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Creator to GIS Professional Advanced User Type – for Education users

09-03-2019 11:37 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
6 21 10.1K

Fellow Educators:

ArcGIS Online User Types have been in use for some time now as a way of providing apps and privileges to ArcGIS users. The Creator User Type has been available for Education program licenses.  

With recent updates to the Education Institution Agreements, the GIS Professional Advanced Use Type was added as the default option, versus Creator. GIS Professional Advanced User type differs from the Creator User type in the fact that it provides ArcGIS Pro Advanced licensing.

Everyone who has migrated to the new Institution Agreement (and has the GIS Professional Advanced user type as an option):

  •        Please switch all ArcGIS Online users to GIS Professional Advanced User Type. Instructions are listed here and this video demonstrates the process. Further info is below.
  •        If you do not assign GIS Professional Advanced User Type licenses, you will likely get a message “The number of user types and licenses assigned exceeds the number available”. The reason for this message is that users are now all GIS professional User Type licenses instead of Creator, while you may have Creator User Type licenses assigned.  

Please ensure that you utilize the New Member Defaults to auto-provision licensing for new users, preferably with Enterprise Logins (SSO). Note that the GIS Professional User type does NOT include all ArcGIS Pro extensions. When you set your add-on licensing on New Member Defaults, please note that you will have to add the extensions (and not ArcGIS Pro, since it is now part of the user type). Extensions count as one of the 5 add-on apps.

Note: If you have any ArcGIS Pro licenses who have been taken for "offline use", they will have to be recovered prior to making the switch from Creator to GIS Professional User type (for those specific users with offline licenses). All other users can be converted. We generally encourage administrators to "disable" taking ArcGIS Pro offline: Organization>Licenses>"Prevent Members from Taking ArcGIS Pro Offline".

How to Change User types – documentation here:

  1.       Login as an Administrator – Organization>Members tab.
  2.       On the left, filter by User Type – Creator.
  3.       Ensure that you are showing 100 members per page (maximum default currently), bottom right.
  4.       Check the box to in the upper Left to select all Members.
  5.       In the Upper Right, Manage User Types.
  6.       Select GIS Professional Advanced and Save.
  7.       Maintain the selection and click Manage add-on licenses in the Upper Right and enable ArcGIS Pro extensions, then click Save.

Changing User Types also can be done in an efficient manner via an ArcGIS API for Python script.

Further feedback is welcome!

Esri Alum

Thanks Geri! The 6-step process is one that K12 schools and clubs can replicate ... and need to. It's not hard, just repetitive if you have a lot of accounts, but doing up to 100 at a time makes it go fast.

MVP Emeritus
# Update these values for your ArcGIS Online organization

orgURL = ""
orgUser = "an_admin_user"
orgPwd = "admin_password"
gis = GIS(orgURL,username=orgUser,password=orgPwd)
# Enumerate and iterate over all users

users = for user in users:
     # Change user type for each user
     print ("Changing user type for " + user.username +" to GIS Professional.")

With syntax highlighting

Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks, Dan and thanks to Seth Peery (Virginia Tech) for contributing the original code.

Esri Regular Contributor

One more comment. If one is to change user type manually (vs a script), even though maximum users that could be selected on a page is 100, there currently is a bug that 25 only at a time are processed. Just FYI. This bug will be fixed in upcoming release. 

Here is additional blog on this topic by colleague Charlie Fitzpatrick, which includes more detailed screenshots.

Regular Contributor

I just tried to do this while adding new students for a class. I was adding new students so I tried to set the User Type as listed above but it won't let me do that. The only option it gives me is Creator and then it says that is not valid, so nothing saved. I tried going and changing all existing members first through the members page on the org, but that didn't give me an option to change either (I'm an administrator).  I also tried clicking on Manage User Types, and again the only option is Creator with the following message

Creator(formerly Level 2)
51 available
Compatible with all roles and licenses

  Any ideas of how to proceed?

Thanks in advance.


Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Paula,

Most likely your institution hasn't migrated yet to the new Institution Agreement. In that case, you do not need to do anything (i.e. if the Creator User Type is the only available option).

Regular Contributor

Thanks Geri, but that's not working. Because I get an error message that says Invalid user type and thus I can't add my new students!!

Any ideas.... I'm going to write to IT and see if they are in the midst of migration or something.


Paula Kay Lazrus, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Institute for Core Studies

St. John's University

St. John's Hall B3a-1

8000 Utopia Parkway

Queens, NY 11439


Esri Regular Contributor

Paula, that must be a different issue. You may have a small departmental license (i.e. 5 users only), and hence be running out of licenses when trying to add more. Please check how many total users you can have, check with your IT folks, and if that is not the issue, please contact Esri Tech Support.

