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Tips and Observations for getting Web AppBuilder - Developer Edition Installed (updated 8/26/2018)

01-14-2015 08:22 PM
MVP Emeritus
35 47 30.6K

Tips and Observations for getting Web AppBuilder -  Developer Edition Installed

updated 3/26/2018 
version 2.7 (January 2018)    Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers 

My other WAB related blog posts:


WAB  now 2.7 available (January 2018)  

   Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers

Update Summary:

With many of us having issues with getting the Web AppBuilder (WAB) developer’s edition set up correctly, here are a few tips and solutions I have found, both to help others, and for me to find again (!). Some tips are taken from other threads, which I will link to if I can find them again.  I will also add some of my observations, assumptions, and understanding at the end of the doc…. comments are welcome, and I will update if necessary.

Various errors people have received are

  • issues with nodejs (only what I have come across, so far)
  • what to do about the appID on start up,  --See step 3 below
  • what to do if you messed up the appID and now get a 200 error,  - See “Starting (semi) from Scratch”, or you can look at the 10/15/2015 tip above.
  • what to do it getting a 400 error – See step 3h and 3i, talking about registering your machine

This is not an all inclusive list, and I will try to update if other solutions are given.  Steps:

  1. Download the software (.zip) from Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers  recommend copying it to a new folder.
  2. Expand the .zip.  Recommend letting it create the “arcgis-web-appbuilder-2.X” folder…may vary depending on version
  3. I recommend manually creating the app on AGOL before you fire up WAB (sorry, not familiar with Portal) before firing up WAB.
    • Instructions in Help for creating the AppID are a bit better than in previous versions.  Link is included for your convenience: Get started—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers
      • 12/14/2016  I just used the help above, and hints from my notes, to create an AppId using Portal 10.5 (pre-release).  The help has not been updated for the new Overview-Settings tabs after the initial screen, so the setup may look a little diferent.
    • NOTE: can use the same ID that was created for WAB 1.0/1.1 etc. in current versions (assuming machine is "registered")
    • First, login to your AGOL account (I assume this must be organization account, not personal or developer, but will need to verify)
    • Go to “My Content
    • Pull down “Add Item” and select “An Application”  
    • For URL, believe it or not, the server/machine-name didn’t seem to matter much for me, (since it still worked when I had a typo), however, it is suggested that you enter   http://<your machine name>:3344/webappbuilder
    • For Title, tutorials say “Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS”, but this can be something more personal, e.g. “Rebecca-WAB” or whatever makes sense to you.
    • For tags, tutorials say “Registered App for OAuth”, but I think this is just the default, and can be different.  I know when searching this tag on AGOL, you end up seeing everyone that left it as the default.  I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not. (new graphic to reflect updated look in AGOL)

    • After you hit ADD ITEM, the item information page should open for this new app.
    • 12/14/2016  This is where is looks a little different. The next steps are found in the "Settings" tab
      • NOTE: I did this using Portal 10.5 pre-release, but the AGOL tabs are the same to the best of my knowledge....but didn't create an AGOL appid today
      • NOTE:  Mentioning this here so it doesn't get lost....make sure to check the box to "Prevent this item from being accidentally deleted"  !! You can do this at this stage, or wait until you are done with the registering, but good safetly measure.  If you do need to delete this appID  at some point, you will have to uncheck the box.
      •  --> Just noticed in the Settings tab, click on the "Web Mapping Application Settings", it brings you down to the Register key area for next step >>
      • At the bottom of that tab, you will see the Register button
      • which should now get you to the same place as you need below.
    • Select REGISTER.  In the “Redirect URI” box, add an http and https version for your machine
      • http://<machinename>
      • https://<machinename>
        • HINT: after you hit “ADD” you can’t grab the string to change the http to https:, so select and copy the string (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C) before hitting ADD so you can past and modify the second entry.
        • HINT 2: for our location, we had to include domain info so the computer name  was <machine name>.<full domain>
        • HINT 3: If you want to use multiple machines for development, you can enter additional machine names now or later.
        • HINT 4 added 6/23/15: by Leighton Dalmasse  when configuring Web AppBuilder Developer Edition 1.x with Portal 10.3.....or AGOL --- i.e. HINT 2 above)
          • The structure of the Redirect URIs is dependent on if your server is setup in either a Domain or Workgroup. To determine the setup, go to your server’s “Control Panel\System and Security\System” (or right-click your Computer and get properties in Windows File Explorer) to view basic information and note the “Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings”, if it is setup on a Domain you will see a domain, if it is setup on a Workgroup you will see a workgroup. For each configuration the Redirect URI structure should be as follows (to cover all of your bases it is probably safe to include both but I have not tested this):


- http://<machinename>

- https://<machinename>


- http://<machinename>.<FullDomain>

- https://<machinename>.<FullDomain>

Sample shows registering two different machines with http and https  with <machinename>.<FullDomain>


Suggest to add HINT #5: If having issues and still getting the WAB redirect_uri error 400 error "Double check your computer name and pay close attention to spelling."

