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Optimizing Elections⏤GIS Improves Preparation & Execution for County

11-06-2019 09:43 AM
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Esri Regular Contributor
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Many local governments administered elections yesterday.  For many of them, they execute this critical function with little or no support from GIS.  It's time to change that and reach out to expand your GIS to include elections.  There's a national election coming next year in the U.S. which provides a great opportunity.

Check out this success story on how Orange Co., California is using GIS to support their election operations:

Optimizing Elections⏤GIS Improves Preparation and Execution for County 

And be sure to check out our free, open source, supported Elections solutions as part of our ArcGIS Solutions collection here:

Elections | ArcGIS Solutions for Local Government 

Also, here is a recent post on the NSGIC Geo-Enabled Elections Project: 

About the Author
GIS practitioner for over 30 years. Grew up in Florida. I'm the Public Works Industry Specialist. Been at Esri since 2008. BA in Geography and MA in Urban & Regional Planning from University of Florida. Formerly GIS instructor and Planner. Varied background includes applying GIS and related spatial technologies to complex, award-winning projects across the globe in the realms of planning, transportation and environmental sciences. Experience includes the public sector, business and academia. I have achieved certification as an Urban Planner (AICP) and GIS Professional (GISP).