show domain in dgrid/OnDemandGrid

07-15-2015 10:04 AM
New Contributor II

Could you help me, please to show domain in dgrid, this is functionally in infowindow but in grid puts the code,  not the description.of domain.

var outFieldsProy = ["PROYECTO", "NOMBRE", "ESC250", "AERONAVE"]

var gridProy = new (declare([Grid, Selection,ColumnHider, ColumnReorder, ColumnResizer]))({

      bufferRows : Infinity,

      columns : {

        PROYECTO : "Proyecto",

        NOMBRE : "Nombre",

        ESC250 : "Escala 250",

        AERONAVE : "Aeronave"


    }, "divGrid");

function populateGrid(results) {
            // var gridData;

            dataQuakes =, function (feature) {
                return {
                    "PROYECTO": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[0]],
                    "NOMBRE": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[1]],
                    "ESC250": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[2]],
                    "AERONAVE": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[3]]




            var memStore = new Memory({

                data: dataQuakes


            gridProy.set("store", memStore)           



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11 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

you should find something here QueryTask and coded domain values

New Contributor II

Thank you thejus kambi

This function  _getCodedValue: function (layer, fieldName, fieldValue, typeID)       must be before this?:

function populateGrid(results) {
            // var gridData;
            dataQuakes =, function (feature) {
                return {
                    "PROYECTO": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[0]],
                    "NOMBRE": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[1]],
                    "ESC250": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[2]],
                    "AERONAVE": feature.attributes[outFieldsProy[3]]

and other question,  ¿which is typeID?


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Occasional Contributor III

Ignore that as you might not have it. It is to be use when you have a subtypes in FeatureLayer.

You can use the fields property of the query result. Select the field which has domain.

var field = results.fields["< field name  >"]

var codedValueDomain = field.domain;

and use this domain and get the code value, while looping through the features and prepare the data for grid.

New Contributor II

I´m sorry, but I have other question.

My query result is a featureset. how can I convert this to fields type?

//Inicializa el query
            var queryProy = new Query();
            queryProy.geometry = geometryInput;
            //Wire the layer's selection complete event
            operationsPolygonLayer.on("selection-complete", populateGrid);
            // Transforma la selección
            operationsPolygonLayer.selectFeatures(queryProy, FeatureLayer.SELECTION_NEW);


var field = results.fields["AERONAVE"];

is undefined              

Thanks again

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Occasional Contributor III

I thought you are using QueryTask to get the results. Now I see you are using featureLayer. The FeatureLayer has fields property use that instead.

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MVP Regular Contributor

I am having a hard time getting coded domains to show up.

What part of the code did you put this into:

var field = feature.fields["<Priority>"]

var codedValueDomain = field.domain;

I am using this template

DataGrid with zoom button | ArcGIS API for JavaScript

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Occasional Contributor III

Hello Rickey,

You need to do if before you set the data to dgrid. like below

statesLayer.on("load", function(evt) {
          var query = new Query();
          query.where = "1=1";
          evt.layer.queryFeatures(query, function(featureSet) {
            var items =, function(feature) {
                   var attributes = lang.clone(feature.attributes);
                   var fields = statesLayer.fields;
                   //Replace the attributes values for domain values here.
                   return attributes;

            //idProperty must be set manually if value is something other than 'id'
            var memStore = new Memory({
              data: items,
              idProperty: "ObjectID"
            window.grid.set("store", memStore);
            window.grid.set("sort", "STATE_NAME");

            grid.on(".field-ObjectID:click", function(e) {
              //retrieve the ObjectId when someone clicks on the magnifying glass
              if ( {


MVP Regular Contributor

I get an error of:

Cannot read property '<Priority>' of undefined

where priority is my field name

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Occasional Contributor III

you should try without the "<" ">" signs. also feature does not contain the fields property. if you see my code, I am getting the fields from the stateLayer and not feature.