Regular Contributor

Thanks Geri. That's not the issue, it tells me there are still 51 spots available. I'll get in touch with IT and Esri Tech support.


Paula Kay Lazrus, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Institute for Core Studies

St. John's University

St. John's Hall B3a-1

8000 Utopia Parkway

Queens, NY 11439


Regular Contributor

ps: Thanks for the quick responses.

Paula Kay Lazrus, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Institute for Core Studies

St. John's University

St. John's Hall B3a-1

8000 Utopia Parkway

Queens, NY 11439


New Explorer

To successfully use Dan's code make sure you install the most recent version of the ArcGIS API for Python. Version 1.6.2 worked for me, but a slightly older version did not.

Frequent Contributor

Thanks Geri-

Everyone please note that while the instructions for switching your Creator users to the new GIS Professional User Type DO mention that when you change your default user type for new users you will need to add extensions for ArcGIS Pro, as the user type does not automatically include them, they DO NOT remind you of this in the section that discusses changing existing Creator users over to GIS Professional.
So if you follow the instructions step by step, and cycle through all your users 100 at a time to change their user types (which is inhumane punishment), you'll end up with them all losing their existing licenses for Pro extensions. On each group of 100, after changing the user type, you must ALSO click Manage add-on licenses and enable the desired extensions for Pro. After waiting way too long for those changes to be saved, THEN you can move on to the next 100 and lather, rinse, repeat.
Otherwise you'll be adding the extensions back in a second trip through all your users, like I did.
New Explorer

I will second this post!!! We went through this same process.  It can take a while.

Occasional Contributor

Here's full code to switch user types, and assign all ArcGIS Pro extensions so you don't have to do anything manually.

# Update these values for your ArcGIS Online organization
orgURL = ""
orgUser = "an_admin_user"
orgPwd = "admin_password"
gis = GIS(orgURL,username=orgUser,password=orgPwd)
# Get org licenses for Pro
lic = gis.admin.license.get('ArcGIS Pro')
# Get extensions for pro
licEntitlements = list(['provision']['orgEntitlements']['entitlements'].keys())
# Remove Pro itself since it is now included in GIS Pro user type
# Get all users
users =
# loop through all users
for user in users:
    # Change user type for each user
    print ("Changing user type for " + user.username +" to GIS Professional.")
    # Assign ArcGIS Pro licenses and extensions
    print("Assigning licenses for {u}...".format(u=user.username))
    lic.assign(username=user.username, entitlements=licEntitlements, suppress_email=True)
New Explorer


Thanks for sharing.  We will certainly use this in the future!


New Explorer


Thanks for sharing this example; it has already saved time/headaches.   It will be further leveraged again as we assist K-12 schools within the EAST initiative.   All of our Geokids currently enrolled in classes, thank YOU..

many thanks,

Brian Culpepper

CAST - University of Arkansas

New Explorer

Some of our users will not be employing ArcPro. Can we keep them as Creator User Types?


Location Information Services, University of Texas

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Christine, it is not just about using ArcGIS Pro, eventually Creator licenses will be removed upon next renewal, and GIS Professional will stay. You may have some time, but I suggest converting as your timing allows. 

Esri Regular Contributor


As mentioned, to convert from Creator to GIS Professional User type, you'd have to recover all ArcGIS Pro licenses which are taken offline. 

A a couple of you asked if there is a way to automate the process finding out which users have taken an ArcGIS Pro license offline. If this interests you, please feel free to leverage this script, shared by @Jim Detwiler, Penn State – thank you Jim!

from arcgis import GIS
from getpass import getpass

pwd = getpass()

gis = GIS(

print( 'Login successful!' )
print( ' server:', )
print( ' user:', )
print( ' role:', )

proLicense = gis.admin.license.get('ArcGIS Pro')

def batchmaker(seq, size):
   return (seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in range(0, len(seq), size))

users =
   max_users = 10000 #default is 100)

for user_batch in batchmaker(users, 200):
   for user in user_batch:
      dictEnt = proLicense.user_entitlement(user.username)
      if len(dictEnt) > 0:
         #uncomment this line if you want to confirm that the users are actually being checked...
         #print ('Pro user: ' + user.username)
            if dictEnt['disconnected']:
               print ('Disconnected: ' + user.username + ', ' + user.fullName)

Emerging Contributor

First of all, thanks for the scripts/code to migrate to "GIS Professional Advanced" - quite helpful!

On a related note, ArcGIS Pro users are seeing that their licensing indicates that ArcGIS Pro is expiring on 6/30/2020 but their Extensions are expiring 6/30/2021 - see attached screenshot.  Am I to assume that ArcGIS Pro licensing will automatically update on 07/01/2020?

Occasional Contributor

I'll second the thanks for the code. Very helpful.

I'll also second the licensing discrepancy. Any word on this?