HINT #6 added 2/15/2017: Tip for "Error 400  Invalid redirect_url" : Make sure your machine name is not longer than 15 characters, if it is, the url will be truncated. Change your machine name and run thru process again.  (from Can I use Web Appbuilder Dev Edition during a Free trial of ArcGis? )

    • When done, hit REGISTER   which will bring you back to the details page, with the App Registration info displayed.   The App ID that you can use when starting WAB for the first time will be shown.  Copy this (and/or write it down)
      1. HINT: if you already exited the details page, you can go back to the page through My Content  and then select REGISTERED INFO  (in the Setting tab) to see the info again.
      2. HINT 2: to add/delete additional computers, select EDIT and UPDATE
      3. HINT 3: I recommend checking the “Prevent this item from being accidentally deleted” in the Properties section (toward bottom when in EDIT, i.e. select the EDIT button at top of page first) Settings->General Settings (near the top) once you have it set up.
      4. HINT 4: if you want to disable this app, for whatever reason, you can UNREGISTER APP which will disable the <machines> from using this app, i.e. disabling the WAB developer this appid is pointing to it.
      5. HINT 5: Other thread that may help Migration Migraine  (correct answer from Jake Skinner )

  • Step 4 - With AppID, you are now ready to start up the WAB.
    1. Go to the folder with the expanded/extracted WAB software, double click Startup.bat.  This should open a command window, show the ports and a list if “inserts”   (note: if next custom widgets added later, will see more inserts)

then if all works, your default browser (I use Firefox) should open and WAB should fire up.  If not…

  • HINT 1: Typically, even if installed and registered correctly, the first time I run WAB for the day (or browser session), I have to close the command window, and double-click on the startup.bat again….then it usually opens. [one of my machines requires this, the other fires right up]
    1. If the WAB setup opens properly, you should see something like the graphic below.  In the first box, put the URL to your AGOL or Portal, in the second, you AppID from Step 3 above.
    2. After hitting Continue, you will next be prompted with “Request for Permission” for your AGOL username to access the application you created or accessing (from Step 3 above).  Notice that the application you created will be listed
    3. Once you either enter you credentials (if not already logged in) or “APPROVE”, the application will open and you should be ready to go.
  • Hint 2: Problem with specify my wab developer url and app id     try creating a new user account on AGOL and follow the procedures above...see if that resolves the issue.

Starting (semi) from Scratch

If for some reason you don’t get the WAB set up correctly the first time, (maybe because you started and exited because you didn’t know what to put int for the AppID)  and therefore it:

  1. it never prompts for the appID again, or
  2. the startup is listening for the ports, but doesn’t list the “insert” statements, fires up the WAB page, but it is blank

The easiest solution I have found is to (close the command window and the bad WAB in the browser, if applicable, then) delete the expanded “arcgis-web-appbuilder-1.0” folder (may work to rename?) and to re-extract the .zip.  Then start with the Startup.bat again with your AppID ready (Step 4 above).

Observations and my initial understanding, resources, etc. (to be updated as needed)

