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Create a story map of your CV or resume!

01-08-2020 04:02 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
5 8 24.4K

Ever since they were created by my colleague Allen Carroll and his team, I have been an ardent supporter of story maps. I teach story map workshops regularly.  I also give many presentations throughout the year, and in many of those, story maps are the means by which I give the presentations.  One example is my presentation Geography:  Key to Resiliency and a Healthy Planet, which was the keynote address I gave at a recent conference of the Geography Teachers Association of Victoria Australia.   It has been amazing and heartwarming to see how they have been adopted by the GIS community and non-GIS community alike.  Allen told me that by late 2019, over 1 million story maps had been created; they communicate in just about every conceivable field from archaeology to zoology! 

Those of you reading this education blog know that here we are focused on education, and in the education space, story maps are used in many ways.  Instructors use them to teach content (such as ocean currents, biodiversity, population change, and much more), and to teach skills in working with GIS tools, spatial data, and the ArcGIS platform.  They are also useful in teaching about issues such as data quality, copyright (can I use that image in my map?), crowdsourcing, and to foster skills in communication.  Students use story maps to document and showcase their work, to their peers, to their instructors, and as a living online resource that they can also show prospective employers.  Students in my online courses regularly create story maps and send me the URL so that I can assess their work.  In my face-to-face courses, students use them as a resource as they give oral presentations to myself and their peers instead of a standard PowerPoint, Microsoft Sway, or Prezi.  

When I teach workshops focused on story mapping, I always say, "Make a story map of your CV or resume."  Why?  (1) It shows your prospective employer that you know something about web GIS tools; (2) It helps you to "stand out in the crowd".  There is nothing wrong with a traditional text-based resume or CV, certainly, and I recommend that you provide a link to your story map CV on your traditional text-based CV.  In fact I still lead with my text-based CV.  (3) It is an interesting and engaging way to tell your story; (4) It provides a method for you to share your interactive maps, services, and multimedia (videos, audio, photographs) in a way that traditional methods do not allow; (5) It is a great way of encouraging yourself to keep current in story maps tools. 

Since you know your own story best, it is an easy way to get started with story mapping, and it is something you can revisit quarterly or whenever you need to add to it; (6) It provides your colleagues and readers with encouragement that they could do this as well, thus spreading the geo-love.  Indeed, as my colleague Bern Szukalski wrote in his essay "Things you didn't know you could do with story maps", CVs are listed along with newsletters, guides, tutorials, annual reports, promotions, engagements, and more as some of the things you can easily and powerfully do with story maps. 

If you need some inspiration, here are some examples.  Amanda Huber of Minnesota has probably received more attention than anyone about her story map, where she included examples of her own work and also sections on why GIS matters! 

Part of Amanda Huber's story map. 


An early but still compelling example here uses a Map Tour to feature "stops" along this person's journey.  Kiara Dawson made sure she included her career objectives in her story map

A 2019 Esri student volunteer, Jessica Liew, used the new express map function in the story maps tools for her story.

Story map featuring express maps.

An effective use of the new express maps in this story.


The example below from Leilei Duan uses a Story Map Series with the side accordion layout, providing a compelling way for prospective employers to learn more about Leilei and also see her GIS work through interactive maps, including a very impressive CityEngine scene.


The example of a "GeoResume" from Renato Salvaleon uses the Story Map Journal to profile accomplishments and projects using a mix of media and maps. Since Journal organizes things into sections, this enables a logical arrangement of important resume facts and examples.  His GIS buttons start things off in an eye-catching way!


renato_storymap.JPGPart of Renato Salvaleon's story map.

One of the best things about story maps and other web mapping applications from Esri is that they can be embedded in other types of multimedia.  For example, Kate Berg hosted her content on GitHub and showcases two different styles of story maps, here.  


Part of Kate Berg's story map, which is embedded into Kate's web page.

