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AGOL Symbology Hatching

04-04-2018 11:44 AM
Status: Open
Deactivated User

Have the ability to change polygon symbology to have hatching and marker symbols.

Tags (2)

I do hatching in AGOL with points.  I have a script to create "fake hatches", here is a link to that script:

pydot/ at master · KDOTGIS/pydot · GitHub 

ArcPro supports hatching in this manner:

Draw measured hatches along lines—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

I have not tested publishing from Pro to AGOL with hatch symbols.

I'm upvoting this idea.


I've been able to do some hatching on my polygon in AGOL following the steps described here. It's not as easy as clicking a simple option on your UI... but it works!

Just have a try and you'll be upvoting this idea as well.


The current set of hatch symbols is an improvement, but I would like to be able to add a colour fill.  For the crosshatch you can style both the forward and backward diagonals - why not the fill as well?