  • GeoNet groups/spaces/places/threads you should join or be “following”:
  • There are MANY custom widgets being create and updated (many from Robert S --thanks!) I keep track of these, as much as I can  here: Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Resource List (updated 3/26/2018)
  • Other sources….
    • Comprehensive install document with graphic by TAPAS DAS Web AppBuilder   much more than his blog title has you believe.
  • Popular questions (many threads, with slight variations, for each question):
  • My observations:
    • The AppId when first starting is the most confusing, and finding clear instructions for setting up the AppId ahead of time (including mine) are hard to find.
    • I’m not exactly sure what registering the WAB with the AGOL application and AppID really does, although I know it ties it too AGOL. Also, it control whether a computer has permission, via registration with the AGOL application.  I know it has to do with OAuth2, but I’m not a security expert.
    • I asked the question Is it better to share "application" registered in AGOL between WAB-dev edition developers, or separa...  and have decided:
      • A WAB folder (and startup.bat file) are pretty much linked to on AppID – although there are ways to shift or change which one.
      • Each user should have their own application/AppID created by them, in their own My Content
      • Multiple machines for one user can be registered to the same AppID, if desired. The WAB stores the applications being created in the local drive, so these are not necessarily shared between machines…although I think they could be setup to work that way.
      • One machine could be registered to more than on AppID, if desired and if multiple WAB startup folders exist.
  • Portal - question and answer from comments below from Seema Joshi  (question  "Has anyone tried configuring Web Appbuilder (Developer Edition ) with Portal 10.3 configured locally - behind firewall, not in Public domain ? It works fine with Webmaps configured with AGOL / Organization Account OR PFA in Public domain, but we are experiencing issue accessing Webmaps having Map Services published in local Server. It is accessing Webmaps and displaying basemap layers with correct extent but local Map layers are not displaying."    Solution ( also from Seema):

      Please try following :

  • Change your local Server Security permissions from HTTP Only to HTTPS Only using ArcGIS Server -> Admin -> Security -> Config -> Update option as per snapshot below.
  • Stop & Restart your local Server.
  • Add Services to your Web Map as SSL with domain name eg.
  • Save & Share WebMap
  • Try Web Appbuilder using AGOL OR Portal for ArcGIS 10.3
  • .......will format better and add image when on a better machine mid March ....see comments below until then.  Thx -Rebecca


That’s about for tonight.  I hope this helps someone…. at least I should be able to find it again.

--Thanks for all the kind words of appreciation for this and my other rather messy WAB blogs. It's nice to know they are helping others, and that I still know where to find my notes!  8/27/15

Frequent Contributor

Awesome job Rebecca!

MVP Alum

Very nice! It truly was a pain getting the WAB to work! Not to mention trying out the demo widget and theme

Deactivated User

Brilliant work Rebecca! Esri should hire you to write the guides! The guides on the "Doc" pages are horrible to follow, but you thoughts and experiences got me through 🙂

MVP Emeritus

Thanks.  I'm happy to hear that it's helpful to others.  I can't take credit for all the solutions obviously, but as long as I was gathering info for our/my own use, might as well share.  Nice that Geonet gives the platform for this.

Frequent Contributor

Rebecca, could you possibly provide some guidance with an error (400) I am getting. I tried to install the Web AppBuilder about 1 month ago with only Esri's instructions and didn't get very far at all. With the help of your blog and suggested links I have gotten pretty close but not quite. My error (400) is an invalid Redirect URI which are steps 3h and 3i. I ran through these steps a couple times changing the Redirect URI to include/exclude my company domain but its still not accepting them. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance.

This is the way I am writting the ReDirect URI



MVP Emeritus

Ben, when Registering you machine thru ArcGIS Online as I mention in steps 3h and 3i, do not include any port.  Just add   http://computernae.companydomain and the https version.

Deactivated User

Steps 3h and 3i fixed my uri issue.  Thanks so much for your help and this blog!!

Frequent Contributor

Rebecca, these instructions are great but I'm still having problems. I think my problem might occur at 3h. Is the machine name the machines IP address? And how do you find your company domain?

MVP Emeritus

Of course it all depends on what OS you are using, but in Win7, go to Start, right click on Computer in the right column and select "Properties" in the pull down.  On the screen that pops up, it should show the computer name and the "Full computer name". (which is what I should probably add/change/rephrase , in the post, i.e. not domain name but "full computer name", if it works.)

I think it needs to be computer name and not IP.

Deactivated User

Hi, Has anyone tried configuring Web Appbuilder (Developer Edition ) with Portal 10.3 configured locally - behind firewall, not in Public domain ?

It works fine with Webmaps configured with AGOL / Organization Account OR PFA in Public domain, but we are experiencing issue accessing Webmaps having Map Services published in local Server. It is accessing Webmaps and displaying basemap layers with correct extent but local Map layers are not displaying.

Any suggestions please. Thanks

MVP Emeritus

Seema, I have not yet tried it with Portal, and don't have any plans to at this point.  But hopefully someone else will comment.  You may want to point your question in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS‌ which will get a larger audience then my Tips and Observations for getting Web AppBuilder -  Developer Edition Installed‌ blog.

