ArcGIS Pro 3.2 - Drawing Alerts - Returning STATE_ID Error when editing Polylines

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11-15-2023 12:31 PM
Frequent Contributor

  I've upgraded to ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and found when editing a Versioned Geodatabase located within SDE that I'm now getting this error now:


  Seems researching it, I'm just finding some information that it could be linked to a corruption of the database somehow or at least something with the linking of the table via SDE.

  We've run some maintenance scripts as well as I've relinked the entire table as I have noticed that in 3.2 the New Database Connection has  changed it's look a little from 2.9.

  I'm notcing this is happening with several different tools, not just one.  Such as creating a new feature, reshapping, etc.  So I'm not thinking it's directly related to Editing of the Versioned Geodatabase on SDE.

  Any suggestions that I or the database side GIS guys can look at to try and resolve this issue?

  I'm assuming it's from 3.2, but not 100% sure as I haven't worked in this database for a little over 2 weeks, but I did notice it after updating to 3.2 at least...


81 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Agreed. BUG-000163841 currently states "While closing ArcGIS Pro, after clicking No to save edits and clicking Cancel to save the project, features no longer draw, and the error message, "Target state not found in the STATES table [STATE_ID]=0" is returned."

This issue happens to me while I'm using ArcGIS Pro, not when closing it.

Occasional Contributor

We are also seeing this error. It's not just a notification - Pro 3.2 seems unable to display any geometry updates made to the feature once this error appears. Zooming in and out is not doing the trick. I'm having to close and reopen Pro or remove/readd the layer multiple times to effectively complete edits. Since opening Pro 3.2 seems to take quite a bit longer than 3.1, this is really slowing us down.

Edit: Saw the workaround with enabling the Editing option to enable/disable editing from the Edit tab with single workspace edit session and giving that a try. Our RDBMS is SQL 2017.

Frequent Contributor

Hello, im here like everyone else with similar issues. I recently upgraded to Pro 3.2. I was getting identical behavior as everyone else. features disappearing on edit in a versioned edit session from a registered SDE DB. 

Following guidance from @George_Thompson , I did confirm our SQL Server is 2016 and I have the latest ODBC client drivers on my workstation. I did discover that the SDE DB version was at 11.1 (from the 3.1 upgrade last summer) and I DID have to apply the upgrades to 11.2 / 3.2 as instructed. But the errors persisted. 

Following @MartinWong1 [above]- i checked those settings and sure enough my Pro was configured for "Enable and disable editing from the Edit tab > Multiple workspace edit session". I switched this to Single Workspace Edit Session and restarted Pro. I noted a new Icon for the start editing session, I clicked that, found a new Edit dialog, selected my workspace, and started editing. Now the edits seem to be proceeding as expected, although errors are being thrown in the Notifications, nothing is disappearing as before. I will continue testing.

Of note, in 3.1 and prior, I had my Pro configured to "Enable and Disable Edit from the Edit bar" and I instruct my junior staff in this. I like this feature to avoid accidental edits. Prior to this debugging session and @MartinWong1 [above] , i had not considered to check this in 3.2 and had not adjusted any options. I wonder if there is something weird with this new feature and the way it migrates over a user settings during upgrade? I don't know. But @MartinWong1  work around seems to help avoid the features from disappearing. 

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Frequent Contributor

  With the errors popping up, that's kind of the only draw back with the work around for me.  I've now kind of trained myself to ignore the little error warnings in the bottom and/or top and sometimes if doing processes with the SDE data, I forget that valid errors might also show up in the Notifications.  So I just had to kind of train myself to only ignore them when editing the SDE data and not while doing any analysis on the data...

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Regular Contributor

I believe I am having some luck in editing from multiple databases if I uncheck "Enforce attribute validation" in the Editing tab in Options (still using "Enable and disable editing from the Edit tab" -> "multiple workspace edit session" in the same tab). I was able to edit in both my streets DB and address point DB without geometry disappearing. I will test more along these lines in the next week and hope for the best. Of course, this is still a problem if you rely on attribute validation ....

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Occasional Contributor

Adding my comment here so I can keep updated on this issue-  I see the same error message and behaviour when editing in multiple workspaces at the same time, which is unfortunate because that is one of the basic features of pro over map that I have come to rely on for better workflows. I will have to try the enable edit session option, but really hoping for a fix on this asap - most of my coworkers reverted to 3.1 after experiencing all the drawing issues described in this thread.  

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Regular Contributor

No such luck on my previous idea. I cannot really predict when a particular workspace will break, out of the many workspaces I can edit in a multiple workspace edit environment. I can also determine that the problem does not occur if multiple users are accessing the same workspace, because a quick check for connections and locks in each DB shows that I am the only user. Compressing a DB seems to fix things, which I could not do if there might be other users there.

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Occasional Contributor

In my case compressing and running my other GDB maintenance helps... but after a few edits I lose everything again.... sigh..

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New Contributor

Has anybody noticed that besides the map view not regenerating, the attribute tables also do not work? The table(s) greys out. The only solution is to close the project and reopen it.

Emerging Contributor

On ArcGIS 3.2.2: Yes, I have noticed this. I have connection to .SDE database. Sometimes after doing something, like edit or update of field, the Attribute table will grey out and will Not return to normal. I will close the attribute table tab, then re-open the attribute tab again and greying-out will be gone.

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