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Filter Data on Map and then Export Filtered Data to CSV

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04-05-2024 01:24 PM
New Contributor III

I have an application that has filter widgets that interacts with the map on the page. The client would now like to be able to export the data to csv. I am a little tight in space I dont want nor need to see the data in a table. Has someone created a widget that does this? I dont think I found one yet but I will continue looking while I wait for responses.
Is there a hack? Ideally I just want a button that says export to csv.

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MVP Regular Contributor
function customExportCSV() {
    let query = featureLayer.createQuery()
    query.where = '1=1'
    let csv = ''
    let headers = ''

    featureLayer.queryFeatures(query).then((featureSet) => {
        headers = Object.keys(featureSet.features[0].attributes).join(',')

        for (let i = 0; i < featureSet.features.length; i++) {
            const data = Object.values(featureSet.features[i].attributes).join(',')
            csv += data + '\n'

        csv = headers + '\n' + csv


function downloadCSV(csv) {
    const csvFile = new Blob([csv], { type: 'text/csv' });
    const downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); = 'search_results.csv';
    downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvFile); = "none";


Here's my function for downloading a csv from a FeatureLayer.

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas

View solution in original post

4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
function customExportCSV() {
    let query = featureLayer.createQuery()
    query.where = '1=1'
    let csv = ''
    let headers = ''

    featureLayer.queryFeatures(query).then((featureSet) => {
        headers = Object.keys(featureSet.features[0].attributes).join(',')

        for (let i = 0; i < featureSet.features.length; i++) {
            const data = Object.values(featureSet.features[i].attributes).join(',')
            csv += data + '\n'

        csv = headers + '\n' + csv


function downloadCSV(csv) {
    const csvFile = new Blob([csv], { type: 'text/csv' });
    const downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); = 'search_results.csv';
    downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvFile); = "none";


Here's my function for downloading a csv from a FeatureLayer.

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
New Contributor III

This is great. Thanks!

This is assuming there is only one layer in the map. Correct? My map has multiple layers.

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MVP Regular Contributor

It will download data from whatever feature layer is assigned to the variable featureLayer. To make it more flexible, make featureLayer a parameter of the customExportCSV function, then create another function that finds a feature layer from a user input and calls customExportCSV(featureLayer).

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Thanks. I am so so on JS, so I may hardcoded as you have it above at first, but I will work on the additional code to make it for flexible. Thank you for the outline of that part.

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