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Using extents in modelbuilder

09-29-2010 12:52 AM
New Contributor
Hi All

I have a set of rasters that represent different regions. I want to run the same set of geoprocessing tasks on each raster.

In modelbuilder, you can use a list of files as input to a geoprocessing task and associate each one with a different output.

I can do that bit fine. My problem is that each output raster needs to have a specific extent. I can set the extent environment variable, for each process, to be a list that contains the different extents I require, but when I run the model, everything just defaults to the first extent in the list.

Am I doing something wrong? Am I trying to do something that can't be done?
Or should this approach work?

Many thanks for any ideas.
Andy Hulbert
British Geological Survey
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6 Replies
New Contributor II
Hi Andy,

Did you ever solve this? 

Having the same/similar issue:

Specifically, I'm using a list of shapes as the mask(s) for interpolation, but a matching list of extents simply defaults to the first one in the list when the model is run.

One possible solution may lie in using "in-line variable substitution" - listing the extents and setting the mask variable equal to the extent "shape" somehow.  Will re-post if successful.
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Occasional Contributor II
I am also having this problem and have not found a solution. I am converting a Terrain to a Raster in an interated model and need the extent of the output Raster to be the same as a shapefile. Like Andy, it works for the first extent, but for some reason the extent never updates as each iteration is run. Really frustrating!!!

Any solutions or work arounds? I have no problems with any other tool, variable, or parameter using iterators, but this is an important component to me.
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Esri Regular Contributor
check image forum1.png for the extents same as input raster + using an iterator
check image forum2.png for extents defines by you +using a list
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New Contributor

   I found this thread because I am having a similar issue trying to use extents in Modelbuilder.  I have looked at the examples posted, but I'm wondering if for my case there may be an easier solution.  I have a set of rasters that should each represent a 1 x 1 degree cell.  I could use a list to denote each extent, as noted in the example, but I may have several thousand rasters to work with.  Since I know each output should be exactly 1 x 1 degree, is there a way within modelbuilder, or a Python script, to set the processing extent to be 1x1 degree each time?
Thank you very much.

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New Contributor


Did anyone solve this issue? I am using a model to run hotspot analysis for each of 52 districts. I would like to specify the processing extent (raster analysis mask) for the density surface output for each district rather than the default convex hull.

Any ideas?



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New Contributor

I have the exact same problem. Thank you very much to post a workaround to the issue.

ESRI is most disappointing for not fixing this bug. This bug has been around for as long model builder exists. It should be a really easy fix yet they don't bother.. #monopoly #coorporategreed #ESRIsucks

I wish I had never gotten addicted ArcMap and that qGIS had been around earlier.

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