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(37 Posts)
Esri Contributor

Happy Friday the Earth community! We are thrilled to share with you the latest updates for ArcGIS Earth, on both desktop and mobile. The Desktop 2.2 and Mobile 2.1 (Android and iOS) were fully rolled out last week on May 23rd. Below are some highlights:


Get the updates via the following channels, and let us know your thoughts! 


4 2 319
Esri Contributor

February is an exciting month for ArcGIS Earth. We refreshed our website, released a new case study, and our product team will be at Esri's FedGIS conference in Washington D.C. Check out the details below!


1. Explore the Updated ArcGIS Earth Website

ArcGIS Earth.png

The ArcGIS Earth website has undergone enhancements to showcase its incredible benefits and features. Discover the power of exploring a 3D interactive globe, seamless adaptability to online and offline environments, and robust analytical capabilities. With improved situational awareness, ArcGIS Earth empowers users to make informed decisions faster than ever before. Explore the possibilities today!

Visit the ArcGIS Earth Website->


2. New Case Study Alert  --  Streamlining Pipeline Management with ArcGIS Earth


Discover how Kinetik, a midstream operator in the Delaware Basin area, has transformed their pipeline operations with ArcGIS Earth. Managing over 2,000 miles of pipe across six counties, Kinetik faced the challenge of efficiently maintaining their infrastructure. By leveraging ArcGIS Earth, they created a streamlined method for engineers to upload, edit, sync, and share pipeline information.

Check Out the Case Study->


3. We'll be at FedGIS in Washington D.C. February 13–14, 2024


Join Esri in Washington, DC, at the Federal GIS Conference to learn how the federal government is using GIS to promote a deeper understanding of complex issues and find effective solutions. Attend professional development workshops, learn from Esri staff, and connect with your peers.

You can find the ArcGIS Earth kiosk located in the Defense and Intel Industry Showcase. Please stop by to connect with one of our product experts

Learn More About FedGIS 2024 ->

Find ArcGIS Earth at FedGIS 20204->



3 0 282
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

ArcGIS Earth continues to evolve, bringing exciting new capabilities to its users. In this blog, we dive into the latest features and enhancements in ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1, and ArcGIS Earth Mobile 2.0, both released in December 2023. These updates offer enhanced functionality, improved user experience, and new tools to facilitate better geospatial analysis and visualization.

What's New in ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1

  1. ArcGIS Earth Updater: The new version notifies users about available updates, streamlining the process of downloading and installing new features, enhancements, and security updates.image.png

  2. Workspace Management Updates: Enhanced workspace management allows users to organize and manage projects more effectively. It includes options like Open, Save as, Import, Export, and Clear.image (1).png

  3. Label KML Lines and Polygons: Improved support for KML labels now includes lines and polygons, providing more flexibility in labeling without needing separate placemark layers.image (3).png

  4. KML Enhancements: This update brings several improvements to KML handling, including layer highlights, visual status indicators for overlays, additional KML icon support, respect for level of detail in KML regions, pop-up behavior control, custom background colors, support for physical units in gx:physicalWidth, and complex snippet styles.

  5. Navigation Enhancements: New settings include options to disable the default fly-to angle and to adjust on-screen navigator options (Default, Collapsed, Expanded).

  6. Support for Location Unit Input: The application now supports Degree Decimal Minutes coordinates and negative latitude and longitude coordinates.

  7. Reorder and Rename Geopackage and Mobile Geodatabase Sublayers: Users can now rename and reorder layers within a mobile geodatabase or geopackage, with changes recorded within the active workspace.

  8. Scene Layer Elevation Offset: Adjust the elevation offset of 3D point scene layers in Absolute mode, plus a fix for 3D object scene layers in drape mode.

  9. Time-enabled Data: Enhancements to the time slider and playback animation of time-enabled data improve the handling of temporal data.

  10. Layout Improvements: Export layout feature now includes undo/redo and copy/paste hotkeys, and a better user experience when adding text boxes and legend elements.

  11. Export Elevation Profiles as CSV: Users can now export elevation profiles as .csv files for detailed line analysis​​.

What's New in ArcGIS Earth Mobile 2.0

  1. UI Redesign: The mobile app boasts a redesigned user interface, including a new toolbox and a refreshed look for the Table of Contents.                         image (4).png

  2. Underground Mode: This mode enables users to view underground data with adjustable surface transparency.                                                                         image (5).png

  3. Draw Tool: Enhanced drawing capabilities allow for the creation of point, line, and polygon drawings with different styles. These can be edited and shared as .kml/.kmz files.image (6).png

  4. Enhanced Tour Experience: Users can create tours from geotagged pictures or locations, with improved editing options for waypoints, camera views, and captions.image (8).png

  5. Improved Geosearch: The Search tool has been redesigned for quicker browsing between results and a new feature to copy coordinates.                                              image (9).png


ArcGIS Earth's latest versions bring significant improvements and new functionalities, enhancing the user experience and broadening the scope of 3D spatial analysis. Download ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1 and ArcGIS Earth Mobile 2.0 today to explore these new features! As we step into the new year, we wish all our readers and users a very Happy New Year filled with exciting discoveries and advancements in the world of GIS!

4 0 306
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

We're excited to introduce our Early Adopter Community for ArcGIS Earth Mobile. This is a unique opportunity for our dedicated users, partners, and customers to experience the initial stages of ArcGIS Earth Mobile's evolution. By participating, you'll get a firsthand look at new features, test them out, and have the chance to provide feedback that can directly influence the product's final design.

If you've previously explored the 3D mapping capabilities of ArcGIS Earth, your insights and experiences are invaluable to us. We believe that your feedback can help us refine and enhance the mobile version to better suit user needs.