I'm not telling you all to do something I am not doing myself:  My own Joseph Kerski story map CV, is here.  I had a blast doing it and had to tear myself away after a few hours.   I have the story map, a video about me, and my text-based CV linked to my website.  In the map I included some 2D and 3D web maps associated with curricular items that I created, selected story map presentations (so, yes, a story map embedded in a story map!), and some of my favorite geeky photographs of myself, and some of my favorite landscapes and human-built ..., including the heaviest globe in the world, built in 1964 for the World's Fair, in New York City, below.

 That is ONE big heavy globe!

That is one big globe!  It was created for the 1964 World's Fair. 

But most importantly, my story map includes a web map with some of the accomplishments I wanted to feature.  Why do I say most importantly?  While you can certainly make a story map that is entirely composed of text and images and videos, the value-added component of story maps is .. maps!  Thus I highly encourage you to include at least one interactive web map showing where you studied, traveled, had that internship and job, and so on. 

What will I do with my CV story map next?  My next task is to create a section that includes some of the people I have been most privileged to collaborate with.  That will be fun and a kind way to acknowledge those who helped me along the way.

Part of my own storymap CV--Joseph Kerski.

Part of my own storymap CV--Joseph Kerski.

Explore but don't feel confined to these examples:  Be creative and do your own thing!

Honored Contributor

I would disagree.  A resume should be professional and on one page or possibly two, plus cover.  You can bring up story maps in the resume and bring them to an interview but to expect the person who is going over resumes to have to go to a web address might not be a smart idea.  Unless they ask for examples in the job description.

I have gone over a number of resumes for potential candidates for jobs and it is very easy to disregard someone who gets to wordy  and puts a lot of flashy things in a resume.

Not to take away from story maps.

Esri Notable Contributor

Yes, they are both useful.  I always lead with my text based traditional resume, and as I mentioned here, I include a link to my story map in my text based resume.  Thanks!  --Joseph K 

Occasional Contributor

I agree with Joseph Kerski's Blog that a Story Map it is a very nice addition to your regular CV, specially if you're applying for a job in GIS.

Occasional Contributor

I agree with Robert. I think Story Maps lend themselves much better to creating an online portfolio, rather than a resume, but maybe that's just being pedantic.

Here's mine for an example: 

New Contributor

I agree with Joseph, I think you need both. It's all about marketing yourself. Different audiences have different needs. 

fred dominguez

Occasional Contributor

Agree wholeheartedly with this Blog (and of course a traditional resume)

This blog post is required reading for my GIS 312 (Intermediate GIS) students at the University of Washington Tacoma. We have since transitioned to a 'Esri ArcGIS StoryMap Collection' as the required method of creating an online portfolio.

Students usually list their portfolio in the header of their cover letters and resume.

Occasional Explorer

I’ve recently started tackling the long-delayed challenge of recreating my CV in story map format and putting together an online portfolio. This is what I've come up with so far:

- CV, built with the (new) StoryMaps:

- Portfolio, built with Instant Apps – Portfolio template:

I share @JosephKerski's opinion that this is an excellent exercise for students. Personally, I had great fun doing it!


Esri Notable Contributor
Thanks so much for sharing! Glad it was helpful.

--Joseph Kerski
About the Author
I believe that spatial thinking can transform education and society through the application of Geographic Information Systems for instruction, research, administration, and policy. I hold 3 degrees in Geography, have served at NOAA, the US Census Bureau, and USGS as a cartographer and geographer, and teach a variety of F2F (Face to Face) (including T3G) and online courses. I have authored a variety of books and textbooks about the environment, STEM, GIS, and education. These include "Interpreting Our World", "Essentials of the Environment", "Tribal GIS", "The GIS Guide to Public Domain Data", "International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS In Secondary Education", "Spatial Mathematics" and others. I write for 2 blogs, 2 monthly podcasts, and a variety of journals, and have created over 5,000 videos on the Our Earth YouTube channel. Yet, as time passes, the more I realize my own limitations and that this is a lifelong learning endeavor and thus I actively seek mentors and collaborators.