edit, the attribute table greys out and won't regenerate. I have to close the attribute table and reopen it, then it appears fine and I can edit the attributes. It happens when editing (split, merge, reshape) any feature (points, lines, and polygons). It's annoying because half of what I do is editing attributes! Hope it's fixed in 3.4

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81 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

What is the version of the geodatabase and RDBMS flavor / version being used?

Have you updated the Enterprise Geodatabase to Pro 3.2?

You could also run these 2 tools to see if there is any reported errors:

Do NOT run the repair without a full and verified backup.

--- George T.
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Frequent Contributor

Thanks George, I had the GIS database admin to try those tools and they came back with nothing.  I then decided to try to reconcile my current version and post it to SDE and this seemed to have worked.  I'm no longer getting that issue currently after testing it for some time.  

  So that may have just been the issue with updating to 3.2 and it having a conflict with the current version I was editing of the data.

  I'll respond if the error does come back, but so far so good.

  I don't have the versions of the RDBMS or Geodatabase, but the Admin was going to post that for you here, but he had ESRI login issues...

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Update:  The issue happened once again after doing the fix yesterday.  Instead of Reconciling and Posting it, I just Reconciled the version and it worked.  So it somehow has to do with a versioned geodatabase on SDE.  Not sure if it's directly related to ArcGIS Pro 3.2 or if it's just a random new issue not related to the new update, but I hadn't seen this error before 3.2...

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Esri Notable Contributor

Getting the version of the geodatabase and RDBMS would be most helpful for any potential troubleshooting.

Have your admin query the SDE_version table and return the info for the geodatabase side.

--- George T.
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Frequent Contributor

Hey George, I did get that information for you.

Geodatabase Version: 10.6.0 (and can be upgraded and that is in the talks)
SQL Server Version: 14.0.2014.8

This might help as well:





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Esri Notable Contributor

Ok, my hunch may have been correct....... you need to update the version of SQL Server to at least SQL 2016 to be on a supported version of SQL Server (  I would recommend something newer like 2019 or 2022 for the SQL version to get more mileage. I do not think that version of SQL Server has been supported since before Enterprise 10.9.1 / Pro 2.9 in terms of our clients and DBMS combinations.

I would look at upgrading the geodatabase to a newer version:

I would also make sure that you verify any dependencies on the geodatabases to other GIS systems, like Enterprise.

--- George T.
Frequent Contributor

Thanks George, 

  The database admins are going to discuss upgrading, but have to check out a few things first.  I think they one thing was moving over to PostGres from SQL, so maybe that was why it hasn't been updated.  They also want to check about any other issues it could impact if they do update it and such.

  Anyways I passed on the information.  Thanks for your help and will let you know if that is in fact the solution if it does get updated to a newer version...

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Esri Notable Contributor

We support PostgreSQL also and have had many clients move that direction.

--- George T.
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Frequent Contributor

Yes, this might be an issue that will get us to push the move to PostGreSQL sooner then...

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