Re-designed Draw widget

11-21-2023 12:00 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

This is a re-designed version the draw widget by @RobertScheitlin__GISP. His draw widget has a number of advantages over the OOTB draw widget including the ability to use text, editing a drawing and more drawing tools. However, the user interface needs some improvement.

This widget has modified his code to improve the overall user experience.


  • Many of the internal menus were displaying behind other menus making them difficult or impossible to access. These issues should all be fixed.
  • Text added to clarify if the widget is in draw or edit mode and how to access the other mode.
  • The draw tools have been placed in a flexbox div to make the layout better organized.
  • The options button has been widened and labeled to make it clear that is different than the draw tool buttons.
  • The Undo/Redo buttons will only display if it is possible to undo or redo something.
  • Text in the delete button will clarify if deleting a single or all graphics.
  • Text options menu has been re-ordered and re-designed with additional text to clarify options.
  • Entering text does not require deleting default text.
  • Preview will accurately reflect the map symbol regardless of theme font.










Edited: Undo and Redo buttons should perform correct action.

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
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10 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the answer, I will try a different approach.

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