Deactivated User

Thanks Rebecca for your response.

As suggested I will try my query as a separate question in Web Appbuilder forum.

Frequent Contributor


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Your post finally shed the right light on how this whole thing works.  I've been trying off'n'on for over a month to work through this and constantly ended up banging my head against the wall and just giving up.


MVP Emeritus

WWarren, make sure to check out my other posts, especially Web AppBuilder Developer Edition – Customization Resource List

thas hat has link to many discussions of interest and custom widgets as they come out....or as many as I can find.

Deactivated User


Although I am not working with Portal, I believe I am experiencing a similar problem. I have a Map Service published on our local server, and have brought the service into our AGOL account. I've created a Web Map in AGOL that correctly displays the service. But when I attempt to reference that web map in the App Builder, it displays the basemap layers with the correct extent but the service layer is not displaying.

I've been desperately searching for a solution, but have yet to find one. Are you still experiencing this problem? Any headway on a solution?


Deactivated User

Hi Steven,

For benefit of everyone, I am providing Solution in this post.

Please try following :

  • Change your local Server Security permissions from HTTP Only to HTTPS Only using ArcGIS Server -> Admin -> Security -> Config -> Update option as per snapshot below.
  • Stop & Restart your local Server.
  • Add Services to your Web Map as SSL with domain name eg.
  • Save & Share WebMap
  • Try Web Appbuilder using AGOL OR Portal for ArcGIS 10.3


It worked fine for me and I was able to use it with both AGOL & PFA versions successfully.



Esri India

Deactivated User

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for this wonderful instruction. I just started using WAB. I have a question about Step 3d. After I entered the URL, which type should I choose (Web Mapping? or Desktop? or Application?)? And what are the differences between them?


MVP Emeritus

​Hi Sophie,

I'm glad you are finding the information helpful.

re: your question on step 3d:  I choose "web mapping"  as shown in the image under 3f. 

But it's a good question about what the other two options are. I may have known at one time, but it escapes me right now. I will look into it and will add info to the doc once I find out (may be a couple weeks since I'm away from my office compute).

Deactivated User

Hi Rebecca,

thanks a lot for your blog. I still had some issues getting WAB started, maybe you can add them to your blog.

If working with a corporate http proxy there are compatibility problems. You can find the solution here Working with WebAppBuilder behind a corporative http proxy

Hope this is helpful.


Deactivated User

Thanks a lot, Rebecca. Really appreciate your help!

MVP Emeritus

Hi Veronika, thanks for providing the link, I think tht will be a good addition to the document.

Do you know if the change for the http proxyis still necessary with WAB v 1.1, released 3/19/2015?  I will want to make a note of that in the document.

Deactivated User

Hi Rebecca,

I opened a support call for this problem and there was no speaking of trying to fix this with WAB v 1.1.

So I guess you still have to fix it yourself if you are working with a proxy.

Regular Contributor

Great info!  I think I've gotten past all these points before discovering this post.  Had I read it it would surely saved me time.

I am having some problems with launching my application on my local site.  If I import a web app into web app builder developer edition that I made on AGOL, I am able to download the application.  It spits out a zip file.  I unzip it, and put it into my wwwroot folder.  It works just fine.  As soon as I add any custom widget to the map (I even modfy the config.json to give the name and uri) I download the map, unzip and deploy.  I then try to access the application and now it's redirecting to an https version (I do not have an https redirect defined in the authentication) and the map just times out after the load screen.  Any thoughts?

MVP Emeritus

Glad to hear that ithe doc was helpful, even if a bit late for you.

Regarding your question, I don't have a quick answer and haven't been at a location to check the past few days, so if you haven't already asked this question  Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets  I would do it there since more will see and be able to weigh in.

Deactivated User

Great document for setting up the WAB. If you want to serve out your webmap JSON without having to install portal you can do this from Cartoview. The details to do so are available at

Honored Contributor

You know what would be awesome is if there was a way to setup a group collab document so that multiple people could update a document. I just noted some things that I would edit for this doc but I can't...

C'mon ESRI... group collab!

MVP Emeritus

Brian, I responded to you email, but not sure if it went thru.  Let me know if it didn't.​

Honored Contributor

It didn't...

MVP Emeritus

Sent another.....we can talk/message more on the weekend if you are available.

