Hello @DougBrowning, I have gone ahead and logged an internal issue for 0 not being returned by the pulldata() function. This does work in 3.11 and the Webform. Unfortunately it seems to be a regression with the current 3.12 beta build. As for the Survey123 formulas page not showing on Google, I've noticed the same thing unfortunately that's up to Googles search algorithm we don't have much control over it. I had tested with Bing and DuckDuckGo and they both work like Google used to. What I've been doing lately is selecting the first link that pops up and then searching for it directly within the Survey123 documentation site. Bookmarking the page may also ease finding the doc page. Thank you, Zach
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03:50 PM
Hello @LeeIrminger1, To confirm was the CSV present in the Media folder upon initial publishing, or is the CSV hosted in ArcGIS Online and linked to the survey using the workflow outlined in this EAC documentation? If the CSV is only present in the Media folder and not linked to the survey I would not expect this behavior as I did not see the behavior when I had tested on my end. If the CSV is linked to the survey there may be something different going on. If the CSV is only present in the Media folder the Survey123 website should be making a request for item and pulling from the response of that request. If you navigate to:<FormID>/info/media/<CSVName.csv?token=<accessToken> Does this download the most recent version of the CSV? If you capture the web traffic when loading the web form you will also see that same request in the web traffic. Is the response of that request the updated choices or the old choices? Thank you, Zach
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10:08 AM
Hello @LeeIrminger1, We are in the process more formally presenting python scripts and will be updating that Esri Community blog post shortly. In the meantime we have updated the Update Media Folder script to use the ArcGIS API for Python. I have attached a zip file that contains a Jupyter notebook and .py file that use the updated workflow. I have just tested the same workflow using the script in the zip file attached and I was not able to reproduce the same behavior. If you test updating the CSV using the script in the zip file is the same behavior observed? Thank you, Zach
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07:07 PM
Hello @raybricedev, From the error message it looks like Survey123 is having an issue identifying the parent layer related to the T12_Construction_Contractor table. Does that table happen to have multiple layers related to it or another tertiary layer or table related to it? If possible would I be able to obtain a copy of the File Geodatabase with the layers and tables for testing on my end? If you don't want to share it over Esri Community feel free to email it to my Esri email Thank you, Zach
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06:01 PM
Hello @GarrettRSmith, One consideration to keep in mind is how repeats are stored when the survey is published. When you publish a survey that includes repeats, each repeat will be created as a related table in your feature layer, or a related layer if your repeat contains a geopoint, geotrace, or geoshape question. So when designing your form just keep that in mind as it will impact the schema of the service that is created in your Organization. To answer your last question, to my knowledge there is not a limit for the amount of repeats that can be submitted. If you have a repeat and a field worker needs to submit 20+ additional locations they can submit however many they need. If you are looking to limit the number of repeats that can be submitted you can specify a repeat_count in the XLSForm as that will limit the max number of repeats that can be submitted. As for designing the schema that is up to you one option would be to keep it the way you have it, add a yes_no select_one question that asks if the field worker would like to add more locations and if 'yes' is selected the repeat can be relevant based on selecting 'yes' and display the restoration, restorationlocation, and restorationnotes questions within the repeat. One note about that workflow is you would then have a layer related to a layer where the first layer would contain the single repeat question, and the second layer would then contain all the additional repeated geopoints in their own records. Another option would be to only have the restoration, restorationlocation, and restorationnotes questions in a repeat. What you could do is create a geopoint outside of the repeat, make it hidden, and set the bind::esri:fieldType to null. When you publish this survey only the repeat questions are in a layer and the questions outside of the repeat are in a table. I have attached a sample XLSForm with this setup. Here are a few other Esri Community posts that may also help: Thank you, Zach
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05:52 PM
Hello @AndrewPadilla @DougBrowning @OrrinBabcock, We have created an internal issue for this behavior. I would suggest contacting Esri Technical Support and they will be able to log an official BUG for the behavior which will allow for tracking progress on the issue. Thank you, Zach
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11:15 AM