Ready to be a part of this collaborative journey? Reach out to an Esri representative or sign up here.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!

The ArcGIS Earth Mobile Team

4 0 310
Esri Contributor

ArcGIS Earth just reached a significant milestone with its highly anticipated 2.0 release! Let us explore the new and exciting features and enhancements that await you in ArcGIS Earth 2.0!




4 10 1,237
Esri Contributor

We invite you to join our Early Adopter Community (EAC) for ArcGIS Earth. This program allows Esri partners, customers, and users to gain insight into the early stages of ArcGIS Earth design and development prior to releases. Participation in the program will provide you with an opportunity to test and share early feedback during the development phase of a product release, as well as provide you some lead time to ensure that the next release will work properly with your existing workflows.

Those who've used ArcGIS Earth for their 3D analysis needs are encouraged to participate in the community to get your feedback earlier in the design and development process. If you are interested in joining our Early Adopter Community, please reach out to an Esri representative or sign up here.

We look forward to your participation!

The ArcGIS Earth Team

5 3 505
Esri Contributor

Calling all ArcGIS Earth Users!


5 2 499
Esri Contributor

ArcGIS Earth mobile 1.7 is live now. Some major highlight features and enhancements are included in this release:

  • Support for adding web maps to a 3D scene.
  • Support for the location unit setting in UTM and MGRS.
  • Support for recording and sharing video in the AR mode.

Please watch the video below for more details on the new features (note the volume)   

Issues addressed

1.7.1BUG-000153015 Allow users to set a basemap from a portal to be honored in the ArcGIS Earth app
1.7.2BUG-000157537App(iOS) crashes when connecting to a specific portal
1.7.2BUG-000157182Unable to add tile packages in the .tpkx format in ArcGIS Earth on iOS devices


Get the app

Try or upgrade your ArcGIS Earth mobile app and let us know your thoughts.

iOS users:

Get from App Store:


Android users:

Get from Google Play:


Or download and create an APK file from

2 0 604
Esri Contributor

We are glad to share with the community that the latest updates of the ArcGIS Earth mobile app - release version 1.6 is now available in both App Store and Google Play


2 0 404
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

The August release of ArcGIS Earth desktop is now available! Download this latest release of ArcGIS Earth on our website, and visit the ArcGIS Earth Resources page for free training materials and tutorials. 

This latest release comes with several new features, enhancements, and bug fixes, including the ability to filter for layers, draw templates, and add drawings for the Automation API.


What's New


Filter for Layer - Filter is a key new feature we added to this release. You can define a single expression or a combination of expressions as a filter to determine a desired subset of features shown on the map. The filter panel can be accessed through the attribute table’s filter icon or layers’ right-click menu. By applying definition queries to the layers, you can filter out the data you don’t need and only have the desired data display on the globe. 


Draw Templates - Various KML drawing templates are now available to draw lines or polygons in free shapes or predefined shapes. Line templates include the regular line, right angle line, and freehand mode. Polygon templates include rectangle, circle, ellipse, and freehand as well. All of these shapes can be extruded to a proper elevation and configured size, and transparency as needed.





Earth API Add Drawings -

New methods of Automation drawing API are added to this release, including Add Drawing, Remove Drawings, and Clear Drawings. With the Automation drawing API, you can add the placemark, path, and polygon in ArcGIS Earth. Clear all graphic is also supported in the new release.

As demoed in the below video, we first enable a html window to perform navigation using ArcGIS online geocoding service. Once navigation is complete, we can save the start point and the destination point, including the route as KML data and have them added to Table of Contents automatically. These data can be grouped together and be shared to online or your portal connection all at once.






Disabled basemap - There is a new capability to disable all basemaps added to the new desktop release of ArcGIS Earth. The basemap can now be disabled anytime by clicking the “No Basemap” thumbnail at the end of the basemap gallery.

Remember certificates for PKI authentication -

Users who utilize PKI authentication for ArcGIS Earth will now have their certificates and credentials saved for future use. This should make user the authentication process more seamless.

A new Select a certificate window has been added. A certificate can now be remembered when being selected in the window for the corresponding portal. It can also be conveniently removed by clicking the Forget Certificate option in the portal context menu.

Layer properties enhancement - Under the Summary tab in the layer properties window, description, data source, and spatial reference are redesigned. First, image, table, and hyperlinks, as well as various HTML formats including paragraph, list, font size, bold are now honored in the layer description for a portal item or service layer properties. Second, the data path or service URL can now be copied or open in an external browser with one click. Third, spatial reference information is organized and presented in table format and is more readable. 

KML “save as” enhancement - The “Save As” panel is redesigned specifically for KML layers to clarify the Save as process. For an edited KML layer, the Save option in the right-click menu is removed and combined with Save as. The original KML data will not be modified only if you check the Replace the layer in table of contents once exported check box to ensure your edits are saved and automatically added to the table of contents to replace the original layer. On the other hand, unchecking this option will perform the common Save as function.

Issues addressed





Provide the ability for the ArcGIS Earth XY Provider search to parse Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) coordinates in the formats "ddmmssN/SddmmssE/W" or "dddmmssN/SdddmmssE/W".


The <Document> tag is not present in the KML file created from ArcGIS Earth 1.15.


ArcGIS Earth does not add a CSV file with DMS values.


Unable to disable the logs or change the log levels in ArcGIS Earth.


Refreshing the KML network links in ArcGIS Earth 1.14 collapses the nested folders and layers.


Intermittent issues with saving descriptions on the Info tab in ArcGIS Earth.


SAML sign in to portal using certificate returns a blank page. This is a known limitation at ArcGIS Earth 1.15, and gets fixed at 1.16.


Known Limitation





Color ramp will not work when the renderer of a feature service layer is visualVariables.

2 0 493
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