Occasional Contributor


Thank you for this thread. (It took me awhile to figure this out and I thought I would share it.)

I wanted to add some observations around your Step 3h (and Hint 2) and Redirect URIs. I'm configuring Web AppBuilder Developer Edition 1.1 with Portal 10.3.

The structure of the Redirect URIs is dependent on if your server is setup in either a Domain or Workgroup. To determine the setup, go to your server’s “Control Panel\System and Security\System” (or right-click your Computer and get properties in Windows File Explorer) to view basic information and note the “Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings”, if it is setup on a Domain you will see a domain, if it is setup on a Workgroup you will see a workgroup. For each configuration the Redirect URI structure should be as follows (to cover all of your bases it is probably safe to include both but I have not tested this):


- http://<machinename>

- https://<machinename>


- http://<machinename>.<FullDomain>

- https://<machinename>.<FullDomain>

MVP Emeritus

Leighton, I added you notes as Step 3h Hint 4.  Thanks for the sharing the information.

MVP Emeritus

Hi Brian,

I've sent several responses to your GeoNet message but haven't heard back, so not sure if you are seeing them.  Bottom line, I can't access google-drive from work, so GeoNet is the best platform for me to be able to access and update my tips and resource list pages.  I know the formatting isn't the best, since many times I'm updating in a hurry or from an iPad, but at least I can access it from many places.

I don't think GeoNet blogs can be edited by multiple people, but I know there are places in GeoNet that you can set this up.  I just prefer doing this in a blog since, 1) I always can find it, and 2) many of the statements and instructions are just my suggestions and opinions, and not necessarily the only way to do things....this is a good place for me to dump my thoughts so I can find them again.

If you have things you want to contribute, feel free to send it to me or as a comment (notice a suggestion/clarification I added yesterday 6/23/15) or if you create your own page or blog, let me know the URL and I'm make sure to link over to it so others can find it from here.  I know I don't have all the solutions, and things change so fast that there is always room for improvement and other tips.

I hope this answered your questions (from the message you sent)

Honored Contributor

lol... I literally just hit reply when I saw this... I'm so sorry, I'm so busy right now... we are updating ALL THE THINGS... lol... peace out

MVP Emeritus

Thanks, got it.  We'll keep in touch.

Regular Contributor

I'm just now working with a new ESRI book, "Getting to Know Web GIS", by Pinde Fu. The examples and exercises contain references and tasks don't match what I have (I installed the SDK, also v. 1.1).  Is there a more recent version available that might mach the exercises presented in this book?  I've been able to puzzle it out so far, but don't want to wander too far afield.

MVP Emeritus

Does the book mention the version of Web AppBuilder Developer's Edition it is using?  There are many changes between version, usually new things are added, and some fixes, of course.  Version 1.2 is due out anyday now, so maybe the book is written with the (pre-release) version of that? 

I have not looked at the book so can't give much help.  Have you looked to see if the book has a "contact author" link?

Occasional Contributor


please i need to program in JavaScript and no where to start and which program to use for it ...

any suggestions ?


MVP Emeritus

Luciana, did you get you question answered?  I was out of the office for a couple weeks so didn't get to answer all questions.  To answer your question, the Web AppBuilder (either using ArcGIS Online or the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)​ would be a good place to start.  It has a user interface that allows your to config a variety of built in widgets, without any programming needed.  If you get beyond that, you can look as Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List​ which list many of the custom widgets that are availble from esri and the user community.  Most are also configurable, but some JavaScripts are helpful to know how to get them implemented.  The resource list also has links to other good resources for JavaScript and the Web AppBuilder, including ArcGIS API for JavaScript which includes the JS API documentation and samples (with sandbox to play).

If you are looking for a good development environment, I like Brackets.​  but NotePad++ (with a variety of add-ins for JS) and SublimeText are also popular.  You may want to take a look at Developing Web Apps with ArcGIS API for JavaScript / Building Applications Using the ArcGIS API for ...  for many more helpful links.

