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Boilerplate for a Map Related Custom Widget

10-24-2023 09:02 AM

Boilerplate for a Map Related Custom Widget

I created this set of files as a way to save myself from writing the same boilerplate code over and over.  As written the attached widget does nothing useful, it is intended as a starting off point for a widget that needs to connect to a map and use features from the API. You should rename the folder and name in manifest.json before using in your project.

Note: This starter widget was originally written in Experience Builder 1.11 and should work in that version. A small modification may be necessary in Experience Builder 1.12 and higher. 


//widget.tsx return statement in Experience Builder 1.12    
  return (
		<div className='jimu-widget'>
				props.useMapWidgetIds &&
				props.useMapWidgetIds.length === 1 && (
			{mapReady ? 'map ready' : 'map not ready'}

//widget.tsx return statement in Experience Builder 1.11
return (
	<div className='jimu-widget'
			props.useMapWidgetIds &&
			props.useMapWidgetIds.length === 1 && (
		{mapReady ? 'map ready' : 'map not ready'}


Version history
Last update:
‎02-28-2024 01:55 PM
Updated by: