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ArcGIS Enterprise Analysis with System Log Parser's ServiceDetails Analysis Type (Beginner)

08-01-2022 12:36 PM
Esri Contributor
2 0 1,902

System Log Parser's ServiceDetails Analysis Type

Looking for a quick way to summarize the details of all your ArcGIS Enterprise services? If so, then System Log Parser's ServiceDetails Analysis Type is highly recommended. This feature performs a scan of your Site through the REST Admin API and presents the gathered information into a spreadsheet report for easy digestion.

The report is a great resource to find details on your service provider statistics, service configuration info, or data source analysis.

Selecting ServiceDetails from the GUI

  • The ServiceDetails Analysis Type can be selected from the type right of the GUI:


Note: The ServiceDetails Analysis Type is only available with an ArcGIS Server (Web) log query since it must make use of the REST Admin API

Selecting ServiceDetails from the Command Line

The ServiceDetails Analysis Type is also available from the command-line.

For example: 





slp.exe -s -u gisadmin -p Myp@ssword -pfl true -validate true -a servicedetails






The ServiceDetails Report

  • The upper section in the Summary worksheet of the ServiceDetails report:


  • The lower section detailing Service Provider Statistics:


  •  The Site Details worksheet provides a listing of the hardware (CPU and Memory) from the machines running ArcGIS Server
  • There is also table containing a verbose breakdown on the configured parameters of each service


  • Additionally, there are two Datasource worksheets (not shown) providing information and analysis on where the services are looking for their respective data


Latest Version

Bug fixes and new features are always being added to SLP.

The latest version can be found here: System Log Parser (