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Fun with GIS 243: T3G 2019

03-03-2019 06:18 AM
Esri Alum
4 0 1,204

Across USA, educators are changing the landscape. In 2009, Esri launched Teachers Teaching Teachers GIS (or "T3G"), an institute for educators wanting to help other educators use GIS for instruction. In T3G, exploring the latest GIS capacities goes hand-in-hand with attention to classroom content, demos of instructional strategies, discussions of professional development, and strategies for problem-solving. Participants commit to spreading to others the power of GIS and Esri's free tools and materials, through workshops, presentations, mentoring, and more.

T3G Online and resources

T3G 2019 is a synchronous online event, with four hours on each of two consecutive Saturdays (July 20 and July 27). Participants need to arrive already comfortable with the fundamentals of using ArcGIS Online, teaching with technology, and providing professional development. T3G 2019 will help participants merge the three. The information page links to key resources for building those critical foundations in advance.

Registration for T3G 2019 is now open, with 60 slots available. Participation is free, and expects commitment to share with others during the coming years. T3G grads have taught educators across USA (and beyond), growing the use of "ArcGIS School Bundles," building a collection of teacher videos, and encouraging students engaged in local projects and competitions. If you can help other teachers use GIS to transform education and improve the world, join us, at!

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About the Author
** Esri Education Mgr, 1992-today ** Esri T3G staff, 2009-present ** Social Studies teacher, grades 7-12, 1977-1992 (St. Paul, MN) ** NCGE Distinguished Teacher Award 1991, George J Miller Award 2016 ** ** ** Only action based on education can save the world.