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Learn ArcGIS Student Program continuation

01-26-2021 03:22 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
0 0 746

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In 2020, we launched the 1-year Learn ArcGIS Student Program, designed to provide access to ArcGIS, along with self-paced learning resources, to higher education Students who do not currently have access through their institution.

We are continuing the program in 2021 and wanted to provide clarity on who this program is designed for.

If you are Student:

  • If your institution already has educational licensing, you should seek access to ArcGIS via your institution. Please check the following app, which lists colleges and universities in the US which already have institution-wide licenses. For some, there is publicly available URL/information on how to access. If not, please check with your advisor/department. Often, access is facilitated by Library, Geography or other departments/centers.
  • If you are learning independently of your instructor, outside of a formal course, and do not have access via your institution, then this program is for you! For further details, please check this FAQ. Then sign up to access over 450 self-faced lessons and resources!!

If you are Administrator/Faculty/Staff:

  • If you are teaching a formal course/degree program, or having students work on research projects, access should be provided by the institution versus this student program.
  • Therefore, for those of you who already have institutional licenses, please continue to provide access as you normally would. Many of you are implementing these best practices for enabling access to ArcGIS for all students, faculty and staff via your institution’s license. Please continue to follow these best practices; this program should not change any existing workflows. 
  • If you do not have institution-wide access or license, please let us know if we can help –