When creating a LRS data model in the Roads and Highways extention, the Lrs_Edit_Log table is a minimum schema object of the Roads and Highways LRS Data Model. The Lrs_Edit_Log table has field "UserName", type "String" with field length 272. The idea is to change the string length to 255. Why? Just because 255 is the shapefile/dbase limitation I suppose. If anybody has a name longer than 255 characters first I apologize, second, you should use a shorter user name when editing roads and highways database. It will also help with field validation based on a 255 length text field as a validation rule.
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11:27 AM
Currently, creating routes in Roads and Highways requires careful selection of centerlines one at a time. It would be easier if multiple centerlines could be selected at one time, and ordered logically/spatially. It would also be useful to have the selection mimic geometric network tracing selection functionality, selecting the shortest path along a looped network between begin and end points, and allowing for blocking if the selection of shortest path does not follow the intended centerline pattern.
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12:48 PM
As far as I can tell, the ALRS items can only be created in the Geodatabase outside the feature dataset, then moved into the feature dataset, and that only works when the feature Dataset M tolerance matches the network tolerance. Creating a feature dataset with a different M tolerance than the network, and it will likely be different by default, then moving the network and affecting the ALRS Network M tolerance seems like not a good idea. The Feature Dataset M tolerance needs to match the network M tolerance so it would be a nice feature to be able to create the ALRS in the feature dataset. Also perhaps in the process of creating a new feature dataset in the presence of a route network, the route network M tolerance would be the default for the feature dataset.
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12:42 PM
Create a GP tool to register an event feature class to the ALRS in a roads and highways geodatabase. Currently this can only be done by a right-click menu option.
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12:32 PM
Create a geoprocessing tool that performs this function. This function is currently run by right-clicking on the ALRS in a Roads and Highways enabled geodatabase.
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12:28 PM
Use case - add inventory item in collector, then immediately sync that inventory item into survey 123 for condition survey of that new inventory item - all in disconnected environment.
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09:08 AM
Use case - add inventory item in collector, then immediately sync that inventory item into survey 123 for condition survey of that new inventory item - all in disconnected environment.
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09:08 AM
Thought of the day March 21 2019. I am working on rectifying the RHUG enhancement list with the ArcGIS Ideas. I'm not taking into consideration the work that the Esri team has been building into the current and future releases based on the latest enhancement list, so a straight conversion could generate a lot of useless content. So, I propose we take some time during the meeting to hash out listed enhancements as ideas, and to gather new ideas as well. Working together in the SIG meeting, DOT "hand in hand" with Esri, I think we can efficiently convert the listed enhancements to useful ideas for the product development team. That would have the additional benefit of assignment of ownership to the idea contributor. In the meantime, I recommend adding any new ideas or old ideas you may have to the ArcGIS Ideas page ArcGIS Ideas and tag the idea with "RHUG" as well as any other relevant tags - desktop, server, event, route, etc. That would give us a head start for the GIS-T SIG meeting, as well as allow for contributions by interested parties unable to be present with us at GIS-T. The has been updated to provide a link to current ideas based on tags potentially relevant to this user group.
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08:06 AM
I do hatching in AGOL with points. I have a script to create "fake hatches", here is a link to that script: pydot/ at master · KDOTGIS/pydot · GitHub ArcPro supports hatching in this manner: Draw measured hatches along lines—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop I have not tested publishing from Pro to AGOL with hatch symbols. I'm upvoting this idea.
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10:42 AM
a "mastermind group" might be a potential approach to the meeting format. Users can prepare for the meeting by submitting written problem statements of solvable challenges. Then the group members with ideas or experience with similar problems can advise. It's pretty much what we do anyway.
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05:48 AM
One thought - the introductions at the last GIS-T RHUG SIG took a long time. It was fun to meet everyone and learn a little about everyone's favorite band but maybe this time we can skip the introductions and get right to the DOT vs Esri arm wrestling match.
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02:28 PM
Good article, there is a lot of material out there on the web to read on this topic. It comes down to this: creators of GIS data at the local level create data in a projection. Cartographers use a projection. Surveyors use a coordinate system. Hopefully, the cartographic projection and the surveyors coordinate systems are based on a similarly defined datum. The common datum should support the accurate measurement coordinate system, and a multitude of projections appropriate for the cartographic needs based on the extent of the earth displayed in the map. With definition of low distortion projection systems in the GRAV-D datum, surveyors and mappers can work together in the same projection as a coordinate system. As a state practitioner of GIS involved in engineering and construction, I am attracted to the idea of maintaining a shape-length-based linear referencing system of highways (or other linear networks) defined in the multiple (20) low distortion projection systems in my state, and rolling them up into the ArcGIS applications (desktop, web based, etc) seamlessly. In other words, I would like to be able to print my statewide map in my statewide conformal projection (eat my cake), while keeping my data defined in the 20 separate low distortion projections (have it too) in order to maintain the most accurate shape length definition at the topographic surface. I'd like the software do this for me out of the box without having to develop this solution myself.
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06:39 AM
A fish route or alpha route is defined as a highway having a planimetric shape resembling a fish or the greek letter α. These routes frequently occur in highway system interchanges where a route curves with a relatively small radius to pass over or under itself, often in conjunction with a larger, grade separated interchange. The idea is to support this configuration of highways in the Esri Roads and Highways location referencing extension without the need for a workaround solution. Currently, the position of Esri is that the alpha routes are supported IF the introduces a small gap in the route where the intersection would occur at the grade separation. The position of the Roads and Highways users is that this workaround is crude, it doesn't meet our definition of support for the shape of these highway designs, and it results in other data processing challenges.
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06:25 AM
I stopped the processing Monday morning, compressed and the A/D table counts went back down to zero, appears no harm (or benefit) was done. Ryan I will take your advice and try to uniquely ID the gapped segments more thoroughly. The Route name is not part of the route ID but the route ID is based on an enumerated list of street names and cities in a county, it shouldn't be too difficult to enumerate the dissolved-unsplit gapped segments to uniquely identify the parts. I assume the the database log files associated with MSSQL are what I should be checking, and the LRS edit logging is out of my control. Kyle
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06:25 AM
I wrote this script in attempt to reduce the NAN routes on gapped local roads for our RH implementation. pydev106/ at master · KDOTGIS/pydev106 · GitHub It basically end dates about 100,000 calibration points and appends about 140,000 new ones. I ran it on my desktop version 10.6.1 ArcGIS to the default version in an edit session, its a SQL Server versioned geodatabase. Processing began when I saved edits...a few days ago. The delta tables are counts of D-~100K and A~260K and it has been processing for days. There are probably about 70,000 miles / 45,000 routes being recalibrated, the response from ArcGIS desktop switches between "timeslicing and recalibrating routes" and "updating events", there are no events to update right now in this database, just networks. Was this a bad idea? I'm thinking I should have approached this in batches of a few thousand records at a time with version management happening between the batches, or maybe try SQL methods using the versioned view. Even if I let this go for however long it takes, I fear the regenerate routes and compress are also going to take forever. I'm going to see where it stands Monday, but how would I even back out of this processing at this point? Restore my database to the state is was from before this started? Should I be second guessing this approach so much? Is any of this even necessary?
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11:25 AM
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