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How to Contact Us (A My Esri Perspective)

11-20-2018 11:35 AM
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Esri Contributor
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My Esri aims to be a self-service site. We want it to be a place where you can get all the information about your organization’s relationship with Esri. But what if you can’t find what you are looking for? What if you find incorrect information you want to let us know about it? What if you have a question?

Here are some methods you can use to contact us, and the best reason to use one over the other.


Where to Find It

When to Use This Method (Examples)

What Happens when you Use It

Ask a Question

On almost every page of My Esri. It appears below the side navigation.

It can also be found on the Get Help pop up, which appears when you click the ? (question mark) next to the tabs in the banner.

It can also be accessed from the Dashboard - see the Ask a Question sub tab.

You have a general question about how My Esri works.


You found some information on My Esri that you have a question about.


You found a bug in My Esri.


You can’t find something.


You have a question about something you purchased on the Store.

Sends your question via email to our Customer Service department or to your distributor to assist you.

UPDATED 10/4/2019: Since the end of June, for US organizations, your questions now create cases in our ticketing system. You can view and track these cases on the Support sub tab, in the Customer Service Cases section. We are working to include the case-creation functionality for our non-US users.

Contact My Administrator

On My Organizations / Overview / Organization Profile, in the Organization Contacts panel.


This button only appears if your organization has an admin assigned to it.

You have a question about the permissions you’ve been granted.


Your permission request hasn’t been processed.

Sends email to all of the My Esri administrators (admins) at your organization (those who have Administrator Assign Permissions permission).

Request Case

On My Organizations / Support.


You must be an authorized caller to use this option.

You found a bug with Esri software.


You have a question about how to use Esri software.


You can’t install Esri software.

Creates a case in our tracking system. A Support Analyst will review your case and contact you to help you resolve your issue.

Organization Contacts

On My Organizations / Overview / Organization Profile.


This section lists your organization’s Primary Maintenance Contact, if present in our system.

You need to contact someone within your own organization about its relationship with Esri.

Opens a blank email addressed to your organization’s primary maintenance contact using your mail system. Provide details about what your issue is, and Send.

Esri Contacts

On My Organizations / Overview / Organization Profile.


This sections lists contacts here at Esri that can help you.

You have a question about your orders or maintenance quotes (for your Customer Service Representative, if present).


You want to purchase more Esri software (found in the sales section, if present).


You want class recommendations (found in the training section, if present).

Opens a blank email addressed to the contact you selected using your mail system.


Phone numbers are also provided, where available, if you prefer to call rather than email.


Note that not all methods are available to all users, as they depend on what country you are in, what data we have for your organization, and how your organization is configured.

[UPDATED 4/25/2019 to change the name of the permission formerly known as "Assign Permissions" to "Administrator".]

[UPDATED 10/4/2019 to include information on our new Customer Service Cases functionality. Also updated the 3 locations of the Ask a Question form.]

About the Author
I am a Business Analyst on the My Esri team. I've worked on My Esri since its inception. I've worked at Environmental Systems Research Institute (or ESRI or Esri) since 1984.