Hello, Is the survey hosted on AGOL or an enterprise portal? AGOL Is the survey shared with Viewer under the Collaborate tab? Yes it is I will check your suggestion and let you know. Thanks, DLL
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12:16 PM
Hello Robert. Yes, the portal access depend of the domain user that use the portal and the proxy use a publisher user that we used to publish the services. What i do not understand i why the user logged in to the portal takes priority if the app has a proxy.
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12:05 PM
Hello Robert, Thanks for your help!.. we are using user name and password.
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01:08 PM
Hello, I have an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 deployed and i create a public application using WebApp Builder for developer. This application has several layer secured and worked with a proxy. If i open a browser and login to Enterprise and then i open a new tab and try to open my application, my application do not load correctly. and this error appear. (failed o load resource: the server responded with a status 498) If I open an incognito tab, or if I log out of if I open other browser app works fine but not if I use only one browser and i am login to enterprise and open an public app with proxy it does not open. Any idea? Regards, Diego Robert Scheitlin, GISP
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11:47 AM
Hello Ben, After you mention if I was able to access portal and server machine using ports from Web Server, IT checked firewall and did some modification and once I was able to access those URLS, I was able to configure web adaptor correctly. ArcGIS Server and Portal was working fine from their own servers and any machine on the domain. Thanks for your Help!, DLL
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09:53 AM
Hi Robert, I was able to identify the problem. I create the service/cache in one server and moved the cache to production server. in production server I create the basemap service as a dummy service, I just pushish the extent of the cache with the exact same name and folder and this service recognize the cache and is using it. with this form, export map output is empty, once i recreate the service using the image from database it worked. Thanks, DLL
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12:47 PM
Hello Ben, No i am not able to access portal or server and I ping those Ip servers and I got time out. Thanks, DLL
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10:16 AM
Hello, I am setting up an Enterprise implementation. We have a DMZ, our web server is out of the DMZ and the Portal, Server and Datastore machines are inside the DMZ, Also the web server is not on the domain. We configure 443 and 80 to outside and open 6443, 7443 and 2443 ports in the firewall. When I try to configure Portal or Server at web adaptor on the web server i got this error Any IDea? REgards, Diego Llamas Robert Scheitlin, GISP
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01:32 PM
Hello, I create a web app using basic viewer template. I have a ramp of color when is 0 is light color and when is 10 is darker color. in my webmap is correct. and if I print this image from my web map the ramp is correct. but when I print from the application, 0 is darker and 10 is lighter color . and this is not correct is there a bug? How can I fix it? Regards, Diego Llamas
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01:05 PM
Greetings, I’m experiencing what I believe is a bug when using Survey123, specifically utilizing the calculate feature, on repeat records in survey123. Currently I have two surveys configured. The first survey acts as the initial collection survey. In this particular survey (I’ll be referring to it as ‘Initial Survey’) I have four fields (namely ‘Municipio’, ‘Area’, ‘UnidadEspecializada’, and ‘FechaHoraOcupacion’). When the user collects data, these fields are amongst the first to get collected by the user. Then I’m able to make reference to them in the repeats using the calculate column in the excel spreadsheet. Effectively, I’m copying the value first entered on these fields on the primary table, to related tables. On the Initial Survey, this seems to be working perfectly, however, I have also configured a second survey used for quality control purposes this second survey is using the same feature service as the first. The idea is that a certain group of users collect the initial data using the Initial Survey, then a second group of users is responsible for reviewing the collected data, and make corrections as needed. For this second survey (which I’ll be referring to as QC Survey) I’ve configured a near identical survey, which points at the same data as the Initial Survey does, using the submission url. The problem I’m experiencing, is that if the QC users access the already submitted data, via the inbox feature, and change the value for one of the fields I mentioned beforehand (‘Municipio’, ‘Area’, ‘UnidadEspecializada’, and ‘FechaHoraOcupacion’), the value on the repeat tables does not update. I’ve then tried to get the calculate operation to occur, playing around with the ‘relevant’ row, and I’ve been able to get the calculation to occur, but only to one of the n repeat records. My question then becomes, is this described behavior normal, or is it a bug? Also if there are any alternatives, or any procedures I must take to get this to work as I intend, it would be greatly appreciated. I am using: Survey123: 3.9.149 Survey123 Connect: 3.7.62 Looking forward to hear from you. Regards, Diego Llamas James Tedrick Ismael Chivite
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11:09 AM
Hi I am having a problem in Survey123 in the organizational account. I have not ran into this problem in the past and I have experience with the software and have previously worked with groups and other team members submitting to the same survey. I have created a Survey for data collection and shared it with a Group (as I have done in the past with other projects). However, when members try to view the survey in the Surveys don't appear in My Surveys page (it is shared with sender and viewer in collaboration tab); this after having shared with the group, the organization and tried changing user type to all levels even administrator. The members can see the survey through the field app but not on the My Surveys page so they can create a report. if any one has info about this problem I would appreciate it. It is critical that we get these licenses working to manage the crisis at hand. Thanks, Diego Llamas
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11:18 AM
Hi Robert, Basically we are creating a massive appraisal project that send information to the citizen by email with photo. That photo is the box, we tried esri service but we notice a displacement with the planimeter object is significant. Also the image service that we have has a much better resolution if we want to show 1:282 scale with esri service it really bad. . Also this aerial photo is from the agenci and we want the citizens receive official information from the agence. Thanks, Diego
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02:01 PM
Hi, I am trying to do an "export Map image" from my own Base map service (cached) using ArcGIS Rest Api. If i use an ArcGIS Online service I get back an image as you can see here: But when I try to use my own Base Map service and do an export map image using the exact same parameters i use using AGOL basemap service, I get a blank response. no error, just blank We create the cache using the AGOL, GOOGLE option from ArcGIS Pro. Does anyone has any idea why i get a blank result. Thanks, Diego Llamas
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01:32 PM
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