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The New Cascade Story Map is Here!

07-05-2016 01:22 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
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The New Cascade Story Map is Here!

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Last week, I wrote about the new Crowdsourcing Story Map app.  There is another new story map app that will be very useful in education, the Cascade app.  The Cascade app, as the name implies, allows you to combine narrative text with maps, images, and multimedia content in a “cascading scrolling experience.”  This engaging, full-screen way of interacting with your map’s sections can be interspersed with “immersive” sections that fill the screen with your maps, 3D scenes, images, and videos. Cascade is ideal for making compelling, in-depth stories that are very easy for people to navigate.

To get inspired, see this gallery of Cascade apps, including those on the oceans, Alexander Von Humboldt, the crisis in Syria, and my favorite, A River Reborn.

How could you use the Cascade story map in education?  You could use a selection of existing story maps to teach about watersheds, population change, natural hazards, land use, and other topics.  You could create a new one easily on a topic that you would like to teach about.  Your students could create one to present the results of their research to you as their instructor and to their peers.  You could use them as assessment tool to gauge student acquisition of content knowledge and skills.  Share with the community in the comments below how you are using these or other story maps in your own instruction.

Give the Cascade story maps a try!

Gallery of Cascade Story Maps

Gallery of Cascade Story Maps.

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About the Author
I believe that spatial thinking can transform education and society through the application of Geographic Information Systems for instruction, research, administration, and policy. I hold 3 degrees in Geography, have served at NOAA, the US Census Bureau, and USGS as a cartographer and geographer, and teach a variety of F2F (Face to Face) (including T3G) and online courses. I have authored a variety of books and textbooks about the environment, STEM, GIS, and education. These include "Interpreting Our World", "Essentials of the Environment", "Tribal GIS", "The GIS Guide to Public Domain Data", "International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS In Secondary Education", "Spatial Mathematics" and others. I write for 2 blogs, 2 monthly podcasts, and a variety of journals, and have created over 5,000 videos on the Our Earth YouTube channel. Yet, as time passes, the more I realize my own limitations and that this is a lifelong learning endeavor and thus I actively seek mentors and collaborators.