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Esri Contributor

Esri has a brand-new massive open online course (MOOC) opening on September 25: Make an Impact with Modern Geo Apps. Attendees will receive complimentary access to ArcGIS Dashboards, ArcGIS StoryMaps, ArcGIS Instant Apps, ArcGIS Experience Builder, and ArcGIS Online.


1 0 106
Esri Contributor

ArcGIS Configurable Apps: How to Prepare for the Upcoming Retirement webinar recording and questions . 


2 0 120
Esri Contributor

ArcGIS Configurable Apps are retiring, and this document shares resources to support the migration to ArcGIS Instant Apps.


Migration Path

For an in-depth overview of migrating your Configurable App view the Migrating your Configurable App webinar.

1. Find your Configurable Apps

Locate all Configurable Apps to begin planning for migration and replacement. Using a Python script, identify all Configurable Apps and the map used to create them. This will provide essential information for making a replacement Instant App.

 2. Find Replacement Instant App

There are a variety of different Instant App templates; some are a direct replacement for Configurable Apps, while others offer new capabilities. Explore examples and capabilities of Instant Apps below.

3. Create your new Instant App

Using the map ID identified in the Python script you can easily create a new Instant App with the existing map. Below are resources on how to create an Instant App.


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Esri Contributor

The Instant App language switcher was updated to include Auto translate in the June 2024 Update of ArcGIS Online.


3 0 509
Esri Contributor

The Streamflow Viewer (beta) Instant app template allows app viewers fast visualization to explore streamflow forecasts. This new app incorporates the latest Living Atlas GEOGloWS streamflow forecasts, which include an interactive graph showing streamflow forecasts through time.


4 2 477
Esri Contributor

Learn more about configuring and using the new Interactive Legend and Create features available in the Instant Apps Atlas template at the June 2024 release of ArcGIS Online. 


1 0 8,618
Esri Contributor

In the upcoming June 26th, 2024, release of ArcGIS Online, the Reporter Instant App is coming out of beta. In this release, we have added new enhancements to the app; however, it has breaking changes that may negatively impact the app's functionality. Specifically, the app configured with the beta version, i.e., on or before June 26th, 2024, will no longer display the 'Report an incident' (configurable text) button, preventing users from reporting incidents.

To accommodate enhancements and bug fixes, changes have been made to the app's configuration and the runtime version. Unfortunately, these changes have caused any previously configured application to not display the 'Report an incident' button.




To resolve this issue, we recommend that app authors take the following steps:

  1. Open the app's configuration.
  2. Hit the publish button again to republish the app.
  3. By republishing the app, the 'Report an incident' button will be displayed once again.

Additionally, app authors can take advantage of the latest features by configuring the app with the most up-to-date options available. 

Please note that these steps are specific to the breaking changes in the Reporter Instant App and should be followed after the night of the June release of ArcGIS Online. 


Here is the link to the KB article on the Esri support website. 



3 0 324
Esri Contributor

This article provides key information about the upcoming ArcGIS Configurable Apps retirement and provides users with helpful information that will aid in the app migration process.


2 0 270
Esri Contributor

Reporter (beta) is a new Instant Apps template that offers the ability to view and submit reports to a single map with one or more editable feature layers. The app displays a web map, a side panel with a list of layers, and a button to submit a report. The web map renders all the features from the layer(s) for visualization and interaction. The panel displays all the editable feature layer(s) to view existing report, submit new reports, and easily share individual reports or features. This app is set to replace for the existing Crowdsource Reporter app. 

Set up the app

In Reporter (beta), you can add single map with at least one editable layer. The app can be created from the Instant Apps home page without any content or with a web map from Map Viewer or from the item details page of a web map. In the app configuration you can add map from the available options in the map stack. The process of adding map to the app is different from Crowdsource Reporter since groups are no longer a requirement for this app.

Once you have completed adding the desired map into your app, you will have options to configure the additional capabilities (not a complete list of options):

  • Reporter options: Select reporting layers (only applies to editable features), configure report button text, configure report submission text.
  • Header: Choose to include or not include a header in the app.
  • Basemap toggle: Ability to switch to a different basemap.
  • Theme settings: Change the appearance of the app by applying dark or light mode, add a logo to the header, and use custom or predefined colors to style certain elements in the app.
  • Map area: Includes the Map view and Navigation boundary options. The Map view option allows user to set a map extent at which the app opens. Then, in the Navigation boundary option, set boundary limits for map extent and scale.
  • Basic map navigation tools include Home, Zoom tools, Bookmarks, Legend, or Search in the map.




View and submit reports 

Reporter (beta) displays all the editable feature layers in the side panel. To view a report, the user selects a layer from the list and navigates to the desired feature to view the details. Alternatively, interacting with a feature on the map opens the popup details of the feature on the side panel if the feature is from an editable feature layer.

To submit a new report, the user clicks on the ‘Report an incident’ (configurable text) button either from the main layer list or within a layer to submit a report. The intuitive workflow lets users add or draw the feature’s geometry on the web map and enter the smart form with additional details, along with an option to attach related multimedia. The recently added report appears at the top of the feature list of the layer.






Share functionality

To share, the user clicks on the Share button on the side panel to open the Share dialog with options to share the feature details, and the web map. 




Reporter (beta) will have additional updates in future releases. As this is the beta version of the app, it is a paired down version of what the app will eventually offer. Here are the updates that we are still looking into and plan to make available in future releases of the app:

  • Like, Dislike and Commenting option.
  • Filter and Sort options in the feature list.
  • Configurable options to choose the reporting layers.
  • Configurable options to choose the polling layers. This feature is set to replace for the existing Crowdsource Polling app.
  • Improve user experience for the app.

Try it out

We appreciate your feedback to continue improving our templates. Comment below or use the ArcGIS Instant Apps Ideas page. Explore the live sample, or use Reporter (beta) sample app in ArcGIS Online or create your own app.  


Please be aware of the breaking changes to Reporter after the upcoming June 26th, 2024, ArcGIS Online release.


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Esri Frequent Contributor

Valuable new information for building greater climate resilience was released recently by the U.S. government. The 5th National Climate Assessment (NCA5), mandated by Congress, provides a detailed accounting of the latest understanding of climate trends and potential impacts in the United States.


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