New Explorer


This article is very useful, thanks @Rebecca Strauch, GISP

If you don't mind i have a question, i am facing an issue with the Web App builder developer edition  on my work machine, everything was configured successfully, but when i am trying to add widgets to any new application, i can't see any default widgets provided by esri (like print, search etc...), the 'Choose Widget' window is totally blank (please have a look at the attached image) for the first 5 or 10 minutes, later i can able to see them . Even after the creation of any new application, just to load the application in any browser itself taking almost  from 1 to 2 minutes.And it is happening every time whenever i refresh the browser. Even loading any widget on map also taking more time and some times the widgets opens by themselves after the map was loaded successfully.  Accessing layers, querying data, zooming & panning map, rest of others looks normal. i also installed web app builder developer edition on my personal laptop and imported an application which was created at office, and everything looks pretty fast here. It's even the worst if i use a portal connection URL with HTTPS service to login the web app builder. What might be the cause ? our company doesn't have any have any proxy but i believe they configured some security stuff in their domain and firewalls.  what else could be wrong in work machine for this slowness of applications ? Please let me know if you have any suggestions for me.


Thanks again for this valuable article.



MVP Emeritus

Purnachard, glad to hear the blog is helpful.

re: you issues. I have not seen anyone else report that issue, although some gave had other strange issue such as not being able to save, or not being able to create a new app.

Is this a new 1.2 install? If not, can you try starting up a new install (rename you WAB install folder...unzip again, register again...and of course a reboot never hurts).  I'm not sure how you have your nodes set up, but I've don't have mine installed as a service that is running on reboot, but instead us the .bat file....use it once to start nodes...close the window...then do it again to start up WAB.

also, what browser and versions are you using? Maybe try a different one. I typically use the latest version of Firefox.  I think version 28 was one that had issues with WAB, but the the latest ones have been working.

it sound like version 1.3 will be out soon...keep that in mind.

New Explorer

Thanks Rebbecca for your quick reply, I am using the latest version of WAB (1.2) , and I also prefer to launch the node using batch file instead of window service, and I am using latest version of chrome (40).

I will tryout your suggestions and i will let you know if I came to know the reason for this behavior.

Thanks again and have a nice weekend.



MVP Honored Contributor


Thanks for putting this together! I kind of wished I would have seen this earlier when getting this installed and working. Some things with WAB are not very intuitive with me. Either way, I am bookmarking this post for future use!

MVP Emeritus

Adrian, glad it is helpful, even if a bit late for you.  I'm assuming you have the others in the series least bookmark Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List​  since that is the one I try to keep up to date.  It's a bit messy since I usually only have a few minutes to throw a new tidbit on the list, but I always have the last edited date on the top.  Then a ways down, I have the updates for the date.  It is in need of a major reorg, and may look at doing that this weekend (although weather is supposed to be great in AK for the next week! )

In particular, you should also look and/or bookmaek TAPAS DAS​ 's Installing Robert’s Enhanced Search Widget for the Web AppBuilder​   which is way more than the title indicates.

MVP Honored Contributor

Yes and yes! I certainly have your resource list bookmarked. It's a great list! I have also seen the 200+ page PDF from TAPAS DAS. It is quite detailed and helpful!

Thanks for the suggestions and for having helpful stuff on the GeoNet!

MVP Regular Contributor


I have successfully installed WAB DE on my local machine.

It works well on Microsoft Edge browser, but not IE 11.

On IE 11, I go to http://[myMachine][myDomain]:3344/webappbuilder/

and I am taken to the setaportal page (see pic)

I am then taken to a sign in page (see pic)

I sign in correctly, but it takes me back to the setaportal page.


The Edge browser is the default browser, and I do not have any issues opening WAB DE this way (after I ran the procedure mentioned here.

I set up WAB DE to run as a windows service.

MVP Emeritus

I had similar problems with WAB 2.5, but I think it was resolved in 2.7, but I don't think mine was a browser type issue.  For me, I realized I had set something in AGOL that caused issues.  My note in my support ticket was

"After removing the ArcGIS server from the "Allow Origins" list, the user is able to fire up the WAB developer edition from the AGOL account."

That may not be your problem.  More likely, there is a setting in the IE11 that is causing issues.  Sorry, I don't have any more advice to offer right now, other than to use Edge or another browser like Chrome.  It may be a browser version security issue, and turning on the developer tools (usually F12)  in the different browsers to watch the network traffic can sometimes give you hints on what the issue may be. 

There are a few other threads about this issue, although of course I can't find them right now.  You may want to thik about starting a new question with you particulars (make sure to include you WAB version) rather than in the coments here.

btw - I need to update this particular blog I see....still shows 2.5 as latest....we are up to 2.7.  ....never ending.

MVP Regular Contributor
About the Author
Worked with GIS for 30+ years for the Alaska Dept of Fish and Game.