Exploring the Latest Updates in ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1 and Mobile 2.0 (December 2023)

12-29-2023 04:32 PM
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor
4 0 340

ArcGIS Earth continues to evolve, bringing exciting new capabilities to its users. In this blog, we dive into the latest features and enhancements in ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1, and ArcGIS Earth Mobile 2.0, both released in December 2023. These updates offer enhanced functionality, improved user experience, and new tools to facilitate better geospatial analysis and visualization.

What's New in ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1

  1. ArcGIS Earth Updater: The new version notifies users about available updates, streamlining the process of downloading and installing new features, enhancements, and security updates.image.png

  2. Workspace Management Updates: Enhanced workspace management allows users to organize and manage projects more effectively. It includes options like Open, Save as, Import, Export, and Clear.image (1).png

  3. Label KML Lines and Polygons: Improved support for KML labels now includes lines and polygons, providing more flexibility in labeling without needing separate placemark layers.image (3).png

  4. KML Enhancements: This update brings several improvements to KML handling, including layer highlights, visual status indicators for overlays, additional KML icon support, respect for level of detail in KML regions, pop-up behavior control, custom background colors, support for physical units in gx:physicalWidth, and complex snippet styles.

  5. Navigation Enhancements: New settings include options to disable the default fly-to angle and to adjust on-screen navigator options (Default, Collapsed, Expanded).

  6. Support for Location Unit Input: The application now supports Degree Decimal Minutes coordinates and negative latitude and longitude coordinates.

  7. Reorder and Rename Geopackage and Mobile Geodatabase Sublayers: Users can now rename and reorder layers within a mobile geodatabase or geopackage, with changes recorded within the active workspace.

  8. Scene Layer Elevation Offset: Adjust the elevation offset of 3D point scene layers in Absolute mode, plus a fix for 3D object scene layers in drape mode.

  9. Time-enabled Data: Enhancements to the time slider and playback animation of time-enabled data improve the handling of temporal data.

  10. Layout Improvements: Export layout feature now includes undo/redo and copy/paste hotkeys, and a better user experience when adding text boxes and legend elements.

  11. Export Elevation Profiles as CSV: Users can now export elevation profiles as .csv files for detailed line analysis​​.

What's New in ArcGIS Earth Mobile 2.0

  1. UI Redesign: The mobile app boasts a redesigned user interface, including a new toolbox and a refreshed look for the Table of Contents.                         image (4).png

  2. Underground Mode: This mode enables users to view underground data with adjustable surface transparency.                                                                         image (5).png

  3. Draw Tool: Enhanced drawing capabilities allow for the creation of point, line, and polygon drawings with different styles. These can be edited and shared as .kml/.kmz files.image (6).png

  4. Enhanced Tour Experience: Users can create tours from geotagged pictures or locations, with improved editing options for waypoints, camera views, and captions.image (8).png

  5. Improved Geosearch: The Search tool has been redesigned for quicker browsing between results and a new feature to copy coordinates.                                              image (9).png


ArcGIS Earth's latest versions bring significant improvements and new functionalities, enhancing the user experience and broadening the scope of 3D spatial analysis. Download ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1 and ArcGIS Earth Mobile 2.0 today to explore these new features! As we step into the new year, we wish all our readers and users a very Happy New Year filled with exciting discoveries and advancements in the world of GIS!