Hello @CherylWheeler2, On top of what Ruth suggests another workflow would be to use the Search() appearance which we currently have support for in our 3.12 beta builds. The Search() appearance lets your query existing Feature Services to see if there is a spatial overlap. Please check out our Early Adopter Community for more information on using the Search() appearance in your survey. Thank you, Zach
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06:30 PM
Hello @ulb, Typically the "Maximum record count" refers to the number of features that can be returned in a single request and is usually used in the context of service performance. I haven't heard it used in a record submission context before. When you say species and variables is that referring to related records (repeats), or choices in a choice list? Unless the survey was quite large with a lot of choices (thousands to hundreds of thousands of choices in the choices sheet) and repeats etc. I wouldn't expect 44 records with repeats to cause the app to crash. Would I be able to obtain a copy of the XLSForm I can test on our end and see if we can reproduce the same behavior? Since the app was deleted all associated files with the app were also deleted so performing root cause analysis would be impossible. The recommended workflow when failures occur is to recover the data from the device prior to troubleshooting that way a backup of the data has been maintained. Thank you, Zach
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01:39 PM
Hello @ScottStanton__GISP, I have tested the arcade expression on my end and I was not able to reproduce the same behavior on my IOS 14 device. If you temporarily change the link's text to the Arcade expression in the pop up, in Collector do you see the XY information or is it missing from the pop up in Collector? One option you can try is encoding the XY information, something along the lines of: function MetersToLatLon(x, y) {
// Converts XY point from Spherical Mercator EPSG:3857(Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere) to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum (EPSG:4326).
// Source:
var originShift = 2.0 * PI * 6378137.0 / 2.0;
var lon = (x / originShift) * 180.0;
var lat = (y / originShift) * 180.0;
lat = 180.0 / PI * (2.0 * Atan( Exp( lat * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
return [lat, lon];
function CreateURLSurvey(lat, lon) {
var url = "arcgis-survey123://?itemID=<surveyid>";
url += "&field:name1=" + $feature["name1"] + "&field:name2=" + $feature["name2"];
url += "&field:name_new=" + $feature["name_new"] + "&field:rel_globalID=";
url += $feature["GlobalID"] + "&callback=" + "¢er=";
var loc = lat + "," + lon;
return url + UrlEncode(loc);
var latlon = MetersToLatLon(Geometry($feature).X, Geometry($feature).Y);
var url = CreateURLSurvey(latlon[0], latlon[1]);
return url; Thank you, Zach
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01:05 PM
Hello @AlainMunyaneza1, Can new records be added to the service through a Web Map or Web App in the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal? If new records can not be added to the service through ArcGIS Enterprise Portal Survey123 won't be able to add those records either. If you grab the diagnostic logs, as well as the ArcGIS Server logs are there any additional error messages in the logs? Worst case scenario the data can be recovered from the device and after some modifications should be able to be submitted from a desktop machine. Thank you, Zach
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04:30 PM
Hello Marcus Klatt, It looks like the request for Item ID 6e96f6dec.... is not being found. If you copy that Item ID and search for it in your content or if you are not the survey owner search for it in your Organization. Does that Item ID return a Form Item or Hosted Feature Service? Thank you, Zach
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01:33 PM
Hello Taylor Schyrbiak, Sweet I am glad that worked out! Unfortunately with the Survey123 Power Automate connector monitoring for updating records is not enabled by default. - Zach
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03:29 PM
Hello Ramon de Leon, I had tested using the Survey123 app link and was unable to reproduce the same behavior. For the URL that you are using to link from Collector to Survey123 is if formatted like arcgis-survey123:// or Please use this link for reference regarding the difference: Integrate with other apps—ArcGIS Survey123 | Documentation If you capture the diagnostic log when the behavior happens and the exact timestamp the form starts loading are there any error messages in the diagnostic logs? Thank you, Zach
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02:32 PM
Hello Amber Tobin, Please check out our Early Adopter Community as we just posted some Beta builds that automate CSV updating and introduce a workflow for working with Feature Service data in Survey123 Surveys. I am not sure if you intend on your survey to be taken in the Field App or through the Webform, but if you are planning on using the Survey123 Website you can use the Webform URL Parameters to populate the stand information. Also if you don't want those folks to know what is being passed through the Webform URL Parameters you can also encode the URL parameters. Thank you, Zach
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01:54 PM
Hello Taylor Schyrbiak, In the Survey123 website if you navigate to Settings > Webhooks > Edit webhook is "Existing record edited" enabled for Trigger events? Thank you, Zach
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01:46 PM
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